#!/usr/bin/env sh # From Kehet ## https://gist.github.com/Kehet/5ba8a530e52ea3a0ae251d756faef680 # Vars {{{ ## Current tasks temp file readonly TASKW_CURRENT_LIST="/tmp/rofi-task.sh-current.tasks" ## Rofi colors black="#000000" blue="#0094cc" # }}} is_task_running() { # {{{ if task active >/dev/null 2>&1; then return_is_task_running="0" else return_is_task_running="1" fi return "${return_is_task_running:=/dev/null}" } # }}} display_current_task() { # {{{ ## List active task(s) in a temp file touch -- "${TASKW_CURRENT_LIST}" printf '%b\n\n' " Choose a task to STOP" >> "${TASKW_CURRENT_LIST}" task +ACTIVE export | jq -r 'sort_by( -.urgency )[] | [ (.id|tostring), .description ] | join(" ")' >> "${TASKW_CURRENT_LIST}" ## Display active tasks list and get title from the choosen one TITLE=$(rofi -location 2 -lines 5 -no-auto-select -i -dmenu -p "RUNNING task(s)" -color-enabled -color-normal "${blue},${black},${blue},${black},${blue}" -color-window "${blue},${blue}" < "${TASKW_CURRENT_LIST}" | cut --delimiter=" " --field=2 | sed "s/[0-9]//g") ID=$(task "${TITLE}" simpleid | grep --after-context=2 -- ID | tail --lines=1 || return 0) ## Remove temp file rm --force -- "${TASKW_CURRENT_LIST}" ## If no task was selected (empty var) then exit [ -z "${TITLE}" ] && echo "Cancelled." && exit 0 ## If no ID was found (empty var) then exit [ -z "${ID}" ] && echo "Cancelled." && exit 0 ## Kill any pomodorrior process running for the current task pkill --full -- "${TITLE}" ## Also kill any "sleep 60" remaining process pkill --full -- "sleep 60" ## Stop the selected task and exit task "${ID}" stop >/dev/null && exit 0 } # }}} select_task() { # {{{ ## Display pending tasks list and get title from the choosen one TITLE=$(task status:pending export | jq -r 'sort_by( -.urgency )[] | [ (.id|tostring), .description ] | join(" ")' | sort --numeric-sort --reverse | rofi -location 2 -no-auto-select -i -dmenu -p "Task" -color-enabled -color-normal "${black},${blue},${black},${blue},${black}" -color-window "${black},${black}" | cut --delimiter=" " --field=2) [ -z "${TITLE}" ] && echo "Cancelled." && exit 0 ## Start task with pomodorrior script (task end after 25 minutes) pomodorrior "${TITLE}" && exit 0 } # }}} main() { # {{{ is_task_running \ && display_current_task \ && exit 0 select_task \ && exit 0 } # }}} main exit 255