990 lines
28 KiB
990 lines
28 KiB
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 fdm=indent:
# coding: utf-8
import re
import os
import textwrap
class Patterns(object):
col = '(?P<comment> |C|\*)'
col += '(?P<label>(?: |\d){1,5})'
col += '(?P<cont> |\d|&)'
typ = '(?P<type>'
typ += 'BYTE|'
typ += 'CHARACTER(?:\*\(\*\)|\*\d+)?|'
typ += 'COMPLEX(?:\*8|\*16|\*32)|'
typ += 'INTEGER(?:\*2|\*4|\*8)?|'
typ += 'LOGICAL(?:\*1|\*2|\*4|\*8)?|'
typ += 'REAL(?:\*4|\*8|\*16)?|'
nam = '[a-z][a-z0-9_]*'
dim = '(?:,?.*?(?::.*?)?)+'
axs = '[^:]+(:[^:]+)?'
class BaseInfo(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._attrs = kwargs.keys()
for kw,val in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, '_' + kw, val)
def info(self):
s = '=== {}:\n'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
for attr in self._attrs:
s += ' {}: {}\n'.format(attr, repr(getattr(self, attr)))
return s
def __repr__(self):
return '<{}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
class DimensionInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
opts = {'rank': None,
'extents': None,
'variable': None}
BaseInfo.__init__(self, **opts)
def rank(self):
return len(self.extents)
def extents(self):
return self._extents
def variable(self):
return self._variable
def variable(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, VariableInfo)
self._variable = value
def __str__(self):
s = ''
for d in self.extents:
s += d[0]
if d[1] is not None:
s += ':' + d[1]
s += ','
s = s.strip(',')
return s
class VariableInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
opts = {'name': None, 'type': None,
'dimension': None, 'subprogram': None}
BaseInfo.__init__(self, **opts)
def name(self):
return self._name
def type(self):
return self._type
def type(self, value):
self._type = value
def dimension(self):
return self._dimension
def dimension(self, value):
self._dimension = value
def subprogram(self):
return self._subprogram
def subprogram(self, value):
self._subprogram = value
def __str__(self):
s = self.name
if self.dimension is not None:
s += '(' + str(self.dimension) + ')'
return s
class FileInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
opts = {'filename': None, 'content': None, 'subprograms': None}
BaseInfo.__init__(self, **opts)
self._subprograms = find_subprograms('\n'.join(self.content))
for sp in self._subprograms:
sp.file = self
#self._subprograms = None
def filename(self):
return os.path.abspath(self._filename)
def content(self):
with open(self.filename, 'r') as fd:
lines = fd.readlines()
pat = re.compile(' (?:\d|&)\s*(.*)$')
c = []
for line in lines:
line = line.strip('\n')
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
c[-1] += m.group(1)
return c
def subprograms(self):
return self._subprograms
def __str__(self):
return content2str(self.content)
class SubProgramInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
opts = {'name': None, 'content': None, 'type': None, 'file': None,
'l0': None, 'l1': None, 'commons': None}
BaseInfo.__init__(self, **opts)
def name(self):
return self._name
def content(self):
return self._file.content[self.l0:self.l1]
def type(self):
return self._type
def file(self):
return self._file
def l0(self):
return self._l0
def l1(self):
return self._l1
def file(self, value):
self._file = value
def commons(self):
self._commons = find_commons('\n'.join(self.content))
for c in self._commons:
c.subprogram = self
return self._commons
def __str__(self):
return content2str(self.content)
def __repr__(self):
s = "{}<{}>".format(self.name, self.type)
return s
class CommonBlockInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
opts = {'name': None, 'content': None, 'subprogram': None, 'variables': None}
