86 lines
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86 lines
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module that contains filters and outliers removal procedures
most of them return the data array and a dictionary with additional info
(parameters, statistics, etc)
from __future__ import print_function,division
from . import utils
import logging
import statsmodels.robust
log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # __name__ is "foo.bar" here
import numpy as np
def removeZingers(curves,errs=None,norm='auto',threshold=10,useDerivative=False):
""" curves will be normalized internally
if errs is None, calculate mad based noise
useDerivative for data with trends ..
# normalize
if norm == 'auto':
norm = np.nanmean(curves,axis=1)
norm = utils.reshapeToBroadcast(norm,curves)
if useDerivative:
data = np.gradient(curves/norn,axis=0)
data = curves/norm
median = np.median(data,axis=0)
# calculate or normalize error
if errs is None:
errs = statsmodels.robust.mad(data,axis=0)
errs = errs/norm
diff = np.abs(data-median)/errs
idx = diff > threshold
log.debug("Removed %d zingers from %d curves"%(idx.sum(),len(curves)))
print("Removed %d zingers from %d curves"%(idx.sum(),len(curves)))
if idx.sum()>0:
#curves = np.ma.MaskedArray(data=curves,mask=idx)
return curves
def filterOutlier(curves,errs=None,norm=None,threshold=10):
# normalize
if norm == 'auto':
norm = np.nanmean(curves,axis=1)
norm = utils.reshapeToBroadcast(n,curves)
elif norm is None:
norm = 1
curves = curves/norm
if errs is None:
errs = statsmodels.robust.mad(curves,axis=0)
errs = errs/norm
median = np.median(curves)
diff = np.abs(curves-median)/errs
chi2 = np.sum(diff**2)/len(curves)
idx = chi2 < threshold
return curves[idx]
def chi2Filter(diffs,threshold=10):
""" Contrary to removeZingers, this removes entire curves """
idx_mask = []
for iscan in range(len(diffs.diffsInScanPoint)):
idx = diffs.chi2_0[iscan] > threshold
# expand along other axis (q ...)
#idx = utils.reshapeToBroadcast(idx,data.diffsInScanPoint[iscan])
log.debug("Chi2 mask, scanpoint: %s, curves filtereout out %d/%d (%.2f%%)"%\
(data.scan[iscan],idx.sum(),len(idx),idx.sum()/len(idx)*100) )
print("Chi2 mask, scanpoint: %s, curves filtereout out %d/%d (%.2f%%)"%\
(data.scan[iscan],idx.sum(),len(idx),idx.sum()/len(idx)*100) )
if "masks" not in data: data['masks'] = dict()
if "masks_pars" not in data: data['masks_pars'] = dict()
data['masks']['chi2'] = idx_mask
data['masks_pars']['chi2_threshold'] = threshold
return data