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Sylvain Tricot a28696d2a7 Added the compute function. 2022-03-07 11:53:05 +01:00
src Added the compute function. 2022-03-07 11:53:05 +01:00
README initial commit 2022-02-02 16:19:10 +01:00


!     Description of the calculation parameters:
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
! *                           GENERAL PARAMETERS :                            *
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
!       * Q_MIN    : minimum value of q (in units of k_F)
!       * Q_MAX    : maximum value of q (in units of k_F)
!       * N_Q      : number of q-points
!       * E_MIN    : minimum value of energy (in units of E_F)
!       * E_MAX    : maximum value of energy (in units of E_F)
!       * N_E      : number of E-points
!       * R_MIN    : minimum value of distance r (in units of 1/k_F)
!       * R_MAX    : maximum value of distance r (in units of 1/k_F))
!       * N_R      : number of r-points
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * RS       : average distance between 2 electrons (in units of a0)
!                                            ~
!       * MSOM     : m*/m (for semiconductors)
!                                            ~
!       * MAT_TYP  : type of material
!                       MAT_TYPE  = 'SCHRO' standard solid
!                       MAT_TYPE  = 'DIRAC' massless Fermions 
!                       MAT_TYPE  = 'WATER' liquid water
!                                            ~
!       * EPS_B    : material's dielectric constant
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * T        : temperature (in SI)
!                                            ~
!       * E        : external electric field (in SI)
!                                            ~
!       * H        : external magnetic field (in SI)
!                                            ~
!       * FLD      : strength of the magnetic field
!                       FLD = 'NO' no field        
!                       FLD = 'WF' weak field        
!                       FLD = 'IF' intermediate field
!                       FLD = 'LF' large field
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * DIM      : dimension of the system
!                       DIM  = '3D' 
!                       DIM  = '2D' 
!                       DIM  = '1D' 
!                       DIM  = 'Q0'  quasi-0D
!                       DIM  = 'Q1'  quasi-1D
!                       DIM  = 'Q2'  quasi-2D
!                       DIM  = 'BL'  bilayer
!                       DIM  = 'ML'  multilayer
!                       DIM  = 'ML'  multilayer
!                                            ~
!       * R0       : wire radius
!                                            ~
!       * L        : length of quantum well
!                                            ~
!       * OM0      : frequency of the confinement potential (SI)
!                                            ~
!       * CONFIN   : type of confinement
!                       CONFIN = 'NO-CONF' no confinement 
!                       CONFIN = 'DSEPLAY' layer within a stacking of layers
!                       CONFIN = 'CC-1111' cylindrical within subband 1
!                       CONFIN = 'CC-1122' cylindrical between subbands 1 and 2
!                       CONFIN = 'CC-1221' cylindrical between subbands 1 and 2
!                       CONFIN = 'CC-2222' cylindrical within subband 2
!                       CONFIN = 'HC-1111' harmonic within subband 1
!                       CONFIN = 'HC-1122' harmonic between subbands 1 and 2
!                       CONFIN = 'HC-1221' harmonic between subbands 1 and 2
!                       CONFIN = 'HC-2222' harmonic within subband 2
!                       CONFIN = 'INVLAYE' inversion layer in semiconductor
!                       CONFIN = 'IQWE_LB' square well with an infinite barrier
!                       CONFIN = 'PC1_QWI' parabolic 
!                       CONFIN = 'PC2_QWI' parabolic
!                       CONFIN = 'SOFTCOR' soft-core potential
!                       CONFIN = 'SWC_QWI' square well with an infinite barrier
!                                            ~
!       * DL       : interlayer distance 
!                                            ~
!       * D1       : distance between the two layers in the unit cell
!                                            ~
!       * N_DEP    : electron concentration in depletion layer (SI)
!                                            ~
!       * N_INV    : electron concentration in inversion layer (SI)
!                                            ~
!       * H_TYPE   : heterostructure type
!                       H_TYPE  =  'SSL1' semiconductor superlattice of type I
!                       H_TYPE  =  'SSL2' semiconductor superlattice of type II
!                       H_TYPE  =  'BILA' bilayer
!                       H_TYPE  =  'MLA1' multilayer with with one layer  / unit cell
!                       H_TYPE  =  'MLA2' multilayer with with two layers / unit cell
!                                            ~
!       * EPS_1    : background/layer dielectric constant
!                                            ~
!       * EPS_2    : interlayer dielectric constant
