from __future__ import print_function import sys if sys.version_info.major == 2: input=raw_input import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import os import collections import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.path import Path maskComponent = collections.namedtuple('maskComponent',['operation','geometry','vertices']) def _rectangleToMask(X,Y,vertices): ( (x1,y1), (x2,y2) ) = vertices if x1>x2: x1,x2=x2,x1 if y1>y2: y1,y2=y2,y1 return (X>x1) & (Xy1) & (Y shape[1]-snapRange: snapped[0] = shape[1] if snapped[1] < snapRange: snapped[1] = 0 if snapped[1] > shape[0]-snapRange: snapped[1] = shape[0] return tuple(snapped) def getPoints(N=1,shape=(100,100),snapRange=0): if N<1: print('Right click cancels last point, middle click ends the polygon') c = plt.ginput(N) c = [ snap(point,shape,snapRange=snapRange) for point in c ] if len(c) == 1: c = c[0] return c def makeMaskGui(img,snapRange=60): """ snapRange controls border snapping (in pixels, use <= 0 to disable """ mask = MyMask(img) ans='ok' while (ans != 'done'): plt.imshow(img) plt.clim(np.percentile(img,(2,98))) plt.imshow(mask.getMatplotlibMask()) plt.pause(0.01) ans = input("What's next p/P/c/C/r/R/done? (capitals = subtract)") if ans == "c": print("Adding circle, click on center then another point to define radius") vertices = getPoints(N=2,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange) mask.addCircle(*vertices) if ans == "C": print("Subtracting circle, click on center then another point to define radius") vertices = getPoints(N=2,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange) mask.subtractCircle(*vertices) if ans == "r": print("Adding rectangle, click on one corner and then on the opposite one") vertices = getPoints(N=2,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange) mask.addRectangle(*vertices) if ans == "R": print("Subtracting rectangle, click on one corner and then on the opposite one") vertices = getPoints(N=2,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange) mask.subtractRectangle(*vertices) if ans == 'p': print("Adding polygon") vertices = getPoints(N=-1,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange) mask.addPolygon(*vertices) if ans == 'P': print("Subtracting polygon") vertices = getPoints(N=-1,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange) mask.subtractPolygon(*vertices) plt.imshow(mask.getMatplotlibMask()) plt.pause(0.01) fname = input("Enter a valid filename (ext .edf or .npy) if you want to save the mask (empty otherwise)") try: if fname != '': ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] if ext == '.edf': elif ext == '.npy':,mask.getMask()) except Exception as e: log.error("Error in saving mask") log.error(e) finally: return mask def maskBorder(width,shape): mask = np.zeros(shape,dtype=bool) mask[ :width , : ] = True mask[ -width: , : ] = True mask[ : , :width ] = True mask[ : , -width: ] = True return mask def maskCenterLines(width,shape): mask = np.zeros(shape,dtype=bool) if isinstance(width,int): width = (width,width) c0 = int(shape[0]/2) c1 = int(shape[1]/2) w0 = int(width[0]/2) w1 = int(width[1]/2) mask[ c0-w0:c0+w0 , : ] = True mask[ : , c1-w1:c1+w1 ] = True return mask def test(shape=(1000,2000)): mask = MyMask() mask.addCircle(400,300,250) mask.subtractCircle(400,300,150) mask.addRectangle(350,250,1500,700) plt.imshow( mask.getMask(shape) ) return mask if __name__ == "__main__": test() ans=input("Enter to finish")