BaseInfo.__init__(self, **opts)
def __str__(self):
return content2str(self.content)
def __repr__(self):
s = "{}<{:d} variables>".format(self.name, len(self.variables))
return s
def subprogram(self):
return self._subprogram
def subprogram(self, value):
self._subprogram = value
def name(self):
return self._name
def content(self):
return self._content
def variables(self):
# string to analyse
s = self.content[0]
m = re.match("^.*COMMON\s*/{}/\s*(.*)$".format(self.name),s, re.I)
self._variables = find_variables(m.groups()[0])
for v in self._variables:
v.subprogram = self.subprogram
# If the dimension of a variable is None, try to search if a DIMENSION
# statement exists in the subprogram
dim_defs = [] # list of variables defined in a DIMENSION statement
for line in self.subprogram.content:
m = re.match("^[^C]\s+DIMENSION\s+(.*)$", line, re.I)
if m is not None:
s = m.groups()[0]
var_list = find_variables(s)
for v in var_list:
dim_defs = Variables(dim_defs)
# Now for each variable of the common, if there is no dimension, try to find it in
# the dim_defs list
for v in self._variables:
if v.dimension is None:
dim = dim_defs[v.name]
if dim is not None:
#print(v.name, dim)
v.dimension = dim.dimension
# if the type of the variable is None, try to find it in a declaration statement
type_defs = [] # list of variables defined with their type
for line in self.subprogram.content:
var_list = find_type(line)
if var_list is not None:
for v in var_list:
type_defs = Variables(type_defs)
# Now for each variable with no type, try to find it in the type_defs list
for v in self._variables:
if v.type is None:
typ = type_defs[v.name]
if typ is not None:
#print(v.name, typ)
v.type = typ.type
if re.match("^[A-HO-Z].*", v.name, re.I):
v.type = "INTEGER"
return self._variables
class _CommonBlockInfo(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.name = kwargs.get('name', None)
self.subprogram = kwargs.get('subprogram', None)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
opts = {'name': None, 'content': None, 'type': None, 'file': None,
'l0': None, 'l1': None}
BaseInfo.__init__(self, **opts)
def __str__(self):
s = "Common block name: {}\n".format(self.name)
for var in self.variables:
s += str(var)
return s
def __repr__(self):
s = '{}'.format(self.name)
return s
def _find_variables(self):
content = self.content[0].rstrip()
pat = re.compile('^\s*COMMON\s+/{}/\s+(.*)$'.format(self.name), re.IGNORECASE)
m = pat.match(content)
var_loc = m.group(1)
p0 = re.compile(r'\(.*[^\)]$')
p1 = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\*]*\)$')
var_list = []
var_loc_list = var_loc.split(',')
for i, _ in enumerate(var_loc_list):
_ = _.strip()
if i > 0:
if p0.search(var_list[-1]):
var_list[-1] += ',' + _
variables = []
for var in var_list:
m = re.match("([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\((.*)\))?", var)
var_name = m.group(1)
v = VariableInfo(name=var_name, subprogram=self.subprogram)
#dim_loc = m.groups()[-1]
#if dim_loc is not None:
# dim_list = dim_loc.split(',')
# v.dimension = dim_list
return variables
def content(self):
pat = re.compile('\s+.*COMMON\s+/{}/.*$'.format(self.name), re.IGNORECASE)
for line in self.subprogram.content:
if pat.match(line):
return [line.rstrip(),]
def variables(self):
variables_list = self._find_variables()
return Variables(variables_list)
class InfoList(object):
def __init__(self, elements):
self._elements = elements
for element in self._elements:
setattr(self, element.name, element)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, str):
for element in self._elements:
if element.name == item:
return element
return None
elif isinstance(item, int):
return self._elements[item]
raise NameError('Unable to retrieve item!')
