from __future__ import print_function,division #import sys #if (sys.version_info[0] < 3): import numpy as np from numpy import exp import re import codecs import string import scipy.signal import functools import types import sys import collections import os import pylab as plt from itertools import chain sqrt2=np.sqrt(2) ### COLORS, ETC ### colors = None nice_colors = ( # from "#4D4D4D", # (gray) "#5DA5DA", # (blue) "#FAA43A", # (orange) "#60BD68", # (green) "#F17CB0", # (pink) "#B2912F", # (brown) "#B276B2", # (purple) "#DECF3F", # (yellow) "#F15854", # (red) ) nice_colors = ['#014636', '#016c59', '#02818a', '#3690c0', '#67a9cf', '#a6bddb', '#d0d1e6', '#ece2f0'] def colormap( list_of_colors ): from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter,LinearSegmentedColormap c = [ colorConverter.to_rgba(l) for l in list_of_colors ] # make the colormaps cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('cmap',c,256) return cmap def simpleaxis(ax=None): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() def noaxis(ax=None): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) def xrayAttLenght(*args,**kw): from periodictable import xsf n = xsf.index_of_refraction(*args,**kw) if not "wavelength" in kw: wavelength = 12.398/np.asarray(kw["energy"]) else: wavelength = np.asarray(kw["wavelength"]) attenuation_length = np.abs( (wavelength*1e-10)/ (4*np.pi*np.imag(n)) ) return attenuation_length def xrayFluo(atom,density,energy=7.,length=30.,I0=1e10,\ det_radius=1.,det_dist=10.,det_material="Si",det_thick=300,verbose=True): """ compound: anything periodictable would understand density: in mM length: sample length in um energy: in keV, could be array """ import periodictable from periodictable import xsf wavelength = 12.398/energy atom = periodictable.__dict__[atom] # 1e3 -> from mM to M # 1e3 -> from L to cm3 # so 1 mM = 1e-3M/L = 1e-6 M/cm3 density_g_cm3 = density*1e-6*atom.mass n = xsf.index_of_refraction(atom,density=density_g_cm3,wavelength=wavelength) attenuation_length = xrayAttLenght( atom,density=density_g_cm3,energy=energy ) # um-> m: 1e-6 fraction_absorbed = 1.-np.exp(-length*1e-6/attenuation_length) if verbose: print("Fraction of x-ray photons absorbed by the sample:",fraction_absorbed) ## detector ## det_area = np.pi*det_radius**2 det_solid_angle = det_area/(4*np.pi*det_dist**2) if verbose: print("Detector fraction of solid angle:",det_solid_angle) det_att_len = xrayAttLenght(det_material,wavelength=atom.K_alpha) det_abs = 1-np.exp(-det_thick*1e-6/det_att_len) if verbose: print("Detector efficiency (assuming E fluo = E_K_alpha):",det_abs) eff = fraction_absorbed*det_solid_angle*det_abs if verbose: print("Overall intensity (as ratio to incoming one):",eff) return eff def pulseDuration(t0,L,GVD): return t0*np.sqrt( 1.+(L/(t0**2/2/np.abs(GVD)))) class MCError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) ### VECTOR ... ETC. ### def vectorLenght(v): """ assuming axis -1 as coord """ return np.sqrt(np.sum(v*v,axis=-1)) def versor(v): return v/vectorLenght(v)[:,np.newaxis] ### LIST,INDEXING ... ETC. ### def smartIdx(idx,forceContigous=False): """ Try to interpret an array of bool as slice; this allows selecting a subarray alot more efficient since array[slice] it returns a view and not a copy """ if (isinstance(idx,int)): ret = slice(idx,idx+1) elif (isinstance(idx,slice)): ret = idx else: idx = np.asarray(idx) if