
# The script will : {{{
## Open scrot and allow the user to select the rectangle to capture
## Send the file to a remote file hosting
## Require the script https://git.101010.fr/gardouille-dotfiles/scripts/src/branch/master/send.to.0x0.sh
# }}}

# Try to make a screen capture with scrot
# --select : Interactively select a window or rectangle with the mouse.
# --multidisp : For multiple heads
# --exec : Execute some commands
##       Move the image to /tmp
##       Send the absolut path of the image file to clipboard
scrot --select --multidisp --exec 'mv $f /tmp ; echo "/tmp/$f" | xclip -rmlastnl -selection clipboard'

# Call a script to automatically send the content of clipboard to a remote file hosting