""" hdf5 file based storage; this modules adds the possibility to dump dict as hdf5 File """ import numpy as np import os import h5py import collections import logging as log log.basicConfig(level=log.INFO) def dictToH5Group(d,group): """ helper function that transform (recursively) a dictionary into an hdf group """ for key,value in d.items(): if not isinstance(value,(dict,collections.OrderedDict)): # hacks for special s... # h5py can't handle numpy unicode arrays if isinstance(value,np.ndarray) and value.dtype.char == "U": value = np.asarray([vv.encode('ascii') for vv in value]) # h5py can't save None if value is None: value="NONE_PYTHON_OBJECT" try: group[key] = value except TypeError: log.error("Can't save %s"%(key)) else: group.create_group(key) dictToH5Group(value,group[key]) def dictToH5(h5,d): """ Save a dictionary into an hdf5 file h5py is not capable of handling dictionaries natively""" h5 = h5py.File(h5,mode="w") # group = h5.create_group("/") dictToH5Group(d,h5["/"]) h5.close() def h5dataToDict(h5): """ Read a hdf5 group into a dictionary """ if isinstance(h5,h5py.Dataset): temp = h5[...] # hack for special s... # unwrap 0d arrays if isinstance(temp,np.ndarray) and temp.ndim == 0: temp=temp.item() # h5py can't handle None if temp == "NONE_PYTHON_OBJECT": temp=None # convert back from ascii to unicode if isinstance(temp,np.ndarray) and temp.dtype.char == "S": temp = temp.astype(str) return temp else: ret = dict() for k,v in h5.items(): ret[k] = h5dataToDict(v) return ret def h5ToDict(h5): """ Read a hdf5 file into a dictionary """ with h5py.File(h5,"r") as h: ret = h5dataToDict( h["/"] ) return ret def npzToDict(npzFile): with np.load(npzFile) as npz: d = dict(npz) # unwrap 0d arrays for key,value in d.items(): if isinstance(value,np.ndarray) and value.ndim == 0: d[key]=value.item() return d def dictToNpz(npzFile,d): np.savez(npzFile,**d) def read(fname): extension = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] if extension == ".npz": return npzToDict(fname) elif extension == ".h5": return h5ToDict(fname) else: raise ValueError("Extension must be h5 or npz, it was %s"%extension) def save(fname,d): extension = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] if extension == ".npz": return dictToNpz(fname,d) elif extension == ".h5": return dictToH5(fname,d) else: raise ValueError("Extension must be h5 or npz")