def __str__(self):
s = "nb of {}: {:d}\n".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self._elements))
#s += str([_.name for _ in self._elements])
for _ in self._elements:
s += _.info
return s
def __len__(self):
return len(self._elements)
class Subprograms(InfoList):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
InfoList.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class Commons(InfoList):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
InfoList.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class Variables(InfoList):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
InfoList.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class Subprograms(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, subprograms_list):
self._subprograms = subprograms_list
for sp in self._subprograms:
setattr(self, sp.name, sp)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._subprograms[item]
def __str__(self):
s = "nb of subprograms: {:d}\n".format(len(self._subprograms))
return s
class Commons(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, commons_list):
self._commons = commons_list
for cmn in self._commons:
setattr(self, cmn.name, cmn)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._commons[item]
def __str__(self):
s = "nb of commons: {:d}\n".format(len(self._commons))
return s
class Variables(BaseInfo):
class VariableInfo2(BaseInfo):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.name = kwargs.get('name', None)
#self.type = kwargs.get('type', None)
self.dimension = kwargs.get('dimension', None)
self.i = []
self.j = []
self.subprogram = kwargs.get('subprogram', None)
def __str__(self):
s = "Variable name: {}\n".format(self.name)
s += " type: {}\n".format(self.type)
s += " dimension: {}\n".format(self.dimension)
return s
def _find_implicit(self):
content = self.subprogram.content
pat = re.compile('^\s*IMPLICIT\s+', re.IGNORECASE)
def _find_type(self):
content = self.subprogram.content
pat = re.compile('^\s+((?:INTEGER|REAL|DOUBLE PRECISION|COMPLEX|LOGICAL|CHARACTER)\S*).*{}[\(,]?.*$'.format(self.name), re.IGNORECASE)
for line in content:
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
return m.group(1).strip()
return None
def _find_dimension(self):
content = self.subprogram.content
dimension = None
#pat = re.compile('^\s+DIMENSION.*{}\(([^\(])\).*$'.format(self.name),re.IGNORECASE)
pat = re.compile('^\s+DIMENSION.*{}\((.*?)\).*$'.format(self.name),re.IGNORECASE)
for line in content:
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
#dimension = m.group(1).strip()
dimension = m.group(1)
if dimension is not None:
print('Variable: {}, dimension: {}'.format(self.name, dimension))
def type(self):
t = self._find_type()
return t
def splitline_(line, width=72):
result = []
i = 0
j = len(line)
ll = line[i:j]
if len(ll) > width:
s = ''
for dec in range(8):
s += '{:d} '.format(dec)
while len(ll) > width:
breaks = [_.end() for _ in re.finditer('[ ,]', ll)]
for ij, j in enumerate(breaks):
tmp = ll[i:j]
#print(breaks,i,j,ij, tmp, len(tmp))
if len(tmp) <= width and ij < len(breaks)-1:
_ = ll[i:breaks[ij-1]]
i = len(_)
if i <= 6:
print(j, _)
raise NameError('Impossible to cut line at breaks')
ll = ' &' + ll[i:]
i = 0
return result
def splitline(line, width=72):
if len(line) == 0:
return []
if line[0].upper() == 'C':
return [line,]
head = line[:6]
L = line[6:] # the working line
# find the indentation
m = re.search('^\s*', L)
indent = L[m.start():m.end()]
# and define the true width to work with
W = width - 6 - len(indent)
def rule():
s = ''
for dec in range(20):
s += '{:d} '.format(dec)
# find all places to break the line
breaks = [_.end() for _ in re.finditer('[ ,()+-/*=:]', L)]
# split at breaks
indices = [0,] + breaks + [len(L),]
indices = zip(indices[:-1], indices[1:])
splitted_line = [L[a:b] for a,b in indices]
# iterate over each element and add it to the previous one if length is < max
chain = [splitted_line[0],]
for element in splitted_line[1:]:
l1 = len(chain[-1])
l2 = len(element)
if l1+l2 < W:
chain[-1] = chain[-1] + element
# restore the head of the line
chain[0] = head + chain[0]
# add the & symbol
for i in range(1,len(chain)):
chain[i] = " &" + indent + chain[i]
# final check
for element in chain:
if len(element) > width:
print(f"breaks at = {breaks}")
raise NameError(f"Unable to split line!")
return chain
def content2str(content):
new_content = []
for index, line in enumerate(content):
multilines = splitline(line.rstrip(), width=72)
new_content += multilines
return '\n'.join(new_content)
def split_at_comma(string):
# remove all spaces from the string
line0 = string.replace(' ', '')
line = line0
# define some patterns
pat0 = re.compile('\(([^\(\)]*)\)', re.I)
# remove nested blocks in ()'s and replace them with
# hash signs (#) to make the treatment easier
while True:
M = list(pat0.finditer(line))
if len(M) == 0: break
for m in M:
i,j = m.start(), m.end()
line = line[:i] + '#'*(j-i) + line[j:]
# now get indices of ','
indices = [_.start() for _ in re.finditer(',', line)]
indices = zip([-1,] + indices, indices + [len(line),])
# create the list of
elements = [line0[i+1:j] for i,j in indices]
return elements
def find_dimension(string):
Finds the components of a dimension declaration.
:param string: The argument of a dimension declaration
:type string: str
:return: A DimensionInfo object.
