294b0fbf66added svd based smoothing
Marco Cammarata
2017-05-22 15:28:53 +0200
5d14890e82storage and xray modules live now on their own
marco cammarata
2017-04-26 09:04:01 +0200
422c30e9b6in iminuitParsToStr, fixed python 3 related bug (dict.keys does not return a list)
marco cammarata
2017-03-31 18:01:46 +0200
d8b5441166changed default extension to h5 (now that DataStorage can save list of arrays
Marco Cammarata
2017-03-16 23:16:53 +0100
3ac0613226changed behavoiur, still saving "light" pyfai data, saving theta and buxfix: doFolder was not passing the dezinger parameter to do1d
Marco Cammarata
2017-03-16 23:16:34 +0100
a92c68467dbug fix in display list of arrays
Marco Cammarata
2017-03-16 23:15:02 +0100
2e4a3c83a5fixed bug, the keyword parameter e_hole_pair was actually not used
marco cammarata
2017-03-16 09:49:00 +0100
45e6e44549implemented dezinger with pyfai separate function, changes related to the id9 logfile and the way the information is stored inside azav data storage
Marco Cammarata
2017-03-15 18:23:20 +0100
35757665adavoid saving all pyfai internal matrices by default
Marco Cammarata
2017-03-13 18:10:39 +0100
0ad7587edefixed bug in removeExt, it did not work with .gz filesMarco Cammarata2017-03-13 17:42:38 +0100
f7d0b88fafnew functionality when saving in hdf5 file, it check if an idenatical array has been saved, and create a link to the already saved one in case, can save a lot of space (but uses ram for caching)
marco cammarata
2017-03-13 13:27:39 +0100
fdd45061ebadded volumeFraction calculation
marco cammarata
2017-03-11 11:28:38 +0100
9eb8484331added a skip_first and last keyword to limit files being worked on
marco cammarata
2017-03-11 11:28:10 +0100
56aec108d4added a skip_first and last keyword to limit files being worked on
marco cammarata
2017-03-11 11:27:41 +0100
83b1de873cimproved string representation when finding list of arrays
marco cammarata
2017-03-11 11:26:38 +0100
ce3780e74afidex bug, chargeToPhoton was neglecting thicknessMarco Cammarata2017-03-09 23:22:26 +0100
5a050bb5a3improved string representation when finding list of arrays
marco cammarata
2017-03-05 22:12:08 +0100
2c6f7663f6improved storage module, now list of arrays can be saved in h5py (and read back)
marco cammarata
2017-03-05 22:09:08 +0100
906ec537d8improved masking, now one can add or subtract with GUI; implemented also polygon
marco cammarata
2017-03-05 16:40:39 +0100
33bf3384dbimproved getAI now one can override parameters read from file, convenient for testing different settings
marco cammarata
2017-03-03 23:09:34 +0100
61c07dde55added better handling of recursive storage; doc strings and added
marco cammarata
2017-03-03 17:51:47 +0100
e1dfaec2a4fixed typo
marco cammarata
2017-03-01 09:28:43 +0100
f62f26e0facode cleanup
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 17:17:34 +0100
35ba41f86bremoved calls to filters
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 17:17:22 +0100
c9ef0f42a6bug fix in index for reference + removed filtering
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 17:14:35 +0100
02186d220fimproved plots for online analysis + new little helper functions
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 17:12:48 +0100
e78d5fc2cenow mask can be a list of masks + add removebackground + bugfix
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 17:02:51 +0100
b27c65bc1fimporting new filter sub-module
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 17:00:25 +0100
71cb06128fnew functions to create masks (to remove borders and center of detector
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 16:59:46 +0100
d571c4435fnew module with filtering functions
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 16:57:37 +0100
87d9a19242better handling of empty storage and improved addition of new elements
Marco Cammarata
2017-02-09 14:39:29 +0100
63c07ea3f1updated examples
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-27 15:42:36 +0100
4319f4e394added errorbar weighting and filter for nans and inf
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-27 15:40:26 +0100
21d7516789fixed few typos
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-27 15:39:32 +0100
8f922cce86masking parameters are now saved
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-27 15:39:06 +0100
1bf7670ca6fixed few typos
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-27 15:38:32 +0100
5e4113c2d6i do not rememebr why i did this ..
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-27 15:37:59 +0100
6bb3c682dfupdated xray examples and changed path.exists with isfile since this was what I meant
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-20 10:55:24 +0100
042c8d0adenew helper function for masks; can interpret string like y>20
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-20 10:44:56 +0100
cb80d22744storage module moved outside xray (can be useful for other things too; reflect change on import
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-20 10:43:44 +0100
5a10ad1a78clean up and improved cell submodule, has also an helper for printing reflections on figure
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-20 10:42:44 +0100
07a9311f16storage can now use npy files + fix typo
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-20 10:41:31 +0100
a95b0aa10eadded angle conversion theta/q
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-17 19:21:02 +0100
eab1bcdb26added angle conversion shorrtcuts deg and rad
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-17 19:20:07 +0100
55a4403971update salen example
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-13 14:51:48 +0100
91cf7ebbccforgot to delete old file...
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-13 14:50:43 +0100
af9ecfc181new submodules (peaks,cell) and new functions (like backgorundSubtraction (in azav.py)
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-13 14:49:48 +0100
69df940711improved DataStorage to add key with the syntax a.data=3
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-12 16:35:36 +0100
1f652ab162more improvements (including some needed to work after background subtraction, see example on salen
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-10 22:43:22 +0100
852f883942more functions: added 2d mask and filtering of 1d diffs...
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-10 00:28:29 +0100
434fd6a3b1cleanup a bit more the storage module ...
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-07 23:53:12 +0100
fdf9b08aeenever mind ... the instructions were wrong. did not what what I wanted ...Marco Cammarata2017-01-06 18:36:56 +0100
93dec187a8specific README for xray folder and added example of user script
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-06 18:10:54 +0100
bde9cf8290more id9 stuff including a difference plot with hidable curves
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-06 18:06:34 +0100
57a45da3c1more cleanup and improvements; storage can be chosen between npz and h5, data reduction is kind of tested
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-06 15:40:26 +0100
abf786ee62lots of changes, now id9 and pyfai routines have their own wubmodule; worked on storage system (hdf5 or npz based)
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-05 19:22:37 +0100
0a7b628ac1few more pyFAI related functions includind a neat way to quickly find the center and some utility (pyFAI_dict)
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-04 17:14:35 +0100
518fc6175efew more functions: strToTime and pyfai shorthands
Marco Cammarata
2017-01-04 14:15:08 +0100
bc708b4200changed Object<->Dictionary functions and added function about free memory
marco cammarata
2016-11-24 18:01:50 +0100
4c6418d794changed Object<->Dictionary functions and added dictToRecArray
marco cammarata
2016-11-23 10:41:29 +0100
9e24059104new color and mc.color function
marco cammarata
2016-09-28 10:05:44 +0200
566ce8ca4efixing bugs introduced by last commit
Marco Cammarata
2016-09-28 09:55:12 +0200
a2f6976d6dsmall changes to improve python3 compatibility
Marco Cammarata
2016-09-28 09:50:23 +0200
9ee47e42affixed typo in __init__
marco cammarata
2016-05-13 09:00:37 +0200
b6c62175faadded __init__.py for easier import
marco cammarata
2016-05-13 00:20:12 +0200
78460120cbfixed typo in last commit
marco cammarata
2016-05-13 00:14:24 +0200
1342a9438dremoved an unnecessary plt.gca() call on import (was slow)
marco cammarata
2016-05-13 00:11:11 +0200
8e48d72fa6first git.ipr commit
marco cammarata
2016-05-12 17:37:35 +0200