dmenu | ||
greasemonkey | ||
update-motd.d | ||
.gitignore | ||
README.md | ||
TODO.md | ||
actions | ||
apt-fast | ||
bash_quote | ||
bepo_azerty.sh | ||
changeuser.sh | ||
ecran | ||
explorer.exe | ||
firewall | ||
flac_to_mp3 | ||
git-loc | ||
make_win_usb | ||
manette360 | ||
netboot.c | ||
num_circle | ||
pomodoro | ||
printscreen | ||
procstat.c | ||
resize_img | ||
shell_color.sh | ||
sms.py | ||
snapsend.sh | ||
test_ssl3 | ||
update_iso.sh | ||
veille.sh | ||
vimmanpager | ||
weblink | ||
wiimote | ||
wol | ||
zenity_generator.sh | ||
zfSnap.sh |
Some useful scripts (for me) that can be added to $PATH :)
- apt-fast: Script for faster package downloading with 'axel'.
- bash_quote: Get a random quote from http://danstonchat.com
- firewall: A script shell to set some iptables rules.
- update-dynmotd.d/: scripts to update the motd (via the /etc/update-motd.d directory).
- flac_to_mp3: convert all flac files of a directory into mp3.
- num_circle: Transform a number into a digit with a circle.
- pomodoro: Print a task and a timer in a file. Try to apply Pomodoro Technique!
- snapsend.sh: Send a ZFS snapshot to a remote host.
- test_ssl3: Test if a website supportes the SSLV3 protocol.
- veille.sh: Kill every sensitive process and files then lock the screen.
- vimmanpager: Tiny script can be used as PAGER, it will call VIM!
- weblink: Tiny Python script that run a small webserver to share files.
- wol: Send WakeOnLan/magic packets to remote host.
- zenity_generator: Script to generate zenity window.
- zfSnap.sh: Take snapshot of a ZFS pool.
Speed-up APT packages downloading with 'axel' (light command line download accelerator). Juste use it like aptitude/apt/apt-get.
sudo apt-fast full-upgrade
Get a random quote from http://danstonchat.com with 'lynx'.
### Firewall A shell script to apply some Iptables rules.
- Rules are automatically apply only for the UP interfaces.
- If it's detect some softwares (eg. Apache2), Iptables rules for ports 80/443 are automatically apply.
- Special rules allow all traffic throught a VPN:
firewall vpn
- If a local file exists (firewall.local) it will also apply it. For personnal rules for example.
Convert FLAC audio files to MP3 with 'avconv'.
- Convert a directory:
flac_to_mp3 /media/data/bisounours_land_v2
- Convert a file:
flac_to_mp3 /media/data/makarena.flac
Tiny Bash script that take a number between 0 and 20 as argument and transform it into a digit with into a circle.
num_circle 18
My implementation of the Pomodoro Technique (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique).
You can simply launch it with:
pomodoro "Work my french kiss"
Then the script will:
- Create a ~/.pomodoro directory to store current task (current.task) and a summary of each week (eg week-42-2015.txt).
- First, it's put task name and a timer (for $WORK_TIME) to the current task file.
- Once the $WORK_TIME has been reached:
- Log task name and worked time to the weekly log file
- Toggle the sound to mark a pause
- It's put a pause/break message for 5/20 minutes as current task
- Delete the current task file
- Must run the script every ~30 minutes
- …?
- I can display my current task and it's timer wherever i want (tmux, herbstluftwm, …)
- Written to work with /bin/sh
Redhat's script to test if an LDAP server support SSLv3.
You could also use a nmap command:
nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 ldap.tld.org | grep "SSLv3: No supported ciphers found"
Python program that run a small webserver (BaseHTTPServer) to easily share some files.
- eg:
weblink /tmp/goodbye.file
HTTP server running at http://localhost:8888/
^C^C received, shutting down server
- With a password:
weblink --pass=die /tmp/kitty.file
HTTP server running at http://localhost:8888/die