VERSION:=$(shell python -c "import msspec; print(msspec.__version__)") VERBOSE:=0 ifeq ($(VERBOSE),0) SUPPRESS_OUPUT:=1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory --silent else SUPPRESS_OUPUT:= endif install: sdist @pip install dist/msspec-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(SUPPRESS_OUPUT) sdist: pybinding @echo "Creating Python source distribution..." @python sdist $(SUPPRESS_OUPUT) pybinding: @echo "Building Python binding for phagen and spec..." @+$(MAKE) -C msspec/spec/fortran pybinding $(SUPPRESS_OUPUT) @+$(MAKE) -C msspec/phagen/fortran pybinding $(SUPPRESS_OUPUT) results: pybinding @echo "Generating results for unittests" @coverage run --source=./ --omit=msspec/es/*,msspec/msspecgui/* msspec/ 1>/dev/null # create the html coverage report @coverage html -d ../doc/source/htmlcov @rm .coverage tests: pybinding @echo "Runing unittests" @python -m msspec.tests 1>/dev/null clean: @echo "Cleaning all..." @+$(MAKE) -C msspec/spec/fortran clean $(SUPPRESS_OUPUT) @+$(MAKE) -C msspec/phagen/fortran clean $(SUPPRESS_OUPUT) # remove previous sdist @rm -rf dist @rm -rf *.egg* help: @echo "help message"