idx.dtype == np.bool: i = np.where(idx)[0] else: i = idx # in case there is only one if (len(i) == 1): ret = slice(i[0],i[0]+1) return ret if forceContigous: ret = slice(i[0],i[-1]) else: d = i[1:]-i[0:-1] dmean = int(d.mean()) if np.all(d==dmean): ret = slice(i[0],i[-1]+1,dmean) else: ret = idx return ret ### CONVOLUTION,INTERPOLATION,SMOOTHING ... ETC. ### def poly_approximant(x,y,order=10,allowExtrapolation=False,fill_value=0): """ return a polinomial view """ poly = np.polyfit(x,y,order) def f(xx): res = np.polyval(poly,xx) if allowExtrapolation: return res else: if np.isscalar(xx) and ( ( xx>x.max()) or (xxx.max() ) res[idx] = fill_value return res return f def smoothing(x,y,err=None,k=5,s=None,newx=None,derivative_order=0): idx = np.isnan(x)|np.isnan(y) idx = ~ idx if newx is None: newx=x if idx.sum() > 0: x=x[idx] y=y[idx] if idx.sum() < 3: return np.ones(len(newx)) if err is None: w=None elif err == "auto": n=len(x) imin = max(0,n/2-20) imax = min(n,n/2+20) idx = range(imin,imax) p = np.polyfit(x[idx],y[idx],4) e = np.std( y[idx] - np.polyval(p,x[idx] ) ) w = np.ones_like(x)/e else: w=np.ones_like(x)/err from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline if (s is not None): s = len(x)*s s = UnivariateSpline(x, y,w=w, k=k,s=s) if (derivative_order==0): return s(newx) else: try: len(derivative_order) return [s.derivative(d)(newx) for d in derivative_order] except: return s.derivative(derivative_order)(newx) def interpolator(x,y,kind='linear',axis=-1, copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan): from scipy import interpolate if (kind != "linear"): print("Warning interp1d can be VERY SLOW when using something that is not liear") f = interpolate.interp1d(x,y,kind=kind,axis=axis,copy=copy,bounds_error=bounds_error,fill_value=fill_value) return f def interpolator_spl(x,y,kind="cubic"): from scipy import interpolate as itp if kind == "linear": kind=1 if kind == "cubic" : kind=3 splinepars = itp.splrep(x,y,k=kind) def f(x,der=0,): """f(x) returns values for x[i]. f(x,order) return order-th derivative""" return itp.splev(x,splinepars,der=der) return f def interpolate_fast(x,y,newx,kind='cubic'): f = interpolator_spl(x,y,kind=kind) return f(newx) def interpolate(x,y,newx,kind='linear',axis=-1, copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan): f = interpolator(x,y,kind=kind,axis=axis,copy=copy,bounds_error=bounds_error,fill_value=fill_value) return f(newx) def getElement(a,i,axis=-1): nDim = a.ndim if (axis<0): axis = nDim+axis colon = (slice(None),) return a[colon*axis+(i,)+colon*(nDim-axis-1)] def setElement(a,i,res,axis=-1): temp = getElement(a,i,axis=axis) np.copyto(temp,res) def invertedView(x): return x[ slice(None,None,-1) ] def convolveQuad(x,y,xres,yres,useAutoCrop=True, fill_value=0.,axis=-1): print("NOT FINISHED") return from scipy import integrate if (useAutoCrop): idxRes = smartIdx( yres>(1e-4*yres.max()) ) #print("Autocropping",idxRes,xres.shape) else: idxRes = slice(None) xresInv = -invertedView( xres[idxRes] ) yresInv = invertedView( yres[idxRes] ) area = integrate.simps(yres,x=xres) f = interpolator(x,y) r = interpolator(xres,yres) if y.ndim < 2: y = y[np.newaxis,:] nDim = y.ndim if (axis<0): axis = nDim+axis ## expand yres to allow broadcasting sh = [1,]*y.ndim sh[axis] = len(yres) yres = yres.reshape(sh) ## prepare output out = np.empty_like(y) nP = len(x) for i in range(nP): # interpolate