- note: only the page for HP Proliant DL360 gen10 has been tested
Bug 3463 - adapter concho (outil d'aide au choix achat cpu pour hpc) au catalogue hpe
- added support for amd epyc rome processors
- handled the case where the 'additional processor' section doesn't exist in the web page (as it's the case in r6525 configurations)
- the empty machine price is now correct (the base memory is substracted)
- also displays the mem size on the graph now that all machines don't have the same amount of memory
nb : work involved for Bug 2886 - Devis pour l'achat d'un nouveau noeud pour le cluster (crédits TS 2020)
- the prices are now retrived from matinfo's downloaded pages
- the derived prices (such as the price without cpu) are now automatically computed, rather than hardcoded from (hand computation)
- although it's a bit dirty, the architecture of the code is more generic:
- each configuration is now stored in a Config object, which is able to compute its price.
- dell specific code is now decoupled into a separate file.
- the refactoring is designed to handle the old price tables but this work is not finished (the code using the old price tables is broken at the moment)
- the computed price is currently overestimated, as the price of the base memory dimms should be substracted
- disks are not currently handled
- added poweredge c6420 configurations from the quotation received on 16/07/2020
- added the ability to choose the amount of ram because 128Gb is no longer enough: the amount of ram required depends on the number of cores
- also took this opportunity to refactor the code as it had become hard to maintain