added image processing listener utilities

copied from but they will need admting though
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Raffy 2021-11-19 18:04:30 +01:00
parent 110aa17dbb
commit 71b1ed5b8b
4 changed files with 511 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .improlis import MovieProcessDebugger

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
installation des modules nécéssaires sur macos x :
sudo port install opencv +python27
sudo port install py-pyqt4
sudo port install py-matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
def setLatexLookingFonts():
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'stix'
matplotlib.rcParams[''] = 'STIXGeneral'
#matplotlib.pyplot.title(r'ABC123 vs $\mathrm{ABC123}^{123}$')
class Signal:
def __init__(self, signal, name=None):
self.m_signalValues = signal
self.m_name = name
class Point2D(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.m_x = x
self.m_y = y
def x(self):
return self.m_x
def y(self):
return self.m_y
class ScatterPlot(object):
def __init__(self, xAxisDesc = None, yAxisDesc = None):
self.m_points = []
self.m_xAxisDesc = xAxisDesc
self.m_yAxisDesc = yAxisDesc
def append(self, point2d ):
def xAxisDesc(self):
return self.m_xAxisDesc
def yAxisDesc(self):
return self.m_yAxisDesc
def setXAxisDesc(self, description):
self.m_xAxisDesc = description
def setYAxisDesc(self, description):
self.m_yAxisDesc = description
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.m_points)
def saveScatterPlot( scatterPlot, pdfFileName):
fig = pyplot.figure()
x = []
y = []
for point in scatterPlot:
x.append( point.x )
y.append( point.y )
pyplot.scatter(x, y, marker='x')
if scatterPlot.xAxisDesc is not None:
if scatterPlot.yAxisDesc is not None:
#print('saving to '+pdfFileName)
pp = PdfPages(pdfFileName)
pp.savefig( fig )
def saveGraph(signal, pdfFileName):
fig = pyplot.figure()
pyplot.plot(signal, marker='x')
print('saving to '+pdfFileName)
pp = PdfPages(pdfFileName)
pp.savefig( fig )
def saveMultiGraph(signals, pdfFileName):
fig = pyplot.figure()
for signal in signals:
print('plotting signal %s' % str(signal.m_signalValues.shape))
pyplot.plot(signal.m_signalValues, label=signal.m_name)
print('saving to '+pdfFileName)
pp = PdfPages(pdfFileName)
pp.savefig( fig )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
installation des modules nécéssaires sur macos x :
sudo port install opencv +python27
sudo port install py-pyqt4
sudo port install py-matplotlib
#from PyQt4.QtGui import *
#from PyQt4.QtCore import *
#import sys
import cv2
#from cv2 import cv
import numpy
import os
import sys
#from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import scene2d
import graphing
class Line2D(object):
def __init__( self, point1, point2 ):
self.m_point1 = point1
self.m_point2 = point2
class IImageProcessListener(object):
an abstract base class that handle events that happen during an image processing. This provides a flexible way to debug image processing
def __init__(self):
self.m_imageIndex = 0
def onSignal(self, signal, signalName):
a new signal (1d array) has just been computed
assert( False )
def onImage(self, image, imageName):
a new image has just been computed
assert( False )
class NullImageProcessListener(IImageProcessListener):
def __init__(self):
IImageProcessListener.__init__( self )
def onSignal(self, signal, signalName):
def onBaseImage(self, image, imageName=''):
def onImage(self, image, imageName):
def onPoint(self, point, layerPath, label=None ):
def onLine(self, line, layerPath, label=None ):
def onCircle(self, circle, layerPath, label=None ):
class ImageProcessDebugger(IImageProcessListener):
def __init__(self, outputFolder='./debug'):
IImageProcessListener.__init__( self )
self.m_scene = None
self.m_baseImageName = None
def __del__(self):
#assert( self.m_scene is not None )
if self.m_scene:
self.m_scene.saveAsSvg('%s/%s.svg' % (self.m_outputFolder, self.m_baseImageName))
self.m_scene = None
def setOutputFolder(self, outputFolderPath):
if self.m_scene:
self.m_scene.saveAsSvg('%s/%s.svg' % (self.m_outputFolder, self.m_baseImageName))
self.m_scene = None
self.m_outputFolder = outputFolderPath
pathParts = self.m_outputFolder.split('/')
path = ''
for i in range(len(pathParts)):
if i != 0:
path += '/'
path += pathParts[i]
except (OSError): # this exception is raised if the folder already exists
def onSignal(self, signal, signalName):
graphing.saveGraph(signal, '%s/%s.pdf' % (self.m_outputFolder, signalName))
def onSignals(self, signals, signalName):
graphing.saveMultiGraph(signals, '%s/%s.pdf' % (self.m_outputFolder, signalName))
