improved masking, now one can add or subtract with GUI; implemented also polygon

This commit is contained in:
marco cammarata 2017-03-05 16:40:39 +01:00
parent 33bf3384db
commit 906ec537d8
1 changed files with 115 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -5,53 +5,91 @@ import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import os
import collections
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.path import Path
maskComponent = collections.namedtuple('maskComponent',['operation','geometry','vertices'])
def _rectangleToMask(X,Y,vertices):
( (x1,y1), (x2,y2) ) = vertices
if x1>x2: x1,x2=x2,x1
if y1>y2: y1,y2=y2,y1
return (X>x1) & (X<x2) & ( Y>y1) & (Y<y2)
def _circleToMask(X,Y,vertices):
c,p = vertices
r = np.sqrt( (p[0]-c[0])**2 + (p[1]-c[1])**2 )
d = np.sqrt((X-c[0])**2+(Y-c[1])**2)
return d<r
def _polygonToMask(X,Y,vertices):
points = np.vstack((X.flatten(),Y.flatten())).T
path = Path(vertices)
grid = path.contains_points(points)
return grid.reshape(X.shape)
class MyMask(object):
def __init__(self,img=None):
self.comp = []
self.img = img
self.mask = None
self._cache = None
def _define_component(self,operation,geometry,*vertices):
if geometry == 'circle' and len(vertices) == 3:
xcen,ycen,radius = vertices
vertices = ( (xcen,ycen), (xcen+radius,ycen) )
if geometry == 'rectangle' and len(vertices) == 4:
vertices = ( (vertices[0],vertices[1]),(vertices[2],vertices[3]) )
# make sure vertices tuples
if isinstance(vertices,list):
vertices = [ (v[0],v[1]) for v in vertices ]
vertices = tuple(vertices)
a = dict( vertices = None )
self.comp.append( maskComponent(operation=operation,vertices=vertices,geometry=geometry) )
def addCircle(self,*vertices): self._define_component( 'add', 'circle', *vertices )
def subtractCircle(self,*vertices): self._define_component( 'subtract', 'circle', *vertices )
def addRectangle(self,*vertices): self._define_component( 'add','rectangle', *vertices)
def subtractRectangle(self,*vertices): self._define_component( 'subtract','rectangle',*vertices)
def addPolygon(self,*vertices): self._define_component( 'add','polygon',*vertices)
def subtractPolygon(self,*vertices): self._define_component( 'subtract','polygon',*vertices)
def addCircle(self,xcen,ycen,radius):
self.comp.append( ["add","circle", [xcen,ycen,radius] ] )
def subtractCircle(self,xcen,ycen,radius):
self.comp.append( ["subtract","circle", [xcen,ycen,radius] ] )
def addRectangle(self,x1,y1,x2,y2):
if x1>x2: x1,x2=x2,x1
if y1>y2: y1,y2=y2,y1
self.comp.append( ["add","rectangle", [x1,y1,x2,y2] ])
def subtractRectangle(self,x1,y1,x2,y2):
if x1>x2: x1,x2=x2,x1
if y1>y2: y1,y2=y2,y1
self.comp.append( ["subtract","rectangle", [x1,y1,x2,y2] ])
def getMask(self,shape=None):
if shape is None: shape = self.img.shape
m = []
X,Y = np.meshgrid ( range(shape[0]),range(shape[1]) )
for o in self.comp:
whattodo = o[0]
if kind == "circle":
(xc,yc,r) = pars
d = np.sqrt((X-xc)**2+(Y-yc)**2)
m.append( d<r )
if kind == "rectangle":
(x1,y1,x2,y2) = pars
temp = (X>x1) & (X<x2) & ( Y>y1) & (Y<y2)
m.append( temp )
mask = np.zeros(shape,dtype=np.bool)
for i in range(len(m)):
whattodo = self.comp[i][0]
if (whattodo == "add"):
mask[m[i]] = True
if shape is None and self.img is not None: shape = self.img.shape
if shape is None and self.img is None: shape = self._cache['shape']
if self._cache is None: self._cache = dict( shape = shape )
# reset cache if shape does not match
if shape != self._cache['shape']:
