Introduction ============ This is the Python MsSpec version with support for Python 3.x and dynamic memory allocation for Phagen and Spec To work with the git repository =============================== You can clone this repository onto your local computer using git ```Bash git clone ``` This will create a folder named "msspec_python3" with all the source code inside. You can also clone the development branch: ```Bash git clone --branch devel ``` It is higly recommended to work in a Python virtual environment. To create one, you can use: ```Bash virtualenv --python=python3 msspec_venv ``` or ```Bash virtualenv --python=python3 --system-site-packages msspec_venv ``` to activate the virtual environment (if you are in the folder where you created "msspec\_venv"): ```Bash source ./msspec_venv/bin/activate ``` Now you can build the program, go in the source folder ```Bash cd msspec_python3/src ``` Install the python package dependencies. ```Bash pip install -r setup_requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt ``` You need to compile the fortran libs. This is done by the scons (Software Construction) program ```Bash scons ``` Finally, install the package in develop mode: ```Bash pip install -e . ``` That's all. All you need to do each time you want to work with msspec is activating the virtual environment