def onImage(self, image, imageName):
#plt.subplot(1,1,1),plt.imshow(contourImage,cmap = 'gray')
#plt.title('Sobel X'), plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
filePath = '%s/%s.tif' % (self.m_outputFolder, imageName)
saveImage( image, filePath )
def onBaseImage(self, image, imageName=''):
assert(imageName != '')
filePath = '%s/%s.png' % (self.m_outputFolder, imageName)
saveImage( image, filePath )
self.m_scene = scene2d.Scene()
assert( self.m_scene is not None )
if self.m_scene:
def onPoint(self, point, layerPath, label=None ):
assert( self.m_scene )
self.m_scene.getLayer(layerPath).addChild(scene2d.Point(point, label))
def onLine(self, line, layerPath, label=None ):
assert( self.m_scene )
self.m_scene.getLayer(layerPath).addChild(scene2d.Line(line, label))
def onCircle(self, circle, layerPath, label=None ):
assert( self.m_scene )
self.m_scene.getLayer(layerPath).addChild(scene2d.Circle(circle, label))
class IMovieProcessListener(object):
an abstract base class that handle events that happen durin a movie image processing. This provides a flexible way to debug imageprocessing
def __init__(self, imageProcessListener ):
self.m_imageIndex = 0
self.m_imageProcessListener = imageProcessListener
def onImageProcessingStart(self):
the processing of a new image starts
self.m_imageIndex += 1
def onImageProcessingEnd(self):
the processing of a new image ends
def onSignal(self, signal, signalName):
a new signal (1d array) has just been computed
self.m_imageProcessListener.onSignal( signal, signalName )
def onImage(self, image, imageName):
a new image has just been computed
self.m_imageProcessListener.onImage( image, imageName )
class NullMovieProcessListener(IMovieProcessListener):
def __init__(self):
IMovieProcessListener.__init__( self, NullImageProcessListener() )
def onSignal(self, signal, signalName):
def onImage(self, image, imageName):
def saveImage(image, filePath):
print('%s original image type : %s range=(%f:%f)' % (filePath, str(image.dtype), image.min(), image.max()))
if image.dtype == numpy.bool:
cv2.imwrite(filePath, image.astype(numpy.uint8)*255)
elif image.dtype == numpy.uint16:
fileExt = filePath.split('.')[-1]
if fileExt == 'tif':
# tif file format supports 16 bits per pixel
cv2.imwrite(filePath, image)
u8Image = cv2.normalize(image, alpha=0.0, beta=255.0, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)
cv2.imwrite(filePath, u8Image)
elif image.dtype == numpy.float32 or image.dtype == numpy.float64:
print('image range : %d-%d' % (image.min(), image.max()))
u8Image = cv2.normalize(image, numpy.array(image.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8), alpha=0.0, beta=255.0, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)
print('u8Image range : %d-%d' % (u8Image.min(), u8Image.max()))
cv2.imwrite(filePath, u8Image)
elif image.dtype == numpy.int32:
print('image range : %d-%d' % (image.min(), image.max()))
u8Image = cv2.normalize(image, numpy.array(image.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8), alpha=0.0, beta=255.0, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, dtype=cv2.CV_8U)
print('u8Image range : %d-%d' % (u8Image.min(), u8Image.max()))
cv2.imwrite(filePath, u8Image)
#assert( False )
cv2.imwrite(filePath, image)
class MovieProcessDebugger(IMovieProcessListener):
def __init__(self):
IMovieProcessListener.__init__( self, ImageProcessDebugger() )
self.m_scene = None
except (OSError): # this exception is raised if the folder already exists
def onImageProcessingStart(self):
the processing of a new image starts
self.m_imageProcessListener.setOutputFolder( '%s/image%d' % (self.m_outputFolder, self.m_imageIndex) )
def onImageProcessingEnd(self):
self.m_imageProcessListener.setOutputFolder( None )
def onSignal(self, signal, signalName):
self.m_imageProcessListener.onSignal( signal, signalName )
def onSignals(self, signals, signalName):
self.m_imageProcessListener.onSignal( signals, signalName )
def onImage(self, image, imageName):
self.m_imageProcessListener.onImage( image, imageName )
def onBaseImage(self, image, imageName):
self.m_imageProcessListener.onBaseImage( image, imageName )
def onPoint(self, point, layerPath, label=None ):
self.m_imageProcessListener.onPoint( image, point, layerPath, label )
def onCircle(self, circle, layerPath, label=None ):
self.m_imageProcessListener.onPoint( image, circle, layerPath, label )
class IImageProcessor(object):
def __init__(self, movieProcessListener = NullMovieProcessListener()):
self.m_movieProcessListener = movieProcessListener
