#!/bin/sh # .. vim: foldmarker=[[[,]]]:foldmethod=marker # {{ ansible_managed | comment }} # Colors definition [[[ BLACK='\033[49;30m' BLACKB='\033[49;90m' RED='\033[0;31m' REDB='\033[1;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' BLUE='\033[94;49m' MAGENTA='\033[0;35m' CYAN='\033[36;49m' WHITE='\033[0;37m' BOLD='\033[1m' RESET='\033[0m' # ]]] # Vars definition [[[ ROOT_PART_USAGE=$(df --local | grep -m1 "/$" | awk '{print $5}') # ]]] #+++++++++++++++++++: Disk Usage :+++++++++++++++++++ printf '%b' "${RESET}" printf "${BLACKB}%33s${RESET}" | tr ' ' - printf '%b' " ${CYAN}Disk Usage${RESET} " printf "${BLACKB}%34s${RESET}\\n" | tr ' ' - # Root partition ## Replaced by rootfs in few kernel version PRINTF_ROOT_NAME=$(printf '%-22s' "/") printf '%b' "${BLACKB}+ ${WHITE}${PRINTF_ROOT_NAME}${RESET}${BLACKB}= ${CYAN}${ROOT_PART_USAGE}${RESET}\\n" # Other partition for PART_NAME in /boot /home /opt /srv /tmp /tmp /usr /var /var/lib/docker /var/lib/vz; do ## "/...$" : $ to grep only the mount point and not sub-directories (/var: OK; /mnt/temp: nOK) if (df --local | grep "${PART_NAME}$" > /dev/null); then PART_USAGE=$(df --local | grep "${PART_NAME}$" | awk '{print $5}') PRINTF_PART_NAME=$(printf '%-22s' "${PART_NAME}") printf '%b' "${BLACKB}+ ${WHITE}${PRINTF_PART_NAME}${RESET}${BLACKB}= ${CYAN}${PART_USAGE}${RESET}\\n" fi done ## IF ZFS [[[ #+++++++++++++++++++: ZFS Usage :+++++++++++++++++++ if [ "$(command -v zpool)" ]; then printf '%b' "${RESET}" printf "${BLACKB}%32s${RESET}" | tr ' ' - printf '%b' " ${CYAN}${BOLD}ZFS${RESET} ${CYAN}Partition${RESET} " printf "${BLACKB}%33s${RESET}\\n" | tr ' ' - NUMBER_PART=$(df --local --print-type | grep -c zfs) LINE=1 while [ "${LINE}" -le "${NUMBER_PART}" ]; do DISK_USAGE=$(df --local --print-type | grep zfs | sed -n "${LINE},${LINE}p" | awk '{print $6}') PART_NAME=$(df --local --print-type | grep zfs | sed -n "${LINE},${LINE}p" | awk '{print $1}') PRINTF_PART_NAME=$(printf '%-23s' "${PART_NAME}") printf '%b' "${BLACKB}+ ${WHITE}${PRINTF_PART_NAME}${RESET} ${CYAN}${DISK_USAGE}${RESET}\\n" LINE=$((LINE+1)) # Bash ONLY: (( LINE++ )) done fi ## FI ZFS ]]] printf '%b' "${RESET}"