#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pathlib import Path import re import pandas # converts a cnrs geslab type t001 report to a single table def geslabt002_to_sheet(in_tsv_file_path: Path, out_tsv_file_path: Path): with open(in_tsv_file_path) as inf, open(out_tsv_file_path, 'wt') as outf: table_header_has_been_written = False for line in inf.readlines(): # Entité dépensière : AESJULLIEN AES RENNES METROPOLE MC JULLIEN Crédits reçus : 40,000.00 # Disponible : 24,743.14 # # # N° commande Souche Libellé commande Date commande Raison sociale fournisseur Montant consommé sur exercice antérieur Montant consommé sur l'exercice Montant réservé Montant facturé Code origine Nature dépense Statut Cde groupée is_table_header = re.match(r'^N° com. GESLAB', line) is not None # for some strange reason, the column 'N° com. GESLAB''s contents are alternatively something like '1952-12-17 12:00:00 AM' and something like '19,855.00' if is_table_header and not table_header_has_been_written: outf.write('# %s' % line) table_header_has_been_written = True if re.match(r'^[0-9,.]+\t', line): outf.write(line) elif re.match(r'^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9]+-[0-9]+ [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [AP]M\t', line): outf.write(line) else: print('ignoring line : %s' % line) def geslabt002_to_itorders(geslabt001_file_path: Path, itorders_file_path: Path): sheet_file_path = Path('./tmp/commandes-2019-cnrs.tsv') geslabt002_to_sheet(geslabt001_file_path, sheet_file_path) df = pandas.read_csv(sheet_file_path, sep='\t') # delete the colums for which the labve is of the form 'Unnamed: '. They come from the csv export of libre office unnamed_columns = [column_label for column_label in df.keys() if re.match(r'^Unnamed', column_label) is not None] print(unnamed_columns) df = df.drop(columns=unnamed_columns) print(df.columns) print(df.keys()) print(df) PETIT_MATERIEL_INFORMATIQUE = '1100' EQUIPEMENT_INFORMATIQUE = '2100' INFORMATIQUE_ACHAT = 'D3--' it_df = df[(df['Matière'] == PETIT_MATERIEL_INFORMATIQUE) | (df['Matière'] == EQUIPEMENT_INFORMATIQUE) | (df['Matière'] == INFORMATIQUE_ACHAT)] print(it_df) # to remove clutter, drop the columns that we don't need print(it_df.keys()) it_df = it_df.drop(columns=['# N° com. GESLAB']) # this column seems to contain anything but ordering number it_df = it_df.drop(columns=['N° ligne']) # I don't know the meaning of this column it_df = it_df.drop(columns=['Code origine']) # I don't know the meaning of this column it_df = it_df.drop(columns=['Elément analytique']) # I don't know the meaning of this column it_df = it_df.drop(columns=['S']) # I don't know the meaning of this column print(it_df[['Facturé ligne', 'Raison sociale fournisseur', 'Libellé ligne']]) it_df.to_csv(itorders_file_path, sep='\t') def main(): geslabt002_to_itorders(Path('./achats-ipr/2019/cnrs/from_ngicquiaux_20230127/commandes-2019-cnrs-t002.tsv'), Path('./tmp/commandes-it-2019-cnrs-002.tsv')) main()