x,y on xres+x[i] x_integral = xresInv+x[i] ytemp = interpolate(x,y,x_integral,fill_value=fill_value,axis=axis)/area # do integration res = integrate.simps(ytemp*yresInv,x=xresInv+x[i],axis=axis) colon = (slice(None),) setElement(out,i,res,axis=axis) return out def convolve(x,y,xres,yres,useAutoCrop=True,approximantOrder=None,fill_value=0.,axis=-1): """ if approximantOrder is not None, use interpolating polynomial of order approximantOrder to perform integration """ from scipy import integrate import copy if (useAutoCrop): idxRes = smartIdx( yres>(1e-4*yres.max()) ) #print("Autocropping",idxRes,xres.shape) else: idxRes = slice(None) xresInv = -invertedView( xres[idxRes] ) yresInv = invertedView( yres[idxRes] ) area = integrate.simps(yres,x=xres) if approximantOrder is not None: #print("Using approximant!!",xresInv.shape) approx = poly_approximant(xresInv,yresInv/area,approximantOrder, allowExtrapolation=False,fill_value=0) #return approx,xresInv,yresInv return convolveFunc(x,y,approx,fill_value=fill_value,axis=axis,) if y.ndim < 2: y = y[np.newaxis,:] nDim = y.ndim if (axis<0): axis = nDim+axis ## expand yres to allow broadcasting sh = [1,]*y.ndim sh[axis] = len(yres) yres = yres.reshape(sh) ## prepare output out = np.empty_like(y) nP = len(x) f = interpolator(x,y,fill_value=fill_value,axis=axis) for i in range(nP): # interpolate x,y on xres+x[i] x_integral = xresInv+x[i] ytemp = f(x_integral)/area #ytemp = interpolate(x,y,x_integral,fill_value=fill_value,axis=axis)/area #ytemp = f(x_integral)/area # do integration res = integrate.simps( np.transpose(ytemp.T*yresInv),x=xresInv+x[i],axis=axis) colon = (slice(None),) setElement(out,i,res,axis=axis) return out def fftconvolve(x,y,yres,xres=None,normalize=False): if (xres is not None): yres = interpolate(xres,yres,x,fill_value=0) fft = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(y,yres,"full") _idx = np.argmin( np.abs(x) ); # find t=0 fft = fft[_idx:_idx+len(x)] if normalize: norm = fftconvolve_find_norm(x,yres,xres=None) else: norm = 1 return fft/norm def fftconvolve_find_norm(x,res,xres=None): step = np.ones_like(x) n = int( len(step)/2 ) step[:n] = 0 norm = fftconvolve(x,step,res,xres=xres,normalize=False).max() return norm def convolveGaussian(x,y,sig=1.,nPointGaussian=51,fill_value=0.,axis=-1): xG = np.linspace(-5*sig,5*sig,nPointGaussian) G = gaussian(xG,x0=0,sig=sig) return convolve(x,y,xG,G,fill_value=fill_value,axis=axis) def convolveFunc(x,y,func_res,fill_value=0.,axis=-1): from scipy import integrate if y.ndim < 2: y = y[np.newaxis,:] nDim = y.ndim if (axis<0): axis = nDim+axis ## prepare output out = np.empty_like(y) nP = len(x) for i in range(nP): # calculate the values of the resolution function on x-x[i] ytemp = func_res(x-x[i]) # do integration res = integrate.simps(y*ytemp,x=x-x[i],axis=axis) setElement(out,i,res,axis=axis) return out def convolveFuncParams(x,y,func_res,func_res_pars,fill_value=0.,axis=-1): def tempFunc(xx): return func_res(xx,*func_res_pars) return convolveFunc(x,y,tempFunc,fill_value=fill_value,axis=axis) def convolve_test(nG=51): import time x=np.arange(100) y=(x>50).astype(np.float) sig = 3 xG = np.linspace(-5*sig,5*sig,nG) G = gaussian(xG,x0=0,sig=sig) Gpoly = np.polyfit(xG,G,20) t0 = time.time() conv_num = convolve(x,y,xG,G,fill_value=0.) print("Num:",time.time()-t0) t0 = time.time() conv_poly = convolve(x,y,xG,G,approximantOrder=10,fill_value=0.) print("Num:",time.time()-t0) t0 = time.time() conv_fun = convolveFuncParams(x,y,gaussian,(0,sig),fill_value=0.) print("Fun:",time.time()-t0) import pylab as plt plt.plot(conv_num.T,label="Numerical %d points" % nG) plt.plot(conv_fun.T,"o",label="Gaussian F") plt.plot(conv_poly.T,label="Gaussian (poly)") plt.plot(conv_num.T-conv_fun.T) return conv_num,conv_fun def conv_gauss_and_const(x,sig): from scipy.special import erf return 0.5*(1-erf(-x/sqrt2/sig)) def conv_gauss_and_exp(x,sig,tau): from scipy.special import erf #from mpmath import erf #*exp%28-%28t-x%29**2%2F2%2Fs**2%29%2FSqrt%282%29%2FSqrt%28pi%29%2Fs&var=x&answers= # actually calculated with sympy #return -(erf(sqrt2*(sig**2 - x*tau)/(2*sig*tau)) - 1)*exp(sig**2/(2*tau**2) - x/tau)/2 return 0.5*np.exp(-(2*tau*x-sig**2)/2/tau**2)*(1-erf( (-tau*x+sig**2)/sqrt2/tau/sig)) def gaussian(x,x0=0,sig=1,normalize=True): g = np.exp(-(x-x0)**2/2/sig**2) if normalize: return 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/sig*g else: return g ## FFT filter ## class FFTfilter(object): def __init__(self,s,dx=1,wins=((0.024,0.01),),wintype="gauss"): f,ffts = fft(s,dx=dx) filter = np.ones_like(f) for win in wins: if wintype == "gauss": filter *= (1-gaussian(f,win[0],win[1],normalize=False)) filter *= (1-gaussian(f,-win[0],win[1],normalize=False)) else: print("Not implemented") self.filter=filter def apply(self,s): s = np.fft.fft(s) return np.fft.ifft(s*self.filter) ### OS, PROMPT,PROCESS,TIME,DATE ... ETC. ### def bytesToHuman(bytes,units="auto",fmt="%.2f %s"): _units = dict( B = 0, KB = 1, MB = 2, GB = 3, TB = 4, PT = 5 ) _symb = {v: k for k, v in _units.items()} bytes = float(bytes) if units == "auto": u = np.log(bytes)//np.log(1024) units = _symb[u] else: u = _units[units] value = bytes/1024**u return fmt % (value,units) def memAvailable(asHuman=True): import psutil m = psutil.virtual_memory(); # return bytes m = m.available if asHuman: m = bytesToHuman(m) return m class procCom(object): def __init__(self,cmd): import pexpect self.proc = pexpect.spawn(cmd) def get(self,timeout=None,waitFor=None): import pexpect if (waitFor is not None): s = "" try: while s.find(waitFor)<0: s+=self.proc.read_nonblocking(timeout=timeout) except (pexpect.TIMEOUT,pexpect.EOF): pass else: s="" try: while 1: s+=self.proc.read_nonblocking(timeout=timeout) except (pexpect.TIMEOUT,pexpect.EOF): pass #print "got",s return s def send(self,what): self.proc.write(what) self.proc.flush() #print "send",what def query(self,what,timeout=None,waitFor=None): self.send(what) return self,get(timeout=timeout,waitFor=waitFor) def getCMD(cmd,strip=True): import os shell = os.popen(cmd) ret = shell.readlines() shell.close() if (strip): ret = [x.strip() for x in ret] return ret def lsdir(path,withQuotes=False,recursive=False): if recursive: dirs = [] for (dir, _, file) in os.walk(path): dirs.append(dir) else: content = getCMD("ls -1 %s" % path) content = ["%s/%s" % (path,x) for x in content] dirs = [x for x in content if os.path.isdir(x)] if (withQuotes): dirs = [ "'%s'" % x for x in dirs ] return dirs def lsfiles(path,withQuotes=False,recursive=False): if recursive: print("Not sure is working") files = [] for (dir, _, file) in os.walk(path): files.append(file) else: content = getCMD("ls -1 %s" % path) content = ["%s/%s" % (path,x) for x in content] files = [x for x in content if os.path.isfile(x)] if (withQuotes): files = [ "'%s'" % x for x in files ] return files def downloadPDB(pdbID,outFileName=None): import urllib2 import os address = "" % pdbID p = urllib2.urlopen(address) lines = p.readlines() if (outFileName is None): outFileName = pdbID+".pdb" folder = os.path.dirname(outFileName) if (folder != '' and not os.path.exists(folder)): os.makedirs(folder) f=open(outFileName,"w") f.write( "".join(lines) ) f.close() def dateStringToObj(s,format="%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S"): import datetime return datetime.datetime.strptime(s,format) def now(): import time return time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime()) def mytimer(func,args): import time t0=time.time() ret=func(*args) return time.time()-t0,ret ### TXT I/O ### def lineToVals(line): return map(eval,string.split(line)) class DataFile(object): filename="" lines=[] comments=[] head={} Data=[] Ndata=0 def __init__(self,f): self.filename=f self.Read() def Read(self): f=open(self.filename,"r") temp = f.readlines(); f.close(); r=re.compile('\s+'); c=re.compile('^\s*#'); for l in temp: if (re.match(c,l)): self.comments.append(l) else: self.lines.append(l) # first of non commented line might be header # try to understand it keys = [] try: v=lineToVals(self.lines[0]) for i in range(len(v)): keys.append(i) except: keys=self.lines[0].split() self.lines.remove( self.lines[0] ) datatemp = [] for l in self.lines: datatemp.append( lineToVals(l) ) self.Data = np.asarray(datatemp) for i in range(len(keys)): self.head[keys[i]] = self.Data[:,i] self.__dict__[keys[i]] = self.Data[:,i] (self.Ndata,self.Ncol) = self.Data.shape def clean(self): del self.Data def writev(fname,x,Ys,form="%+.6g",sep=" ",header=None,headerv=None): """ Write data to file 'fname' in text format. Inputs: x = x vector Ys = vector(or array or list of vectors) for the Ys form = format to use sep = separator header = text header (must be a string) headerv = vector to be used as header, it is convienient when the output must be of the form Ncol 252 253 254 x1 y11 y12 y13 ....... In this case headerv should be [252,253,254] """ if (type(x) != np.ndarray): x=np.array(x) if (type(Ys) != np.ndarray): Ys=np.array(Ys) if (len(Ys.shape)==1): Ys=Ys.reshape(Ys.shape[0],1) nx = len(x) if (Ys.shape[0] == nx): ny=Ys.shape[1] elif (Ys.shape[1] == nx): ny=Ys.shape[0] Ys=np.transpose(Ys) else: raise MCError("dimension of x (%d) does not match any of the dimensions of Ys (%d,%d)" % (nx,Ys.shape[0],Ys.shape[1])),encoding='utf-8',mode="w") if (header is not None): f.write(header.strip()+"\n") if (headerv is not None): f.write("%d" % (ny+1)) for i in range(ny): f.write(sep) f.write(form % headerv[i]) f.write("\n") for i in range(nx): f.write(form % x[i]) f.write(sep) for j in range(ny-1): f.write(form % Ys[i,j]) f.write(sep) f.write(form % Ys[i,-1]) f.write("\n") f.close() def writev(fname,x,Ys,form="%+.6g",sep=" ",header=None,headerv=None): """ Write data to file 'fname' in text format. Inputs: x = x vector Ys = vector(or array or list of vectors) for the Ys form = format to use sep = separator header = text header (must be a string) headerv = vector to be used as header, it is convienient when the output must be of the form Ncol 252 253 254 x1 y11 y12 y13 ....... In this case headerv should be [252,253,254] """ if (type(x) != np.ndarray): x=np.array(x) if (type(Ys) != np.ndarray): Ys=np.array(Ys) if (len(Ys.shape)==1): Ys=Ys.reshape(Ys.shape[0],1) nx = len(x) if (Ys.shape[1] == nx): ny=Ys.shape[0] elif (Ys.shape[0] == nx): ny=Ys.shape[1] Ys=np.transpose(Ys) else: raise MCError("dimension of x (%d) does not match any of the dimensions of Ys (%d,%d)" % (nx,Ys.shape[0],Ys.shape[1])),encoding='utf-8',mode="w") if (header is not None): f.write(header.strip()+"\n") if (headerv is not None): f.write("%d" % (ny+1)) for i in range(ny): f.write(sep) f.write(form % headerv[i]) f.write("\n") out = np.vstack( (x,Ys) ) np.savetxt(f,np.transpose(out),fmt=form,delimiter=sep) def loadtxt(fname,hasVectorHeader=True,asObj=False,isRecArray=False): if (isRecArray): return loadRecArray(fname,asObj=asObj) a=np.loadtxt(fname) if (not hasVectorHeader): x = a[:,0] y = a[:,1:].T t = None else: x = a[1:,0] y = a[1:,1:].T t = a[0,1:] if (asObj): class txtFile(object): def __init__(self,x,y,t): self.x = x self.y = y self.t = t return txtFile(x,y,t) else: return x,y,t def loadRecArray(fname,hasVectorHeader=True,asObj=False): a=np.loadtxt(fname,skiprows=1) # find header f=open(fname,"r") found = None while found is None: s=f.readline().strip() if s[0] != "#": found = s names = found.split() if (asObj): class txtFile(object): def __init__(self): pass ret = txtFile() for i in range(len(names)): ret.__dict__[names[i]] = a[:,i] else: ret = np.core.records.fromarrays(a.transpose(),names=",".join(names)) return ret def dictToRecArray(mydict): shapes = np.asarray([v.shape[0] for v in mydict.values()] ) assert np.all( shapes==shapes[0] ) names = list(mydict.keys()) formats = [ mydict[p].dtype for p in names ] arr = np.empty(shapes[0], dtype={'names':names, 'formats':formats}) for n in names: arr[n] = mydict[n] return arr def prepareRecArrayFromDict( mydict,n=1,leaveEmpty=True ): names = list(mydict.keys()) formats = [ type(mydict[p]) for p in names ] if leaveEmpty: array_kind = np.empty else: array_kind = np.zeros return array_kind(n, dtype={'names':names, 'formats':formats}) def prepareRecArrayFromNamesAndArray( names,ar,n=1,leaveEmpty=True ): formats = [ ar.dtype.type for p in names ] if leaveEmpty: array_kind = np.empty else: array_kind = np.zeros return array_kind(n, dtype={'names':names, 'formats':formats}) def writeMatrix(fout,M,x,y,form="%+.6g",sep=" ",header=None): (nx,ny) = M.shape if ( (nx == len(x)) and (ny==len(y)) ): pass elif ( (nx == len(y)) and (ny==len(x)) ): M=M.transpose() (nx,ny) = M.shape else: e = "Dimensions of matrix and the x or y vectors don't match" e += "shapes of M, x, y: " + str(M.shape) + " " +str(len(x))+ " " +str(len(y)) raise MCError(e) temp = np.zeros( (nx+1,ny) ) temp[1:,:] = M temp[0,:] = y writev(fout,np.hstack( (0,x) ),temp,form=form,sep=sep,header=header) ### MATPLOTLIB ... ETC. ### def lt(i,style="-",colors='rgbk'): i = i%len(colors) color = colors[i] if (style is not None): color += style return color def color(i,colors=nice_colors): i = i%len(colors) color = colors[i] return color def displayFig(i,x=None,y=None,roi=None): import pylab as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button, RadioButtons fig=plt.figure() n1,n2=i.shape if x is None: x = np.arange(n1) if y is None: y = np.arange(n2) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if roi is not None: (x1,x2,y1,y2) = roi else: x1,x2,y1,y2 = (0,n1,0,n2) xm=x[x1]; xM=x[x2-1] ym=y[y1]; yM=y[y2-1] def _format_coord(x, y): col = int(x+0.5) row = int(y+0.5) if