:rtype: DimensionInfo
>>> dim = find_dimension('I,J,-3:2')
>>> print(dim)
>>> (3, ())
# define some patterns
pat0 = re.compile('([^:]+):?([^:]+)?', re.I)
# create the list of axes
axl = split_at_comma(string)
# get the extents
extents = []
for ax in axl:
m = pat0.match(ax)
return DimensionInfo(extents=extents)
def find_variables(string):
Finds the name and dimension of variables in a comma separated
list of variables.
:param string: The comma separated variables declaration
:type string: str
:return: A Variables object.
:rtype: Variables
>>> variables = find_variables('ONE, TWO(3,3)')
>>> print(variables)
>>> nb of Variables: 2
>>> === VariableInfo:
>>> name: 'ONE'
>>> type: None
>>> dimension: None
>>> subprogram: None
>>> === VariableInfo:
>>> name: 'TWO'
>>> type: None
>>> dimension: <DimensionInfo>
>>> subprogram: None
# create the list of variables
var_list = []
variables = split_at_comma(string)
pat0 = re.compile('({})(?:\((.*)\))?'.format(Patterns.nam), re.I)
for var in variables:
# extract the variable's name and dimension if any
m = pat0.match(var)
name = m.group(1)
if m.group(2) is not None:
dimension = find_dimension(m.group(2))
dimension = None
variable = VariableInfo(name=name, dimension=dimension)
if isinstance(dimension, DimensionInfo):
dimension.variable = variable
return Variables(var_list)
def find_subprograms(string):
lines = string.split('\n')
subprograms = []
for iline, line in enumerate(lines):
patterns = [('SUBROUTINE', re.compile("\s*SUBROUTINE\s+(\w+)\(?.*")),
('FUNCTION', re.compile("\s*.*FUNCTION\s+(\w+)\(?.*")),
('PROGRAM', re.compile("\s*PROGRAM\s+(\w+).*"))]
for t, pat in patterns:
m = pat.match(line)
if m is not None:
subprog = SubProgramInfo(type=t,
for i, subprog in enumerate(subprograms):
if i < len(subprograms) - 1:
subprog._l1 = subprograms[i+1].l0
subprog._l1 = -1
return Subprograms(subprograms)
def find_commons(string):
pat = re.compile("^\s+COMMON\s*/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/(.*)$")
commons = []
for line in string.split('\n'):
# extract the name of the common block
m = pat.match(line)
if m is not None:
# name
name = m.group(1)
c = CommonBlockInfo(name=name, content=[line,])
return Commons(commons)
def find_names(string):
Find the names in expression ie remove (,),+,-,*,/,**,=
m = re.findall('[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*', string, re.I)
return set(m)
def find_type(string):
return a Variables object if string is a type declaration
# get out if string is a comment
if string.upper().startswith('C'):
return None
pat = "^\s+"
pat += "(BYTE|"
pat += "CHARACTER(?:\*[0-9]+)?|CHARACTER\*\(\*\)|"
pat += "COMPLEX(?:\*(?:8|16|32))?|"
pat += "INTEGER(?:\*(?:2|4|8))?|"
pat += "LOGICAL(?:\*(?:1|2|4|8))?|"
pat += "REAL(?:\*(?:4|8|16))?|"
pat += "AUTOMATIC|"
pat += "STATIC)"
pat += "\s+(.*)$"
m = re.match(pat, string, re.I)
if m is not None:
if re.search("IMPLICIT", string):
return None
var_list = find_variables(m.groups()[1])
for var in var_list:
var.type = m.groups()[0]
return var_list
def find_dim(string):
return a Variables object if string is a dimension declaration
pat = "^\s+DIMENSION\s+(.*)$"
m = re.match(pat, string, re.I)
if m is not None:
var_list = find_variables(m.groups()[0])
return var_list
def write_modules(infile):
fi = FileInfo(filename=infile)
# Get all the common blocks defined in the source file
all_commons = []
for sp in fi.subprograms:
for c in sp.commons:
if c.name not in [_.name for _ in all_commons]:
all_commons = Commons(all_commons)
# a function to create a module fortran code from a CommonBlockInfo object
def common2module(cbi):
variables = cbi.variables
alloc_args = set()
module_name = cbi.name.upper() + "_MOD"
for variable in variables:
if variable.dimension is not None:
dim_vars = find_names(str(variable.dimension))
