2024-06-30 16:20:34 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
''' starbench is an application that is able to measure the execution time of a user software suite in various conditions (different build modes and different execution modes)
__version__ = ' 1.0.0 '
import threading
import subprocess
import os
import sys
from typing import List , Dict , Optional , Tuple , Callable
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from abc import ABC , abstractmethod
# from typing import ForwardRef
try :
from typing import ForwardRef # type: ignore pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
except ImportError :
# python 3.6
from typing import _ForwardRef as ForwardRef
assert sys . version_info > = ( 3 , 5 , 0 ) , ' this code requires at least python 3.5 ' # type hints in arguments
class StarBenchException ( Exception ) :
''' base exception for user errors detected by starbench '''
RunId = int # identifier of a run
WorkerId = int # identifier of a worker (a run is performed on a worker)
DurationInSeconds = float
ProcessId = int
ReturnCode = int
Url = str
GitCommitId = str
class Run ( ) :
""" represents a run of a run of the benchmarked command within its CommandPerfEstimator
id : RunId # uniquely identifies a run within its CommandPerfEstimator instance
worker_id : WorkerId # the worker used for this run (number of workers = number of parallel runs)
pid : Optional [ ProcessId ] # the process identifier of the process used by the command
start_time : datetime # the time at which the command process has started
return_code : ReturnCode # the exit code of the command process
end_time : Optional [ datetime ] # the time at which the command process has ended. None if the process is still running
def __init__ ( self , run_id : RunId , worker_id : WorkerId ) :
self . id = run_id
self . worker_id = worker_id
self . pid = None
self . return_code = 0
self . start_time = datetime . now ( )
self . end_time = None
def has_finished ( self ) - > bool :
""" indicates if this run has finished """
return self . end_time is not None
def get_duration ( self ) - > DurationInSeconds :
""" returns the duration of this run, provided it has finished
assert self . has_finished ( )
return ( self . end_time - self . start_time ) . total_seconds ( )
CommandPerfEstimator = ForwardRef ( ' CommandPerfEstimator ' )
class IStarBencherStopCondition ( ABC ) :
""" abstract handler that decides if the given CommandPerfEstimator has enough runs to estimate the performance or should trigger new runs
def should_stop ( self , star_bencher : CommandPerfEstimator ) - > bool :
""" decides if the given CommandPerfEstimator instance should trigger new runs
This method is called at the end of each run , to decide if another run should be triggered or not .
class StopAfterSingleRun ( IStarBencherStopCondition ) :
""" a stop condition that causes the given CommandPerfEstimator to never start new runs
as a result , this causes the given CommandPerfEstimator to just use one single run of the command to estimate its performance .
def __init__ ( self ) :
def should_stop ( self , star_bencher : CommandPerfEstimator ) :
# never start a new run
return True
class StopWhenConverged ( IStarBencherStopCondition ) :
""" a stop condition that triggers when the just completed run doesn ' t have much effect on the average run ' s duration
def __init__ ( self , max_error : float = 0.01 ) :
self . max_error = max_error
self . _last_mean_duration = None
def should_stop ( self , star_bencher : CommandPerfEstimator ) - > bool :
do_stop = False
mean_duration , _num_runs = star_bencher . get_run_mean_duration ( )
print ( f ' mean_duration = { mean_duration } ' )
if self . _last_mean_duration is not None :
diff = abs ( mean_duration - self . _last_mean_duration )
print ( f ' diff = { diff } ' )
if diff < self . max_error :
do_stop = True
self . _last_mean_duration = mean_duration
return do_stop
class CommandPerfEstimator ( ) : # (false positive) pylint: disable=function-redefined
''' a command runner that runs a given command multiple times and measures the average execution duration
the ' star ' term comes from hpl ' s stadgemm benchmark, where we launch `n` independent programs on `n` cores
run_command : List [ str ] # the command that this instance of CommandPerfEstimator is expected to run (eg: ['ctest', '--output-on-failure', '-L', '^arch4_quick$']). The command supports the following tags:
run_command_cwd : Path # the current directory to use when executing run_command
