pipeline { agent {label 'physix_agent'} stages { stage('Initial setup...') { steps { echo 'Initial setup...' // erase old builds if anything is left sh './scripts/cleanup.bash' sh './scripts/install_fiji.bash' sh 'export FIJI_ROOT_PATH=$(pwd)/Fiji.app; ./scripts/install_lipase_in_fiji.bash' // echo 'Create or update the virtual Python environment' // sh '/bin/bash ./src/CI/CI.bash -i ci_venv' } } stage('Testing the package...') { steps { sh './tests/test0001.bash' } } // stage('Building HTML documentation...') { // steps { // echo 'Building HTML documentation...' // // sh '/bin/bash ./src/CI/CI.bash -d ci_venv' // } // } // stage('Releasing package...') { // steps { // echo 'Releasing package...' // // sh 'rm -rf $HOME/www/*' // // sh 'cp -a ./src/doc/build/html/* $HOME/www/' // } // } stage('Cleaning up...') { steps { echo 'Cleaning artifacts...' sh './scripts/cleanup.bash' // sh 'rm -rf ./install_resources' // sh 'cd ./src/doc && make clean' } } } }