self._cache = dict( shape = shape )
X,Y = np.meshgrid ( range(shape[1]),range(shape[0]) )
for component in self.comp:
if component not in self._cache:
if component.geometry == 'circle':
mask = _circleToMask( X,Y,component.vertices )
elif component.geometry == 'rectangle':
mask = _rectangleToMask( X,Y,component.vertices )
elif component.geometry == 'polygon':
mask = _polygonToMask( X,Y,component.vertices )
mask[m[i]] = False
raise ValueError("Mask type %s not recongnized"%component.geometry)
self._cache[component] = mask
mask = np.zeros(shape,dtype=np.bool)
for comp in self.comp:
m = self._cache[ comp ]
if (comp.operation == "add"):
mask[m] = True
mask[m] = False
self.mask = mask
return mask
@ -70,25 +108,19 @@ class MyMask(object):
i=fabio.edfimage.edfimage(mask.astype(np.uint8)); # edf does not support bool
def test():
mask = MyMask()
return mask
def snap(point,shape,snapRange=20):
snapped = list(point)
if snapped[0] < snapRange: snapped[0] = 0
if snapped[0] > shape[0]-snapRange: snapped[0] = shape[0]
if snapped[0] > shape[1]-snapRange: snapped[0] = shape[1]
if snapped[1] < snapRange: snapped[1] = 0
if snapped[1] > shape[1]-snapRange: snapped[1] = shape[1]
return snapped
if snapped[1] > shape[0]-snapRange: snapped[1] = shape[0]
return tuple(snapped)
def getPoint(shape,snapRange):
c = plt.ginput()[0]
c = snap(c,shape,snapRange=snapRange)
def getPoints(N=1,shape=(100,100),snapRange=0):
if N<1: print('Right click cancels last point, middle click ends the polygon')
c = plt.ginput(N)
c = [ snap(point,shape,snapRange=snapRange) for point in c ]
if len(c) == 1: c = c[0]
return c
def makeMaskGui(img,snapRange=60):
@ -100,20 +132,32 @@ def makeMaskGui(img,snapRange=60):
ans = input("What's next c/r/done? ")
ans = input("What's next p/P/c/C/r/R/done? (capitals = subtract)")
if ans == "c":
print("Adding circle, click on center")
c = getPoint(img.shape,snapRange)
print("Adding circle, click on another point to define radius")
p = getPoint(img.shape,snapRange)
r = np.sqrt( (p[0]-c[0])**2 + (p[1]-c[1])**2 )
print("Adding circle, click on center then another point to define radius")
vertices = getPoints(N=2,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange)
if ans == "C":
print("Subtracting circle, click on center then another point to define radius")
vertices = getPoints(N=2,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange)
if ans == "r":
print("Adding rectangle, click on one corner")
c1 = getPoint(img.shape,snapRange)
print("Adding rectangle, click on opposite corner")
c2 = getPoint(img.shape,snapRange)
print("Adding rectangle, click on one corner and then on the opposite one")
vertices = getPoints(N=2,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange)
if ans == "R":
print("Subtracting rectangle, click on one corner and then on the opposite one")
vertices = getPoints(N=2,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange)
if ans == 'p':
print("Adding polygon")
vertices = getPoints(N=-1,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange)
if ans == 'P':
print("Subtracting polygon")
vertices = getPoints(N=-1,shape=img.shape,snapRange=snapRange)
fname = input("Enter a valid filename (ext .edf or .npy) if you want to save the mask (empty otherwise)")
@ -150,6 +194,16 @@ def maskCenterLines(width,shape):
return mask
def test(shape=(1000,2000)):
mask = MyMask()
plt.imshow( mask.getMask(shape) )
return mask
if __name__ == "__main__":