fixed pep8

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Guillaume Raffy 2019-04-12 16:28:40 +02:00
parent dcfa11694c
commit 1c4e9f2597
1 changed files with 0 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -36,21 +36,9 @@
# public static void cvCalcHist(IplImageArray arr, CvHistogram hist,
# int accumulate/*=0*/, CvArr mask/*=null*/) {
# org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_imgproc.cvCalcArrHist(arr, hist, accumulate, mask);
# 7 javacpp's python api doesn't seem to support keyword arguments
# 8 as org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv* knows nothing about imagej, the package ijopencv provides conversion functions that convert images from imagej's ImageProcessor to org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.Mat and vice versa
# histogram = opencv_imgproc.calcHist(images=[src_image], channels=[0], mask=None, histSize=[256], ranges=[0, 256])
# histogram = opencv_imgproc.calcHist(src_image, 0, None, 3, [256], [0.0, 256.0], True, False)
# print(dir(opencv_imgproc))
# help(opencv_imgproc.cvCalcHist)
# opencv_imgproc.calcHist(src_image, None, histogram)
# histogram = opencv_imgproc.cvCalcHist(src_image, None, [256], [0.0, 256.0])
# import inspect
# lines = inspect.getsource(opencv_imgproc.calcHist)
# opencv_imgproc.calcHist(src_image, histogram)
# there are 2 calcHist functions in /Applications/, and they take 6 or 7 arguments :
# jar -xvf /Applications/
# [1]graffy@pr079234:~/toto/jython[15:18:17]>javap ./org/opencv/imgproc/Imgproc.class | grep calcHist