from __future__ import print_function,division import mcutils as mc import joblib import numpy as np # /--------\ # | | # | UTILS | # | | # \--------/ def rebin1D(a,shape): n0 = a.shape[0]//shape sh = shape,n0 return a[:n0*shape].reshape(sh).mean(1) def calcFOM(p1,p2,ratio,threshold=0.1): idx = ( p1>p1.max()*threshold )# & (p2>p2.max()/10) ratio = ratio[idx] return ratio.std()/np.abs(ratio.mean()) def getCenterOfMass(img,x=None,axis=0,threshold=0.05): img = img.copy() if img.ndim == 1: img=img[np.newaxis,:]; axis=1 img[img 5% of the max """ p1,p2 = maskLowIntensity(p1,p2,threshold=threshold,squeeze=False) # using masked array because some pixel will have zero shots contributing av1 =,axis=0,weights=p1) av2 =,axis=0,weights=p2) return av2/av1 def medianRatio(p1,p2,threshold=0.03): """ p1 and p2 are the energy spectrum. if 2D the first index has to be the shot number calculate median ratio taking into account only regions where p1 and p2 are > 5% of the max """ p1,p2 = maskLowIntensity(p1,p2,threshold=threshold,squeeze=False) ratio = p2/p1 return,axis=0,weights=p1) # /--------------------\ # | | # | PLOTS & CO. | # | | # \--------------------/ def plotShot(im1,im2,transf1=None,transf2=None,fig=None,ax=None,res=None,E=defaultE,save=None): if transf1 is not None: im1 = transf1.transformImage(im1) if transf2 is not None: im2 = transf2.transformImage(im2) if fig is None and ax is None: fig = plt.subplots(2,3,figsize=[7,5],sharex=True)[0] ax = fig.axes elif fig is not None: ax = fig.axes if E is None: E=np.arange(im1.shape[1]) n = im1.shape[0] ax[0].imshow(im1,extent=(E[0],E[-1],0,n),**kw_2dplot) ax[1].imshow(im2,extent=(E[0],E[-1],0,n),**kw_2dplot) ax[2].imshow(im1-im2,extent=(E[0],E[-1],0,n),**kw_2dplot) if res is None: p1 = np.nansum(im1,axis=0) p2 = np.nansum(im2,axis=0) pr = p2/p1 else: p1 = res.p1; p2 = res.p2; pr = res.ratio ax[3].plot(E,p1,lw=3) ax[4].plot(E,p1,lw=1) ax[4].plot(E,p2,lw=3) idx = (p1>p1.max()/10.) ax[5].plot(E[idx],pr[idx]) if res is not None: ax[5].set_title("FOM: %.2f"%res.fom) else: ax[5].set_title("FOM: %.2f"% calcFOM(p1,p2,pr)) if (save is not None) and (save is not False): plt.savefig(save,transparent=True,dpi=500) return fig def plotRatios(r,shot='random',fig=None,E=defaultE,save=None): if fig is None: fig = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True)[0] ax = fig.axes n = r.shape[0] i = ax[0].imshow(r,extent=(E[0],E[-1],0,n),**kw_2dplot) i.set_clim(0,1.2) if shot == 'random' : shot = np.random.random_integers(0,n-1) ax[1].plot(E,r[shot],label="Shot n %d"%shot) ax[1].plot(E,np.nanmedian(r[:10],axis=0),label="median 10 shots") ax[1].plot(E,np.nanmedian(r,axis=0),label="all shots") ax[1].legend() ax[1].set_ylim(0,1.5) ax[1].set_xlabel("Energy") ax[1].set_ylabel("Transmission") ax[0].set_ylabel("Shot num") if (save is not None) and (save is not False): plt.savefig(save,transparent=True,dpi=500) def plotSingleShots(r,nShots=10,fig=None,E=defaultE,save=None,ErangeForStd=(7090,7150)): if fig is None: fig = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True)[0] ax = fig.axes for i in range(nShots): ax[0].plot(E,r[i]+i) ax[0].set_ylim(0,nShots+0.5) av = (1,3,10,30,100) good = np.nanmedian(r,0) for i,a in enumerate(av): m = np.nanmedian(r[:a],0) idx = (E>ErangeForStd[0]) & (E