stdout_filepath : Path # the path of the file that records the standard output of run_command
stderr_filepath : Path # the path of the file that records the standard error of run_command
num_cores_per_run : int # the max number of threads used by each run
num_parallel_runs : int # how many times run_command is run simultaneously
max_num_cores : int # the maximum allowed number of cores for this CommandPerfEstimator
stop_condition : IStarBencherStopCondition # the condition that is used so that this CommandPerfEstimator can decide to stop launching commands
stop_on_error : bool
_next_run_id : int
_runs : Dict [ int , Run ]
_last_mean_duration : Optional [ DurationInSeconds ]
_num_runs : int
_runs_lock : threading . Lock
_finished_event : threading . Event
def __init__ ( self , run_command : List [ str ] , num_cores_per_run : int , num_parallel_runs : int , max_num_cores : int , stop_condition : IStarBencherStopCondition , stop_on_error = True , run_command_cwd : Path = None , stdout_filepath : Path = None , stderr_filepath : Path = None ) :
assert num_cores_per_run * num_parallel_runs < = max_num_cores
self . run_command = run_command
self . run_command_cwd = run_command_cwd
self . stdout_filepath = stdout_filepath
self . stderr_filepath = stderr_filepath
self . num_cores_per_run = num_cores_per_run
self . num_parallel_runs = num_parallel_runs
self . max_num_cores = max_num_cores
self . stop_condition = stop_condition
self . stop_on_error = stop_on_error
self . _next_run_id = 0
self . _runs = { }
self . _last_mean_duration = None
self . _num_runs = 0
self . _runs_lock = threading . Lock ( )
self . _finished_event = threading . Event ( )
def popen_and_call ( self , popen_args : List [ str ] , on_exit : Callable [ [ ProcessId , ReturnCode , RunId ] , None ] , run_id : RunId , cwd : Path , stdout_filepath : Path = None , stderr_filepath : Path = None ) :
Runs the given args in a subprocess . Popen , and then calls the function
on_exit when the subprocess completes .
on_exit is a callable object , and popen_args is a list / tuple of args that
would give to subprocess . Popen .
def run_in_thread ( popen_args : List [ str ] , on_exit : Callable [ [ ProcessId , ReturnCode , RunId ] , None ] ) :
stdout = None
stderr = None
2024-10-08 16:46:53 +02:00
returncode = - 1
pid = - 1
streams_are_ok = True
try :
# with open(stdout_filepath, 'w', encoding='utf8') as stdout, open(stderr_filepath, 'w', encoding='utf8') as stderr:
if stdout_filepath is not None :
stdout = open ( stdout_filepath , ' w ' , encoding = ' utf8 ' )
if stderr_filepath is not None :
stderr = open ( stderr_filepath , ' w ' , encoding = ' utf8 ' )
except :
print ( f ' failed to open { stdout_filepath } or { stderr_filepath } in write mode ' )
streams_are_ok = False
if streams_are_ok :
try :
env = os . environ . copy ( )
# restrict the number of threads used by openmp
env [ ' OMP_NUM_THREADS ' ] = f ' { self . num_cores_per_run } '
# restrict the nu,ber of threads used by intel math kernel library
env [ ' MKL_NUM_THREADS ' ] = f ' { self . num_cores_per_run } '
proc = subprocess . Popen ( popen_args , cwd = cwd , stdout = stdout , stderr = stderr , env = env )
pid = proc . pid
proc . wait ( )
returncode = proc . returncode
except :
print ( f ' command failed: { popen_args } ' )
on_exit ( pid , returncode , run_id )
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thread = threading . Thread ( target = run_in_thread , args = ( popen_args , on_exit ) )
thread . start ( )
# returns immediately after the thread starts
return thread
def get_run_mean_duration ( self ) - > Tuple [ DurationInSeconds , int ] :
""" returns the average duration of all completed runs of this CommandPerfEstimator instance
duration_sums = 0.0 # in python3.6+, replace with duration_sums: float = 0.0
num_finished_runs = 0 # in python3.6+, replace with num_finished_runs: int = 0
with self . _runs_lock :
for run in self . _runs . values ( ) :
if run . has_finished ( ) :
num_finished_runs + = 1
duration_sums + = run . get_duration ( )
assert num_finished_runs > 0
return duration_sums / num_finished_runs , num_finished_runs
def _all_runs_have_finished ( self ) :
with self . _runs_lock :
for run in self . _runs . values ( ) :
if not run . has_finished ( ) :
return False
return True
def on_exit ( self , pid : ProcessId , return_code : ReturnCode , run_id : RunId ) :
""" method called when the command executed by a run ends. Unless the stop condition is met, a new run is started.
pid : the process identifier of the process of the run that just finished
return_code : the return code of the process of the run that just finished
run_id : the run that just completed
end_time = datetime . now ( )
# print(self, pid, run_id)
run = self . _runs [ run_id ]
run . pid = pid
run . end_time = end_time
run . return_code = return_code
do_stop = False
if self . stop_on_error and run . return_code != 0 :
do_stop = True
else :
do_stop = self . stop_condition . should_stop ( self )
if not do_stop :
# print('adding a run')
self . _start_run ( run . worker_id ) # reuse the same worker as the run that has just finished
if self . _all_runs_have_finished ( ) :
# tell the main thread that all the runs have finished
self . _finished_event . set ( )
def _interpret_tags ( tagged_string : str , tags_value : Dict [ str , str ] ) - > str :
untagged_string = tagged_string
for tag_id , tag_value in tags_value . items ( ) :
assert isinstance ( untagged_string , str )
untagged_string = untagged_string . replace ( tag_id , tag_value )
return untagged_string
def _start_run ( self , worker_id : WorkerId ) :
""" starts a run using the given worker """
tags_value = {
' <worker_id> ' : f ' { worker_id : 03d } '
run_command = [ CommandPerfEstimator . _interpret_tags ( s , tags_value ) for s in self . run_command ]
run_command_cwd = CommandPerfEstimator . _interpret_tags ( str ( self . run_command_cwd ) , tags_value )
stdout_filepath = None
if self . stdout_filepath is not None :
stdout_filepath = CommandPerfEstimator . _interpret_tags ( str ( self . stdout_filepath ) , tags_value )
Path ( stdout_filepath ) . parent . mkdir ( exist_ok = True )
stderr_filepath = None
if self . stderr_filepath is not None :
stderr_filepath = CommandPerfEstimator . _interpret_tags ( str ( self . stderr_filepath ) , tags_value )
Path ( stderr_filepath ) . parent . mkdir ( exist_ok = True )
with self . _runs_lock :
run = Run ( self . _next_run_id , worker_id )
self . _next_run_id + = 1
self . _runs [ run . id ] = run
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_run_thread = self . popen_and_call ( popen_args = run_command , on_exit = self . on_exit , run_id = run . id , cwd = run_command_cwd , stdout_filepath = stdout_filepath , stderr_filepath = stderr_filepath ) # noqa:F841
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def run ( self ) - > DurationInSeconds :
''' performs the runs of the command and returns the runs ' average duration '''
print ( f " executing the following command in parallel ( { self . num_parallel_runs } parallel runs) : ' { str ( self . run_command ) } ' " )
for worker_id in range ( self . num_parallel_runs ) :
self . _start_run ( worker_id )
# wait until all runs have finished
self . _finished_event . wait ( )
with self . _runs_lock :
workers_success = [ run . return_code == 0 for run in self . _runs . values ( ) ]
if not all ( workers_success ) :
raise StarBenchException ( f ' at least one run failed (workers_success = { workers_success } ) ' )
mean_duration , num_runs = self . get_run_mean_duration ( )
print ( f ' mean duration : { mean_duration : .3f } s ( { num_runs } runs) ' )
return mean_duration