added example use of clusterbench_submit for running a production hibridon benchmark on IPR's alambix cluster

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Guillaume Raffy 2024-12-10 18:57:54 +01:00
parent ccb964bb44
commit a8203589b7
1 changed files with 41 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -127,6 +127,47 @@ measurement_time ipr_bench_version host_id host_fqdn user num_cpus cpu_model lau
2024-11-27 11:42:49.511113 0.0.14 <unknown> graffy 2 intel_xeon_x5650 graffy.manual.alambix.job18886 12 a3bed1c3ccfbca572003020d3e3d3b1ff3934fad ifort:2021.13.1 intelmkl:2024.2.1 arch4_quick cmake 3.8646755 3.8377410000000003 0.2467767843388766 3.569571 4.220125 1 2024-11-27 11:42:49.511113 0.0.14 <unknown> graffy 2 intel_xeon_x5650 graffy.manual.alambix.job18886 12 a3bed1c3ccfbca572003020d3e3d3b1ff3934fad ifort:2021.13.1 intelmkl:2024.2.1 arch4_quick cmake 3.8646755 3.8377410000000003 0.2467767843388766 3.569571 4.220125 1
``` ```
## launch benchmark jobs on alambix cluster
### run hibridon benchmark on alambix (production version where results are stored on `iprbenchs` database):
(iprbench.venv) graffy@alambix50:/opt/ipr/cluster/work.local/graffy/bug3958/iprbench.git$ results_dir="$GLOBAL_WORK_DIR/graffy/iprbenchs/test_results/clusterbench_submit/$(date --iso-=seconds)"; clusterbench-submit --cluster-id 'alambix' --arch-regexp ".*" --benchmark-id 'hibridon' --config '{"fortran_compiler": "ifort:<default>", "blas_library": "intelmkl:<default>", "test_id": "nh3h2_qma_long", "hibridon_version": "a3bed1c3ccfbca572003020d3e3d3b1ff3934fad", "cmake_path": "cmake", "num_cores": 1, "launcher": "graffy.manual"}' --results-dir "${results_dir}" --resultsdb-params '{ "type": "sqlserver-viassh-database", "db_server_fqdn": "", "db_user": "iprbenchw", "db_name": "iprbenchs", "ssh_user": "iprbenchw" }' --target-system-type-id "fr.univ-rennes.ipr.cluster-node"
note: for these runs to succeed, graffy@alambix is expected have have the privilieges to write in `iprbenchs` database. This is ensured by allowing `graffy@alambix` to ssh to `` with the ssh key `perf-bencher` (which has been added to `` by maco), using the following setup:
raffy@alambix-frontal:~$ ls -la ./.ssh/
total 92
drwx------ 2 graffy spm 4096 27 nov. 15:46 .
drwxr-xr-x 171 graffy spm 12288 4 déc. 19:22 ..
-rw------- 1 graffy spm 607 22 mai 2024 authorized_keys
-rw-r----- 1 graffy spm 296 27 nov. 15:46 config
-rw------- 1 graffy spm 16658 18 nov. 22:48 known_hosts
-rw------- 1 graffy spm 411 27 nov. 15:29 perf-bencher
-rw-r--r-- 1 graffy spm 98 27 nov. 15:29
graffy@alambix-frontal:~$ cat .ssh/config
user test_iprbenchw
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/perf-bencher
### run hibridon benchmark on alambix (test version where results are stored on `test_iprbenchs` database):
This example is the same as the previous one except:
- use `test_iprbenchs` database instead of `iprbenchs`
- use `test_iprbenchw` user instead of `iprbenchw`
## graph the results of benchmarks ## graph the results of benchmarks
`showresults` is a command line tool that graphs the results after they've been downloaded from the results directory (for example `/opt/ipr/cluster/`) to the hardcoded (at the moment) path `/home/graffy/work/starbench/starbench.git/usecases/ipr/hibridon/results` `showresults` is a command line tool that graphs the results after they've been downloaded from the results directory (for example `/opt/ipr/cluster/`) to the hardcoded (at the moment) path `/home/graffy/work/starbench/starbench.git/usecases/ipr/hibridon/results`