added a tool to measure the performance of a specific version of hibridon

This benchmarking tool includes `starbench` a benchmarking method (inspired by `hpl`'s `stardgemm`) which runs the same command in parallel, so that performance is measured in conditions similar to what a user would experience in a compute cluster environment.

This is functional but still work in progress (the code dates from the 03/05/2022).
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Raffy 2022-05-31 12:37:00 +02:00
commit f136861893
2 changed files with 168 additions and 0 deletions

.ipr/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
This directory contains scripts for hibridon that are specific to IPR (Institut de Physique de Rennes)

.ipr/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# this script performs a performance benchmark of hibridon using ipr (Institut de Physique de Rennes)'s cluster
import threading
import subprocess
import os
from typing import List, Dict # , Set, , Tuple, Optional
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
class Run():
def __init__(self, run_id: int): = run_id = None
self.return_code = 0
self.start_time =
self.end_time = None
def has_finished(self):
return self.end_time is not None
def get_duration(self):
assert self.has_finished()
return (self.end_time - self.start_time).total_seconds()
class StarBencher():
the 'star' term comes from hpl's stadgemm benchmark, where we launch `n` independent programs on `n cores`
def __init__(self, run_command: List[str], num_cores_per_run: int, num_parallel_runs: int, max_num_cores: int, max_error: float = 0.01, stop_on_error=True, run_command_cwd: Path = None):
assert num_cores_per_run * num_parallel_runs <= max_num_cores
self.run_command: List[str] = run_command
self.run_command_cwd = run_command_cwd
self.num_cores_per_run = num_cores_per_run
self.num_parallel_runs = num_parallel_runs
self.max_num_cores: int = max_num_cores
self.max_error: float = max_error
self.stop_on_error = stop_on_error
self._next_run_id: int = 0
self._runs: Dict(int, Run) = {}
self._last_mean_duration = None
self._num_runs = 0
self._runs_lock = threading.Lock()
self._finished_event = threading.Event()
def popen_and_call(self, popen_args, on_exit, run_id: int, cwd: Path):
Runs the given args in a subprocess.Popen, and then calls the function
on_exit when the subprocess completes.
on_exit is a callable object, and popen_args is a list/tuple of args that
would give to subprocess.Popen.
def run_in_thread(popen_args, on_exit):
print('popen_args', popen_args)
proc = subprocess.Popen(popen_args, cwd=cwd)
on_exit(, proc.returncode, run_id)
thread = threading.Thread(target=run_in_thread, args=(popen_args, on_exit))
# returns immediately after the thread starts
return thread
def _get_run_mean_duration(self):
duration_sums: float = 0.0
num_finished_runs: int = 0
with self._runs_lock:
for run in self._runs.values():
if run.has_finished():
num_finished_runs += 1
duration_sums += run.get_duration()
assert num_finished_runs > 0
return duration_sums / num_finished_runs, num_finished_runs
def _all_runs_have_finished(self):
with self._runs_lock:
for run in self._runs.values():
if not run.has_finished():
return False
return True
def on_exit(self, pid: int, return_code: int, run_id: int):
end_time =
# print(self, pid, run_id)
run = self._runs[run_id] = pid
run.end_time = end_time
run.return_code = return_code
do_stop = False
if self.stop_on_error and run.return_code != 0:
do_stop = True
mean_duration, num_runs = self._get_run_mean_duration()
print('mean_duration = %f' % mean_duration)
if self._last_mean_duration is not None:
diff = abs(mean_duration - self._last_mean_duration)
print('diff = %f' % diff)
if diff < self.max_error:
do_stop = True
self._num_runs = num_runs
self._last_mean_duration = mean_duration
if not do_stop:
print('adding a run')
if self._all_runs_have_finished():
# tell the main thread that all the runs have finished
def _start_run(self):
with self._runs_lock:
run = Run(self._next_run_id)
self._next_run_id += 1
run_thread = self.popen_and_call(popen_args=self.run_command, on_exit=self.on_exit,, cwd=self.run_command_cwd) # noqa:F841
self._runs[] = run
def run(self):
for run_index in range(self.num_parallel_runs):
# wait until all runs have finished
with self._runs_lock:
if not all([run.return_code == 0 for run in self._runs.values()]):
raise Exception('at least one run failed')
print('mean duration : %.3f s (%d runs)' % (self._last_mean_duration, self._num_runs))
return self._last_mean_duration
def measure_hibridon_perf(hibridon_version: str, tmp_dir: Path, num_cores: int, github_username: str, github_personal_access_token: str):
hibridon_git_url = '' % (github_username, github_personal_access_token)['git', 'clone', '%s' % (hibridon_git_url)], cwd=tmp_dir)
src_dir = tmp_dir / 'hibridon'['git', 'checkout', '%s' % (hibridon_version)], cwd=src_dir)
assert src_dir.exists()
for compiler in ['gfortran']: # , 'ifort']:
build_dir = tmp_dir / compiler
build_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)['cmake', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', '-DBUILD_TESTING=ON', src_dir], cwd=build_dir)['make'], cwd=build_dir)
bench = StarBencher(run_command=['ctest', '-L', '^arch4_quick$'], num_cores_per_run=1, num_parallel_runs=num_cores, max_num_cores=num_cores, max_error=0.0001, run_command_cwd=build_dir)
mean_duration =
print('duration for compiler %s : %.3f s' % (compiler, mean_duration))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if True:
github_username = 'g-raffy' # os.environ['HIBRIDON_REPOS_USER']
with open('%s/.github/personal_access_tokens/' % os.environ['HOME'], 'r') as f:
github_personal_access_token = f.readline().replace('\n', '') # os.environ['HIBRIDON_REPOS_PAT']
print('coucou', github_personal_access_token[-1])
hibridon_version = '02aeb2c2da5ebe0f7301c9909aa623864e562c71'
tmp_dir = Path('/tmp/hibridon_perf')
measure_hibridon_perf(hibridon_version, tmp_dir, num_cores=2, github_username=github_username, github_personal_access_token=github_personal_access_token)
if False:
bench = StarBencher(run_command=['sleep', '0.1415927'], num_cores_per_run=1, num_parallel_runs=2, max_num_cores=2, max_error=0.0001)
mean_duration =
if False:
bench = StarBencher(run_command=['ls', '/tmp'], num_cores_per_run=1, num_parallel_runs=2, max_num_cores=2, max_error=0.0001)
mean_duration =