
99 lines
3.1 KiB

from __future__ import division,print_function
import collections
import itertools
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin,cos
class Triclinic(object):
def __init__(self,a=1,b=1,c=1,alpha=90,beta=90,gamma=90):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
alpha = alpha*np.pi/180
beta = beta*np.pi/180
gamma = gamma*np.pi/180
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.gamma = gamma
self._s11 = b**2 * c**2 * sin(alpha)**2
self._s22 = a**2 * c**2 * sin(beta)**2
self._s33 = a**2 * b**2 * sin(gamma)**2
self._s12 = a*b*c**2*(cos(alpha) * cos(beta) - cos(gamma))
self._s23 = a**2*b*c*(cos(beta) * cos(gamma) - cos(alpha))
self._s13 = a*b**2*c*(cos(gamma) * cos(alpha) - cos(beta))
self.V = (a*b*c)*np.sqrt(1-cos(alpha)**2 - cos(beta)**2 - cos(gamma)**2 + 2*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)*cos(gamma))
def __call__(self,h,k,l): return self.q(h,k,l)
def d(self,h,k,l):
temp = self._s11*h**2 + \
self._s22*k**2 + \
self._s33*l**2 + \
2*self._s12*h*k+ \
2*self._s23*k*l+ \
d = self.V/np.sqrt(temp)
return d
def Q(self,h,k,l):
return 2*np.pi/self.d(h,k,l)
def reflection_list(self,maxQ=3,lim=10):
# prepare hkl
i = range(-lim,lim+1)
prod = itertools.product( i,i,i )
hkl = np.asarray( list( itertools.product( i,i,i ) ) )
h,k,l = hkl.T
q = self.Q(h,k,l)
idx = q<maxQ;
q = q[idx]
hkl = hkl[idx]
qunique = np.unique(q)
ret = []
for qi in qunique:
reflec = hkl[ q == qi ]
ret.append( (qi,tuple(np.abs(reflec)[0]),len(reflec),reflec) )
return qunique,ret
# for h in range(-lim,lim+1):
# for j in range(-lim,lim+1):
class Orthorombic(Triclinic):
def __init__(self,a=1,b=1,c=1):
class Monoclinic(object):
def __init__(self,a=1,b=1,c=1,beta=90.):
def plotReflections(cell_instance,ax=None,line_kw=dict(),text_kw=dict()):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import lines
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
_,refl_info = cell_instance.reflection_list()
if ax is None: ax = plt.gca()
# the x coords of this transformation are data, and the
# y coord are axes
trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transData, ax.transAxes)
txt_kw = dict( horizontalalignment='center', rotation=45)
for reflection in refl_info[1:]:
q,hkl,n,_ = reflection
line = lines.Line2D( [q,q],[1,1.1],transform=trans,**line_kw)
ti3o5_lambda = Triclinic(a = 9.83776, b = 3.78674, c = 9.97069, beta = 91.2567)
ti3o5_beta = Triclinic(a = 9.7382 , b = 3.8005 , c = 9.4333 , beta = 91.496)
#ti3o5_beta = Monoclinic(a = 9.7382 , b = 3.8005 , c = 9.4333 , beta = 91.496)
ti3o5_alpha = Triclinic(a = 9.8372, b = 3.7921, c = 9.9717)
ti3o5_alpha1 = Orthorombic(a = 9.8372, b = 3.7921, c = 9.9717)