def processImage(self, image):
assert( False ) # this method is not supposed to be called
def get_image_process_listener(self):
return self.m_movieProcessListener
def findEdges(image):
sx = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_32F, dx=1, dy=0, ksize=3)
sy = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_32F, dx=0, dy=1, ksize=3)
return numpy.sqrt(sx*sx + sy*sy)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cv2
class ISceneNodeVisitor(object):
def __init__(self):
def visitPoint(self, point):
assert( False )
def visitImage(self, image):
assert( False )
def visitLayer(self, layer):
assert( False )
def visitScene(self, scene):
assert( False )
def visitLine(self, line):
assert( False )
class ISceneNode(object):
def __init__(self):
def onVisit(self, visitor ):
assert( False )
class Point(ISceneNode):
def __init__(self, coords, label = None):
self.m_coords = coords
self.m_label = label
def onVisit( self, visitor ):
visitor.visitPoint( self )
class Line(ISceneNode):
def __init__(self, line, label = None):
self.m_from = line[0]
self.m_to = line[1]
self.m_label = label
def onVisit( self, visitor ):
visitor.visitLine( self )
class Circle(ISceneNode):
def __init__(self, circle, label = None):
self.m_center = (circle[0], circle[1])
self.m_radius = circle[2]
self.m_label = label
def onVisit( self, visitor ):
visitor.visitCircle( self )
class Image(ISceneNode):
def __init__(self, imageFilePath):
self.m_imageFilePath = imageFilePath
def onVisit(self, visitor ):
visitor.visitImage( self )
def getFilePath(self):
return self.m_imageFilePath
def getSize(self):
cv_img = cv2.imread(self.m_imageFilePath, cv2.IMREAD_ANYDEPTH)
return cv_img.shape
class Layer(ISceneNode):
def __init__(self, layerName):
self.m_name = layerName
self.m_children = []
self.m_layers = {}
def getName(self):
return self.m_name
def addChild(self, childNode):
self.m_children.append( childNode )
def onVisit(self, visitor ):
visitor.visitLayer( self )
def addLayer(self, layer):
print('adding layer %s' % layer.getName())
self.m_layers[ layer.getName() ] = layer
class Scene(ISceneNode):
def __init__(self):
self.m_image = None
self.m_rootLayer = Layer('root')
def onVisit(self, visitor ):
visitor.visitScene( self )
def setBaseImage( self, image ):
self.m_image = image
def getLayer(self, layerPath):
pathParts = layerPath.split('/')
parentLayer = self.m_rootLayer
for layerName in pathParts:
if layerName not in parentLayer.m_layers:
parentLayer.addLayer( Layer(layerName) )
parentLayer = parentLayer.m_layers[layerName]
return parentLayer
def saveAsSvg(self, filePath):
visitor = SvgExporter( filePath )
class SvgExporter(ISceneNodeVisitor):
def __init__(self, svgFilePath):
self.m_svgFilePath = svgFilePath
def visitPoint(self, point):
radius = 1.0
self.m_f.write('<circle cx="%.3f" cy="%.3f" r="%.3f"/>\n' % (point.m_coords[0], point.m_coords[1], radius) )
if point.m_label is not None :
self.m_f.write('<text x="%.3f" y="%.3f">%s</text>\n' % (point.m_coords[0], point.m_coords[1], point.m_label) )
def visitLine(self, line):
radius = 1.0
self.m_f.write('<line x1="%.3f" x2="%.3f" y1="%.3f" y2="%.3f"/>\n' % (line.m_from[0], line.m_to[0], line.m_from[1], line.m_to[1]) )
if line.m_label is not None :
self.m_f.write('<text x="%.3f" y="%.3f">%s</text>\n' % (line.m_from[0], line.m_from[1], point.m_label) )
def visitCircle(self, circle):
radius = 1.0
self.m_f.write('<circle cx="%.3f" cy="%.3f" r="%.3f"/>\n' % (circle.m_center[0], circle.m_center[1], circle.m_radius) )
if circle.m_label is not None :
self.m_f.write('<text x="%.3f" y="%.3f">%s</text>\n' % (circle.m_center[0], circle.m_center[1], point.m_label) )
def visitImage(self, image):
imageSize = image.getSize()
self.m_f.write('<image xlink:href="%s" x="0" y="0" width="%d" height="%d"/>\n' % (image.getFilePath().split('/')[-1], imageSize[1], imageSize[0]) )
def visitLayer(self, layer):
self.m_f.write('<g id="%s" style="fill:red;stroke:cyan">\n' % layer.getName())
for child in layer.m_children:
child.onVisit( self )
for layer in layer.m_layers.itervalues():
layer.onVisit( self )
def visitScene(self, scene):
with open(self.m_svgFilePath, 'wt') as self.m_f:
print('exporting scene2d as %s' % self.m_svgFilePath)
self.m_f.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>')
self.m_f.write('<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="3008" height="2280" onload="init()">')
self.m_f.write('<script type="text/ecmascript" xlink:href="MeniscusUI.js"/>')
if scene.m_image is not None:
#f.write('<image xlink:href="FullImage0235.png" x="0" y="0" width="3008" height="2280"/>')