2016-05-12 15:02:42 +02:00
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
import re
from x3py import x3py
import alignment
import mcutils as mc
kw_2dplot = dict(
interpolation = "none",
aspect = "auto",
cmap = plt.cm.viridis
g_exp = "mecl3616"
g_exp = "xppl3716"
g_bml = g_exp[:3]
g_folder_init = g_exp+"_init_pars/"
g_folder_out = g_exp+"_output/"
g_folder_data = "/reg/d/psdm/"+g_bml+"/"+ g_exp +"/hdf5/"
import socket
hostname = socket.gethostname()
if hostname == "x1":
g_folder_data = "/home/marco/temp"
# set defaults based on experiment
if g_bml == "xpp":
g_roi_height = 200
g_swapx = False
g_swapy = False
g_roi_height = 100
g_swapx = True
g_swapy = False
print("Working on experiment",g_exp,"(beamline %s)"%g_bml)
print(" folder data →",g_folder_data)
print(" folder init_pars →",g_folder_init)
print(" folder outout →",g_folder_out)
#g_folder = "/reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppl3716/ftc/hdf5/"
def readDataset(fnameOrRun=7,
if isinstance(fnameOrRun,str) and (fnameOrRun[-3:]=="npz"):
d = x3py.toolsVarious.DropObject()
temp = np.load(fnameOrRun)
spec1 = temp["spec1"]
spec2 = temp["spec2"]
nS = spec1.shape[0]
d.spec1 = x3py.toolsDetectors.wrapArray("spec1",spec1,time=np.arange(nS))
d.spec2 = x3py.toolsDetectors.wrapArray("spec2",spec2,time=np.arange(nS))
if isinstance(fnameOrRun,int):
fnameOrRun=g_folder_data+"/"+g_exp+"-r%04d.h5" % fnameOrRun
d = x3py.Dataset(fnameOrRun,detectors=["opal0","opal1","fee_spec","opal2"])
if g_bml == "xpp":
d.spec1 = d.opal0
d.spec2 = d.opal1
d.spec1 = d.fee_spec
d.spec2 = d.opal2
if not hasattr(d,"scan"):
d.scan = x3py.toolsVarious.DropObject()
d.scan.scanmotor0_values = [0,]
return d
def getCenter(img,axis=0,threshold=0.05):
img = img.copy()
img[img<img.max()*threshold] = 0
if axis == 1: img=img.T
p = img.mean(1)
x = np.arange(img.shape[0])
return int(np.sum(x*p)/np.sum(p))
def showShots(im1,im2):
nS = im1.shape[0]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,nS,sharex=True,sharey=True)
if im1.ndim == 3:
for a,i1,i2 in zip(ax.T,im1,im2):
for a,p1,p2 in zip(ax.T,im1,im2):
class AnalyzeRun(object):
def __init__(self,run,initAlign="auto",swapx=g_swapx,swapy=g_swapy):
""" swapx → swap x axis of first spectrometer
swapy → swap y axis of first spectrometer
2016-11-22 14:30:48 +01:00
initAlign: use None if you want default transformation parameters
2016-05-12 15:02:42 +02:00
self.d = readDataset(run)
if isinstance(run,str):
run = int( re.search("\d{3,4}",run).group() )
self.run = run
self.results = dict()
self.swap = (swapx,swapy)
d = self.d
self.spec1 = d.spec1 ; # spec1 is the one that is moved
self.spec2 = d.spec2 ;
except (AttributeError,FileNotFoundError):
if initAlign is None:
print("Set to default transform")
self.initAlign = self.setDefaultTransform()
2016-11-22 14:30:48 +01:00
self.initAlign = initAlign
2016-05-12 15:02:42 +02:00
def getShot(self,shot=0,calib=None,bkgSub="line",roi=g_roi_height):
# read data
im1 = self.spec1.getShots(shot,calib=calib)
im2 = self.spec2.getShots(shot,calib=calib)
# subtractBkg bkg
im1 = alignment.subtractBkg(im1,bkg_type=bkgSub)
im2 = alignment.subtractBkg(im2,bkg_type=bkgSub)
# rebin and swap im1 if necessary
if im1.shape[-1] != 1024:
im1 = mc.rebin(im1, (im1.shape[0],im1.shape[1],1024) )
if self.swap[0]:
im1 = im1[:,:,::-1]
if self.swap[1]:
im1 = im1[:,::-1,:]
if roi is None:
elif isinstance(roi,slice):
im1 = im1[:,roi,:]
im2 = im2[:,roi,:]
elif isinstance(roi,int):
if not hasattr(self,"roi1"): self.roi1 = alignment.findRoi(im1[0],roi)
if not hasattr(self,"roi2"): self.roi2 = alignment.findRoi(im2[0],roi)
im1 = im1[:,self.roi1,:]; im2 = im2[:,self.roi2,:]
return im1,im2
def guiAlign(self,shot=0,save="auto"):
im1,im2 = self.getShot(shot)
gui = alignment.GuiAlignment(im1[0],im2[0])
input("Enter to start")
if save == "auto":
fname = g_folder_init+"/run%04d_gui_align.npy" % self.run
fname = save
self.initAlign = gui.transform
def analyzeScan(self,initpars=None,nShotsPerCalib=20,nC=None,doFit=False,fitEveryCalib=False):
""" use xhift = None; in this way the fit routine does not try to automatically find the translationx parameter """
if initpars is None: initpars= self.initAlign
