# lipase An image processing software suite for the project lipase (Véronique Vié, Institut de Physique de Rennes) This software suite is developed as a python script for fiji (an image processing package based on imageJ). ## What it does As the development is at its early stages, it does not much at the moment: - loads a sequence of images into fiji in the form of an hyperstack (5d images : width, height, depth, channels, time) ## How to use 1. make sure that fiji is installed on your computer. If not, get it from https://fiji.sc/ 2. make sure that fiji has the IJ-OpenCV-plugins - in Fiji, select the Help->Update... menu item - in the Manage update sites window, tick the IJ-OpenCV-plugins (URL = http://sites.imagej.net/IJ-OpenCV/) if it's not ticked. - click the close button of the Manage update sites window - click "Apply changes" button in the ImageJ Updater window - wait until the plugins are installed and quit Fiji 3. Install lipase - lipase is released as a package named "lipase-<lipase-version>.zip". This package can be build from sources using the 'make package' command, provided you have all the build tools on your machine (make, javac, zip). - simply unzip the package "lipase-<lipase-version>.zip" in Fiji root directory 4. launch fiji and check that you have lipase tools in the menu Plugins/Ipr/Lipase ## Notes http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=plugin:analysis:microscope_image_correlation_spectroscopy:start