
# From :
# https://github.com/NapoleonWils0n/ubuntu-bin/blob/master/yank

# send video links to kodi

# script usage

usage () {
# if argument passed to function echo it
[ -z "${1}" ] || echo "! ${1}"
# display help
echo "\
$(basename "$0") -u url
-u http link or a video file.(mp4|mov|mkv|m4v|aac|m4a|wav|mp3)
-i IP.AD.DR.ESS (default="
exit 2

# error messages

INVALID_OPT_ERR='Invalid option:'
REQ_ARG_ERR='requires an argument'
WRONG_ARGS_ERR='wrong number of arguments passed to script'

# try to get a youtube URL from clipboard

is_clipboard_youtube_url () {
  url_arg=$(xclip -out -selection clipboard)
  if printf "%s" "${url_arg}" | grep -q -E "http.*youtube.*"; then
    printf "%b\n" "Clipboard content can be used: ${url_arg}"
    usage "${WRONG_ARGS_ERR}"

# check number of aruments passed to script

[ $# -gt 0 ] || is_clipboard_youtube_url

# getopts check options passed to script

while getopts ':u:i:h' opt
  case ${opt} in
     u) url_arg="${OPTARG}";;
     i) ip="${OPTARG}";;
     h) usage;;
     \?) usage "${INVALID_OPT_ERR} ${OPTARG}" 1>&2;;
     :) usage "${INVALID_OPT_ERR} ${OPTARG} ${REQ_ARG_ERR}" 1>&2;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))

# ip address localhost - change to your ip

## If ip wasn't defined
if [ -z "${ip}" ]; then
	### Set it to localhost

# url

# youtube-dl best format
url=$(youtube-dl -f best -g --no-playlist "${url_arg}")

# check url with ffprobe for errors and swap stderr and stdout to store error
url_check=$(ffprobe -hide_banner -v warning -i "${url}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3 >/dev/null)

# broken header error regex
atom_error='.*stream 1, missing mandatory atoms, broken header$'
error_check=$(expr "${url_check}" : "${atom_error}")

# one stream containing audio and video

one_stream () {
kodi-send --host="${ip}" --port=9777 --action="PlayMedia(${url},[noresume])" 1>/dev/null

# two streams containing audio and video

two_streams () {
url=$(youtube-dl -g --no-playlist "${url_arg}")
video_url=$(echo "${url}" | awk 'BEGIN{ RS ="" ; FS ="\n" }{print $1}')
audio_url=$(echo "${url}" | awk 'BEGIN{ RS ="" ; FS ="\n" }{print $2}')

# kodi-send
kodi-send --host="${ip}" --port=9777 --action="PlayMedia(udp://${ip}:1234?pkt_size=1316)" 1>/dev/null

# ffmpeg join audio and video and stream
ffmpeg \
-hide_banner \
-re \
-i "${video_url}" \
-i "${audio_url}" \
-c:a copy -c:v copy \
-tune zerolatency \
-map 0:0 -map 1:0 \
-f mpegts "udp://${ip}:1234?pkt_size=1316"

# case statement check for ffprobe error

case "${error_check}" in
    0) one_stream;; # no error
    *) two_streams;; # error