d = self.d
if nC is None: nC = d.opal1.nCalib
shots = slice(nShotsPerCalib)
for i in range(nC):
s1,s2 = self.getShot(shots,calib=i)
if fitEveryCalib is not False:
res = alignment.doShots(s1[:fitEveryCalib],s2[:fitEveryCalib],doFit=True,\
initpars=initpars); #
idx = np.argmin( [p.fom for p in res] )
res = res[idx]
initpars = res.final_pars; self.initAlign=res.final_pars
print("Calib cycle %d -> %.3f aligned (best FOM: %.2f)" % (i,self.d.scan.scanmotor0_values[i],res.fom))
ret = alignment.doShots(s1,s2,initpars=initpars,doFit=doFit)
res = alignment.unravel_results(ret)
self.results[i] = res
return self.results.values()
def doShot(self,shot=0,calib=None,initpars=None,im1=None,im2=None,doFit=True,show=False,showInit=False,save=False,savePlot="auto"):
if initpars is None: initpars= self.initAlign
if (im1 is None) or (im2 is None):
im1,im2 = self.getShot(shot,calib=calib); im1=im1[0]; im2=im2[0]
r = alignment.doShot(im1,im2,initpars,doFit=doFit,show=showInit)
im1 = r.im1
im2 = r.im2
self.initAlign = r.final_pars
if show:
if savePlot == "auto":
savePlot = g_folder_out+"/run%04d_calib%s_shot%04d_fit.png" % (self.run,calib,shot)
if save: self.saveTransform()
return r
def doShots(self,shots=slice(0,50),calib=None,initpars=None,doFit=False,returnBestTransform=False,unravel=True):
if initpars is None: initpars= self.initAlign
d = self.d
s1,s2 = self.getShot(shots,calib=calib)
ret,t = alignment.doShots(s1,s2,initpars=initpars,doFit=doFit,\
if doFit:
self.initAlign = t
ret_unravel = alignment.unravel_results(ret)
# keep it for later !
self.results[calib] = ret_unravel
if unravel: ret = ret_unravel
if returnBestTransform:
return ret,t
return ret
def save(self,fname="auto",overwrite=False):
if fname == "auto":
fname = g_folder_out+"/run%04d_analysis.h5" % self.run
if os.path.exists(fname) and not overwrite:
print("File %s exists, **NOT** saving, use overwrite=True is you want ..."%fname)
if os.path.exists(fname) and overwrite:
print("Saving results to %s"%fname)
h = h5py.File(fname)
h["roi1"] = (self.roi1.start,self.roi1.stop)
h["roi2"] = (self.roi2.start,self.roi2.stop)
#h["transform"] = self.initAlign
for (c,v) in self.results.items():
cname = "calib%04d/" % c if isinstance(c,int) else "calib%s/" % c
for p,vv in v.items():
if p == "parameters":
for pname,parray in vv.items():
name = cname + p + "/" + pname
h[name] = parray
h[cname + p] = vv
def saveTransform(self,fname="auto",transform=None):
if transform is None: transform = self.initAlign
if fname == "auto":
fname = g_folder_init+"/run%04d_transform.npy" % self.run
print("Saving roi and transformation parameter to %s"%fname)
def loadTransform(self,fname="auto"):
if fname == "auto":
fname = g_folder_init+"/run%04d_transform.npy" % self.run
elif isinstance(fname,int):
fname = g_folder_init+"/run%04d_transform.npy" % fname
temp = np.load(fname).item()
self.initAlign = temp["transform"]
self.roi1 = temp["roi1"]
self.roi2 = temp["roi2"]
print("init transform and ROIs from %s"%fname)
def clearCache(self):
del self.roi1
del self.roi2
alignment.clearCache(); # nedded for multiprocessing can leave bad parameters in the cache
def setDefaultTransform( self ):
2016-11-22 14:30:48 +01:00
#dict( scalex=0.65,rotation=0.0,transx=90, iblur1=4.3,fix_iblur1=False )
t = alignment.g_fit_default_kw
2016-05-12 15:02:42 +02:00
self.initAlign = t
return t
def quick_mec(run,ref=236,divideByRef=False,returnRes=False):
""" useful to analyze the runs around 140 (done with the focusing """
ref_run = 236
h=h5py.File("mecl3616_output/run%04d_analysis.h5" %ref,"r")
ref = np.nanmean(h["calibNone"]["ratio"][...],axis=0)
r = AnalyzeRun(run,initAlign=ref,swapx=True,swapy=False)
ret = res["ratio"]/ref if divideByRef else res["ratio"]
if returnRes:
return ret,res
return ret
def quickAndDirty(run,nShots=300,returnAll=True,doFit=False):
""" useful to analyze the runs around 140 (done with the focusing """
r = AnalyzeRun(run,swap=True,initAlign=g_folder_init+"/run0144_transform.npy")
o = alignment.unravel_results(res)
ref = np.nanmedian(o["ratio"][:40],0)
sam = np.nanmedian(o["ratio"][50:],0)
if returnAll:
return sam/ref,o["ratio"]/ref
return sam/ref