s = f"MODULE {module_name}\n"
# for each variable whose type is defined explicitely
for variable in variables:
s += f" {variable.type}"
dimension = variable.dimension
if dimension is not None:
if dimension.rank > 0:
s += f", ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:" + ",:" * (variable.dimension.rank-1) + ")"
s += f" :: {variable.name}\n"
s += "CONTAINS\n"
#s += f" SUBROUTINE ALLOC_{cbi.name.upper()}({','.join(alloc_args)})\n"
s += f" SUBROUTINE ALLOC_{cbi.name.upper()}()\n"
s += f" USE DIM_MOD\n"
# for each variable with a defined dimension
for variable in variables:
if variable.dimension is not None:
s += f" ALLOCATE({variable})\n"
s += f" END SUBROUTINE ALLOC_{cbi.name.upper()}\n"
s += f"END MODULE {module_name}\n"
# indentation
s = textwrap.indent(s, prefix=" ")
# split in too long
content = s.split('\n')
s = content2str(content)
return s
# write the modules.f file
with open("modules.f", "w") as fd:
for c in all_commons:
fd.write("C" + "="*71 + "\n")
s = common2module(c)
if __name__ == "__main__":
infile = 'spec.f'
# write the modules.f file
fi = FileInfo(filename=infile)
# Get all the common blocks defined in the source file
all_commons = []
for sp in fi.subprograms:
for c in sp.commons:
if c.name not in [_.name for _ in all_commons]:
all_commons = Commons(all_commons)
content = fi.content
# write the allocation.f file
dim_vars = [
s = f"SUBROUTINE ALLOCATION({', '.join([v+'_' for v in dim_vars])})\n"
s += f" USE DIM_MOD\n"
for v in dim_vars:
s += f" {v} = {v+'_'}\n"
s += f" CALL INIT_DIM()\n"
# indentation
s = textwrap.indent(s, prefix=" ")
# split in too long
s = content2str(s.split('\n'))
with open("allocation.f", "w") as fd:
# remove type definitions for variables that are in commons
for sp in fi.subprograms:
# get the list all all variables in all commons in this subprogram
vlist = []
for c in sp.commons:
for v in c.variables:
for iline, line in enumerate(sp.content):
print(f"{sp.l0+iline:05d}: {line}")
newline = ''
# comment INCLUDE statement
if re.search('INCLUDE.*spec.inc', line, re.I):
newline = "C" + line
# replace the commons by USE statements
m = re.match("^.*COMMON\s+/(.*)/.*$", line, re.I)
if m is not None:
cmn_name = m.groups()[0]
# Here we test if the common variables are the same than the module
cmn_variables = sp.commons[cmn_name].variables
s = f" USE {cmn_name.upper()}_MOD "
modifications = []
for i, v in enumerate(cmn_variables):
original = all_commons[cmn_name].variables[i].name
if v.name != original:
modifications.append(f"{v.name} => {original}")
s += ", ".join(modifications)
newline = s
# Remove type declaration for variables that are now in modules
allv = find_type(line)
newallv = []
line_ = line
if allv is not None:
# Here the line is a declaration statement
# remove every variables that are also in vlist
for v in allv:
if v.name not in vlist:
# keep this variable in the list
# if there is no change
if len(allv) == len(newallv):
line_ = ""
# if no more variables are defined, remove the line
elif len(newallv) == 0:
line_ = "C"
line_ = " " + v.type + " " + ",".join(newallv)
newline = line_
# Remove dimension declaration for variables that are now in modules
allv = find_dim(line)
newallv = []
line_ = line
if allv is not None:
# Here the line is a dimension statement
# remove every variables that are also in vlist
for v in allv:
if v.name not in vlist:
# keep this variable in the list
#if v.dimension is not None:
# if there is no change
if len(allv) == len(newallv):
line_ = ""
# if no more variables are defined, remove the line
elif len(newallv) == 0:
line_ = "C"
line_ = " DIMENSION " + ",".join(newallv)
newline = line_
if newline != '':
print(sp.l0, iline, sp.l0+iline)
content[sp.l0+iline] = newline
print(f">>> {newline}")
# rewrite the file
with open("new.f", "w") as fd: