
323 lines
11 KiB

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
import collections
import re
from x3py import x3py
import alignment
import mcutils as mc
cmap = plt.cm.viridis if hasattr(plt.cm,"viridis") else plt.cm.gray
kw_2dplot = dict(
interpolation = "none",
aspect = "auto",
cmap = cmap
g_exp = "mecl3616"
g_exp = "xppl3716"
g_bml = g_exp[:3]
g_folder_init = g_exp+"_init_pars/"
g_folder_out = g_exp+"_output/"
g_folder_data = "/reg/d/psdm/"+g_bml+"/"+ g_exp +"/hdf5/"
import socket
hostname = socket.gethostname()
if hostname == "x1":
g_folder_data = "/home/marco/temp"
if hostname == "apcluster0":
g_folder_data = "/data/marcoc/singleShotXanes/"+ g_exp +"/hdf5/"
# set defaults based on experiment
if g_bml == "xpp":
g_roi_height = 200
g_swapx = False
g_swapy = False
g_roi_height = 100
g_swapx = True
g_swapy = False
print("Working on experiment",g_exp,"(beamline %s)"%g_bml)
print(" folder data →",g_folder_data)
print(" folder init_pars →",g_folder_init)
print(" folder outout →",g_folder_out)
#g_folder = "/reg/d/psdm/xpp/xppl3716/ftc/hdf5/"
def readDataset(fnameOrRun=7,
if isinstance(fnameOrRun,str) and (fnameOrRun[-3:]=="npz"):
d = x3py.toolsVarious.DropObject()
temp = np.load(fnameOrRun)
spec1 = temp["spec1"]
spec2 = temp["spec2"]
nS = spec1.shape[0]
d.spec1 = x3py.toolsDetectors.wrapArray("spec1",spec1,time=np.arange(nS))
d.spec2 = x3py.toolsDetectors.wrapArray("spec2",spec2,time=np.arange(nS))
if isinstance(fnameOrRun,int):
fnameOrRun=g_folder_data+"/"+g_exp+"-r%04d.h5" % fnameOrRun
d = x3py.Dataset(fnameOrRun,detectors=["opal0","opal1","fee_spec","opal2","ebeam"])
if g_bml == "xpp":
d.spec1 = d.opal0
d.spec2 = d.opal1
d.spec1 = d.fee_spec
d.spec2 = d.opal2
if not hasattr(d,"scan"):
d.scan = x3py.toolsVarious.DropObject()
d.scan.scanmotor0_values = [0,]
return d
def getCenter(img,axis=0,threshold=0.05):
img = img.copy()
img[img<img.max()*threshold] = 0
if axis == 1: img=img.T
p = img.mean(1)
x = np.arange(img.shape[0])
return int(np.sum(x*p)/np.sum(p))
def showShots(im1,im2):
nS = im1.shape[0]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,nS,sharex=True,sharey=True)
if im1.ndim == 3:
for a,i1,i2 in zip(ax.T,im1,im2):
for a,p1,p2 in zip(ax.T,im1,im2):
class AnalyzeRun(object):
def __init__(self,run,initAlign="auto",swapx=g_swapx,swapy=g_swapy):
""" swapx → swap x axis of first spectrometer
swapy → swap y axis of first spectrometer
initAlign: could be:
1. None if you want default transformation parameters
2. a dict if you want to overwrite certain parameters of the default ones
3. an integer (to look for xppl3716_init_pars/run????_transform.npy)
4. a file name (that has been previosly saved with r.saveTransform(fname)
self.data = readDataset(run)
self.scanpos = self.data.scan.scanmotor0_values
self.nCalib = self.data.spec1.nCalib
self.nShotsPerCalib = self.data.spec1.lens
if isinstance(run,str):
run = int( re.search("\d{3,4}",run).group() )
self.run = run
self.results = collections.OrderedDict()
self.swap = (swapx,swapy)
d = self.data
self.spec1 = d.spec1 ; # spec1 is the one that is moved
self.spec2 = d.spec2 ;
except (AttributeError,FileNotFoundError):
if initAlign is None:
print("Set to default transform")
self.initAlign = self.setDefaultTransform()
self.initAlign = initAlign
def getShot(self,shot=0,calib=None,bkgSub="line",roi=g_roi_height):
# read data
im1 = self.spec1.getShots(shot,calib=calib)
im2 = self.spec2.getShots(shot,calib=calib)
# subtractBkg bkg
im1 = alignment.subtractBkg(im1,bkg_type=bkgSub)
im2 = alignment.subtractBkg(im2,bkg_type=bkgSub)
# rebin and swap im1 if necessary
if im1.shape[-1] != 1024:
im1 = mc.rebin(im1, (im1.shape[0],im1.shape[1],1024) )
if self.swap[0]:
im1 = im1[:,:,::-1]
if self.swap[1]:
im1 = im1[:,::-1,:]
if roi is None:
elif isinstance(roi,slice):
im1 = im1[:,roi,:]
im2 = im2[:,roi,:]
elif isinstance(roi,int):
if not hasattr(self,"roi1"): self.roi1 = alignment.findRoi(im1[0],roi)
if not hasattr(self,"roi2"): self.roi2 = alignment.findRoi(im2[0],roi)
im1 = im1[:,self.roi1,:]; im2 = im2[:,self.roi2,:]
return im1,im2
def guiAlign(self,shot=0,save="auto"):
im1,im2 = self.getShot(shot)
gui = alignment.GuiAlignment(im1[0],im2[0])
input("Enter to start")
if save == "auto":
fname = g_folder_init+"/run%04d_gui_align.npy" % self.run
fname = save
self.initAlign = gui.transform
def analyzeScan(self,initpars=None,nShotsPerCalib=20,nC=None,doFit=False,fitEveryCalib=False,nSaveImg=5):
""" this is a comment """
if initpars is None: initpars= self.initAlign
if nC is None: nC = self.nCalib
out = []
for i in range(nC):
if nShotsPerCalib == 'all':
shots = slice(self.nShotsPerCalib[i])
shots = slice(nShotsPerCalib)
s1,s2 = self.getShot(shots,calib=i)
if fitEveryCalib is not False:
ret,bestTransf = alignment.doShots(s1[:fitEveryCalib],s2[:fitEveryCalib],doFit=True,\
initpars = bestTransf; self.initAlign=bestTransf
ret = alignment.doShots(s1,s2,initpars=initpars,doFit=doFit,nSaveImg=nSaveImg)
self.results[i] = ret
print("Calib cycle %d -> %.3f (best FOM: %.2f)" % (i,self.scanpos[i],np.min(ret.fom)))
return out
def doShot(self,shot=0,calib=None,initpars=None,im1=None,im2=None,doFit=True,show=False,showInit=False,save=False,savePlot="auto"):
if initpars is None: initpars= self.initAlign
if (im1 is None) or (im2 is None):
im1,im2 = self.getShot(shot,calib=calib); im1=im1[0]; im2=im2[0]
r = alignment.doShot(im1,im2,initpars,doFit=doFit,show=showInit)
im1 = r.im1
im2 = r.im2
self.initAlign = r.final_pars
if show:
if savePlot == "auto":
if not os.path.isdir(g_folder_out): os.makedirs(g_folder_out)
savePlot = g_folder_out+"/run%04d_calib%s_shot%04d_fit.png" % (self.run,calib,shot)
if save: self.saveTransform()
return r
def doShots(self,shots=slice(0,50),calib=None,initpars=None,doFit=False,returnBestTransform=False,nSaveImg='all'):
shots : slice to define shots to read, use 'all' for all shots in calibcycle
nSaveImg : save saveImg images in memory (self.results), use 'all' for all
useful for decreasing memory footprint
if initpars is None: initpars= self.initAlign
if shots == "all": shots = slice(self.nShotsPerCalib[calib])
s1,s2 = self.getShot(shots,calib=calib)
ret,transformForBestFit = alignment.doShots(s1,s2,initpars=initpars,doFit=doFit,\
if doFit: self.initAlign = transformForBestFit
# keep it for later !
self.results[calib] = ret
if returnBestTransform:
return ret,transformForBestFit
return ret
def save(self,fname="auto",overwrite=False):
if len(self.results) == 0: print("self.results are empty, returning without saving")
if not os.path.isdir(g_folder_out): os.makedirs(g_folder_out)
if fname == "auto":
fname = g_folder_out+"/run%04d_analysis.h5" % self.run
if os.path.exists(fname) and not overwrite:
print("File %s exists, **NOT** saving, use overwrite=True is you want ..."%fname)
if os.path.exists(fname) and overwrite: os.unlink(fname)
print("Saving results to %s"%fname)
h = h5py.File(fname)
h["roi1"] = (self.roi1.start,self.roi1.stop)
h["roi2"] = (self.roi2.start,self.roi2.stop)
h["scanmot0"] = self.data.scan.scanmotor0
h["scanpos0"] = self.data.scan.scanmotor0_values
if hasattr(self.data.scan,"scanmotor1"):
h["scanmot1"] = self.data.scan.scanmotor1
h["scanpos1"] = self.data.scan.scanmotor1_values
#h["transform"] = self.initAlign
for (c,v) in self.results.items():
cname = "calib%04d/" % c if isinstance(c,int) else "calib%s/" % c
for p,vv in mc.objToDict(v).items():
# cannot save in hfd5 certain python objects
if p == "fit_result" or p.find("final_transform")==0:
if isinstance(vv,dict):
for pname,parray in vv.items():
name = cname + p + "/" + pname
h[name] = parray
h[cname + p] = vv
def saveTransform(self,fname="auto",transform=None):
if transform is None: transform = self.initAlign
if fname == "auto":
fname = g_folder_init+"/run%04d_transform.npy" % self.run
print("Saving roi and transformation parameter to %s"%fname)
def loadTransform(self,fname="auto"):
if isinstance(fname,dict): raise FileNotFoundError
if fname == "auto":
fname = g_folder_init+"/run%04d_transform.npy" % self.run
elif isinstance(fname,int):
fname = g_folder_init+"/run%04d_transform.npy" % fname
if not os.path.exists(fname): print("Asked to read %s, but it does not exist"%fname)
temp = np.load(fname).item()
self.initAlign = temp["transform"]
self.roi1 = temp["roi1"]
self.roi2 = temp["roi2"]
print("init transform and ROIs from %s"%fname)
def clearCache(self):
del self.roi1
del self.roi2
alignment.clearCache(); # nedded for multiprocessing can leave bad parameters in the cache
def setDefaultTransform( self ):
#dict( scalex=0.65,rotation=0.0,transx=90, iblur1=4.3,fix_iblur1=False )
t = alignment.g_fit_default_kw
self.initAlign = t
return t
def quick_mec(run,ref=236,divideByRef=False,returnRes=False):
""" useful to analyze the runs around 140 (done with the focusing """
ref_run = 236
h=h5py.File("mecl3616_output/run%04d_analysis.h5" %ref,"r")
ref = np.nanmean(h["calibNone"]["ratio"][...],axis=0)
r = AnalyzeRun(run,initAlign=ref,swapx=True,swapy=False)
ret = res["ratio"]/ref if divideByRef else res["ratio"]
if returnRes:
return ret,res
return ret
def quickAndDirty(run,nShots=300,returnAll=True,doFit=False):
""" useful to analyze the runs around 140 (done with the focusing """
r = AnalyzeRun(run,swap=True,initAlign=g_folder_init+"/run0144_transform.npy")
o = alignment.unravel_results(res)
ref = np.nanmedian(o["ratio"][:40],0)
sam = np.nanmedian(o["ratio"][50:],0)
if returnAll:
return sam/ref,o["ratio"]/ref
return sam/ref