- the detection is not great at the moment (15 globules detected amongst the 50), because:
1. the parameters are probably not optimal
2. the mask used is incomplete
3. some particules are very difficult to detect anyway
- added documentation
- still need some more work:
1 output the radius of detected particles
2. analyse why detection is not optimal
3. handle weights w_r and w_a
4. filter out radial profiles that are not expected
5. improve the computation of the peakness s_p
In order to prevent pollution of repository with temporary files, the build files can now be where the user wants via BUILD_ROOT_PATH makefile variable.
The resulting system is clearer and more generic (easier to change location of fiji or root images, as it is now located in one single place : the makefile). Some actions such as the installation of fiji are left as scripts outside the makefile.