This allows `measure_hibridon_perf` to launch `ctest` in a safe way (each worker has its own build directory). As a result, measure_hibridon_perf now works.
added an extra stop condition in which the command is simply executed once
however, I found out that `measure_hibridon_perf` doesn't currently work because it suffers from racing conditions : if multiple tests are runat the same time, the output file gets writtent by multiple processes, which cause some tests to fail because they can't find the output file if the timings is wrong....
This benchmarking tool includes `starbench` a benchmarking method (inspired by `hpl`'s `stardgemm`) which runs the same command in parallel, so that performance is measured in conditions similar to what a user would experience in a compute cluster environment.
This is functional but still work in progress (the code dates from the 03/05/2022).