col>=0 and col=0 and rownhalf): vec = np.concatenate( (vec[at_idx-nhalf:],vec[:at_idx-nhalf] )) else: vec = np.concatenate( (vec[at_idx+nhalf:],vec[:at_idx+nhalf])) return vec ### REBIN, RUNNING AVG, ... ETC ### def rebinOLD(bins_edges,x,*Y): """ rebins a list of Y based on x using bin_edges returns center of bins (vector) rebinned Y (list of vectors) Simga's (list of vectors), note: just std not std of average N (list of vectors), number of occurrances """ n=len(bins_edges)-1 outX = [] outY = [] outS = [] outN = [] for j in range(len(Y)): outY.append(np.empty(n)) outS.append(np.empty(n)) outN.append(np.empty(n)) outX = np.empty(n) for i in range(n): idx = (x>=bins_edges[i]) & (x 0): for j in range(len(Y)): outN[j][i] = idx.sum() outY[j][i] = Y[j][idx].mean() outS[j][i] = Y[j][idx].std() else: for j in range(len(Y)): outN[j][i] = 0 outY[j][i] = np.nan outS[j][i] = np.nan return outX,outY,outS,outN def rebin1D(a,shape): sh = shape,a.shape[0]//shape return a.reshape(sh).mean(1) def rebin1Dnew(a,shape): n0 = a.shape[0]//shape sh = shape,n0 return a[:n0*shape].reshape(sh).mean(1) def rebin2D(a, shape): sh = shape[0],a.shape[0]//shape[0],shape[1],a.shape[1]//shape[1] return a.reshape(sh).mean(-1).mean(1) def rebin2Dnew(a, shape): # // means floor n0 = a.shape[0]//shape[0] n1 = a.shape[1]//shape[1] crop = shape[0]*n0,shape[1]*n1 sh = shape[0],n0,shape[1],n1 #print a[:n0*shape[0],:n1*shape[1]].reshape(sh) return a[:crop[0],:crop[1]].reshape(sh).mean(-1).mean(1) def rebin3Dnew(a, shape): # // means floor n0 = a.shape[0]//shape[0] n1 = a.shape[1]//shape[1] n2 = a.shape[2]//shape[2] sh = shape[0],n0,shape[1],n1,shape[2],n2 crop = n0*shape[0],n1*shape[1],n2*shape[2] #print a[:n0*shape[0],:n1*shape[1]].reshape(sh) return a[:crop[0],:crop[1],:crop[2]].reshape(sh).mean(-1).mean(-2).mean(-3) def rebin(a, shape): a = np.asarray(a) ndim = a.ndim if (ndim == 1): return rebin1Dnew(a,shape) elif (ndim == 2): return rebin2Dnew(a,shape) elif (ndim == 3): return rebin3Dnew(a,shape) else: print("Can't do rebin of",a) def rebinTODO(a, shape): ndim = a.ndim if (len(shape) != ndim): print("Error, asked to rebin a %d dimensional array but provided shape with %d lengths" % (ndim,len(shape))) return None nout = [] for n in range(ndim): nout.append( a.shape[n]%shape[n] ) print("Not implemented ...") ### DISTRIBUTION, MEDIAN, SIGMA, ETC. ### def idx_within_std_from_center(vector,range): (m,s) = MedianAndSigma(vector) return np.abs(vector-m)<(range*s) def MedianAndSigma(a): median = np.median(a) MAD = np.median(np.abs(a-median)) sigma = 1.4826*MAD; # this assumes gauss distribution return (median,sigma) def weigthed_average(y,e=None,axis=0): if e is None: e=np.ones_like(y) if (axis != 0): y = y.transpose() e = e.transpose() (n0,n1) = y.shape yout = np.empty(n1) eout = np.empty(n1) for i in range(n1): toav = y[:,i] valid = np.isfinite(toav) toav = toav[valid] w = 1/e[valid,i]**2 yout[i] = np.sum(toav*w)/np.sum(w) eout[i] = np.sqrt(1/np.sum(w)) return yout,eout ### CONVERSION ### def convert(value=1,unit="eV",out="nm"): if (unit == "eV") & (out =="nm"): return 1239.8/value ### IMINUIT RELATED ### def iminuitClass(modelFunc): """ build a class to help fitting, first argumes of modelFunc should be x""" import inspect import iminuit import iminuit.util args = inspect.getargspec(modelFunc).args defaults = inspect.getargspec(modelFunc).defaults if defaults is not None: nDef = len( defaults ) args = args[:-nDef] args_str = ",".join(args[1:]) class iminuitFit(object): def __init__(self,x,data,init_pars,err=1.): self.x = x = data self.err = err self.init_pars=init_pars self.func_code = iminuit.util.make_func_code(args[1:])#docking off independent variable self.func_defaults = None #this keeps np.vectorize happy def __call__(self,*arg): return self.chi2(*arg) def model(self,*arg): return modelFunc(self.x,*arg) def chi2(self,*arg): c2 = (self.model(*arg) return np.sum(c2*c2) def fit(self,showInit=True,showPlot=True,doFit=True,doMinos=False): import pylab as plt p = self.init_pars if "errordef" not in p: p["errordef"] = 1. #m = iminuit.Minuit(self,print_level=0,pedantic=False,**p) m = iminuit.Minuit(self,**p) if showInit: model = self.model(*m.args) plt.figure("initial pars") plt.grid() plt.plot(self.x,,"o") plt.plot(self.x,model,'r-',linewidth=2) raw_input() if doFit: m.migrad() if doMinos: m.minos() for p in m.parameters: err = m.get_merrors()[p] err = "+ %.4f - %.4f" % (np.abs(err["upper"]),np.abs(err["lower"])) print("%10s %.4f %s"%(p,m.values[p],err)) else: for p in m.parameters: err = m.errors[p] err = "+/- %.4f" % (err) print("%10s %.4f %s"%(p,m.values[p],err)) model = self.model(*m.args) if (showPlot): plt.figure("final fit") plt.grid() plt.plot(self.x,,"o") plt.plot(self.x,model,'r-',linewidth=2) self.m = m return m,self.x,,model return iminuitFit def iminuitParsToStr(iminuit,withErrs=True,withFixed=True): values = iminuit.values errs = iminuit.errors pnames = values.keys() lenParNames = max( [len(p) for p in pnames] ) fmt = "%%%ds" % lenParNames pnames.sort() res = [] for p in pnames: v = values[p] e = errs[p] isf = iminuit.is_fixed(p) if not withFixed and isf: continue v,e = approx_err(v,e,asstring=True) if isf: e="fixed" s = fmt % p if withErrs: s += " = %s +/- %s" % (v,e) else: s += " = %s" % (v) res.append(s) return res ### VARIOUS ### def myProgressBar(N,title="Percentage"): import progressbar as pb widgets = [title, pb.Percentage(), ' ', pb.Bar(), ' ', pb.ETA()] pbar = pb.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=N) return pbar def chunk(iterableOrNum, size): temp = [] try: n = len(iterableOrNum) except TypeError: n = iterableOrNum nGroups = int(np.ceil(float(n)/size)) for i in range(nGroups): m = i*size M = (i+1)*size; M=min(M,n) if (m>=n): break temp.append( slice(m,M) ) try: ret = [iterableOrNum[x] for x in temp] except TypeError: ret = temp return ret def timeres(*K): """ return sqrt(a1**2+a2**2+...) """ s = 0 for k in K: s += k**2 return np.sqrt(s) def approx_err(value,err,asstring=False): if (not (np.isfinite(err))): err = np.abs(value/1e3) if (err != 0): ndigerr = -int(np.floor(np.log10(err))) if (ndigerr<1): ndigerr=2 e =round(err,ndigerr) ndigerr = -int(np.floor(np.log10(err))) v =round(value,ndigerr) else: v=value e=err if (asstring): return "%s" % v,"%s" % e else: return v,e def linFitOld(A,B): """ solve Ax = B, returning x """ temp =,B) square =,A) if (np.asarray(square).ndim==0): inv = 1./square else: inv = np.linalg.inv(square) x =,temp) return x def linFit(A,B,cond=None): """ solve Ax = B, returning x """ from scipy import linalg temp =,B) square =,A) if (np.asarray(square).ndim==0): inv = 1./square else: inv = linalg.pinvh(square,cond=cond) x =,temp) return x #return np.linalg.lstsq(A,B)[0] def insertInSortedArray(a,v): if v>a.max(): return a idx = np.argmin(a