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * UNIT     : system unit  
!                       UNIT  = 'SIU' international system
!                       UNIT  = 'CGS' CGS system
!                       UNIT  = 'ATU' atomic units
!       * UNIK     : K unit  
!                       UNIK  = 'SI' international system
!                       UNIK  = 'AU' atomic units
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * SC_TYPE  : type of screeening
!                       SC_TYPE  = 'NO' no screening
!                       SC_TYPE  = 'DH' Debye-Hückel
!                       SC_TYPE  = 'KL' Kleinman
!                       SC_TYPE  = 'ST' Streitenberger
!                       SC_TYPE  = 'TF' Thomas-Fermi
!                       SC_TYPE  = 'UI' Utsumi-Ichimaru
!                       SC_TYPE  = 'YT' Yasuhara-Takada
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * PL_TYPE  : type of plasma considered
!                      PL_TYPE  = 'OCP' --> one-component plasma (~ electron gas)
!                      PL_TYPE  = 'DCP' --> two-component plasma
!       * ZION     : atomic number of (first) ion
!       * ZION2    : atomic number of second ion
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
! *                        DIELECTRIC FUNCTION :                              *
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
!       * ESTDY    : static vs dynamic dielectric function
!                      STDY = ' STATIC'
!                      STDY = 'DYNAMIC'
!       * EPS_T    : type of dielcectric function
!                       EPS_T  = 'LONG' longitudinal --> D_FUNCL
!                       EPS_T  = 'TRAN' transverse   --> D_FUNCT
!       * D_FUNC   : model of dielectric function :
!                    1) Static:
!                       ---> longitudinal:
!                      D_FUNCL = 'LRPA' random phase approximation          (3D,2D,1D)
!                      D_FUNCL = 'THFE' Thomas-Fermi approximation          (3D,2D,1D)
!                    2) Dynamic:
!                       ---> transverse:
!                      D_FUNCT = 'RPA1' random phase approximation          (3D,2D)
!                      D_FUNCT = 'RPA2' random phase approximation          (3D)
!                      D_FUNCT = 'LVLA' linearized Vlasov                   (3D)
!                      D_FUNCT = 'MER1' Mermin                              (3D)
!                      D_FUNCT = 'BLTZ' Boltzmann                           (3D)
!                       ---> longitudinal:
!                      D_FUNCL = 'ATAS' Atwal-Ashcroft                      <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'BLZ1' Boltzmann
!                      D_FUNCL = 'BLZ2' damped Boltzmann
!                      D_FUNCL = 'DACA' Arista-Brandt                       <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'HEAP' Hertel-Appel
!                      D_FUNCL = 'HAFO' Hartree-Fock        
!                      D_FUNCL = 'HUCO' Hu-O'Connell                        <-- damping (3D,2D,Q1)
!                      D_FUNCL = 'HYDR' hydrodynamic                        <-- damping
!                      D_FUNCL = 'KLEI' Kleinman                            <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'KLKD' Klimontovich-Kraeft                 <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'KLKN' Klimontovich-Kraeft                 <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'LAND' Landau parameters-based
!                      D_FUNCL = 'LVL1' linearized Vlasov (weak coupling)   <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'LVL2' linearized Vlasov (strong coupling) <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'MER1' Mermin 1                            <-- damping
!                      D_FUNCL = 'MER2' Mermin 2                            <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'MSAP' mean spherical approximation
!                      D_FUNCL = 'NEVA' Nevanlinna                          <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'PLPO' plasmon pole
!                      D_FUNCL = 'RDF1' Altshuler et al                     <-- damping
!                      D_FUNCL = 'RDF2' Altshuler et al                     <-- damping
!                      D_FUNCL = 'RPA1' RPA
!                      D_FUNCL = 'RPA2' RPA                                 <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'RPA3' random phase approximation          <-- magnetic field (2D)
!                      D_FUNCL = 'UTIC' Utsumi-Ichimaru                     <-- T-dependent
!                      D_FUNCL = 'VLFP' Vlasov-Fokker-Planck                <-- damping
!       * NEV_TYPE : type of Nevalinna function used (only for D_FUNCL = 'NEVA')
!                      NEV_TYPE  = 'NONE' --> no function
!                      NEV_TYPE  = 'STA1' --> static value h(q)
!                      NEV_TYPE  = 'STA2' --> static value h(q)
!                      NEV_TYPE  = 'CLCO' --> Classical Coulomb OCP
!                      NEV_TYPE  = 'AMTA' --> Adamjan-Meyer-Tkachenko
!                      NEV_TYPE  = 'PEEL' --> Perel'-Eliashberg function
!                      NEV_TYPE  = 'PE76' --> Perel'-Eliashberg by Arkhipov et al
!                                            ~
!       * I_T      :  way to incorporate temperature dependence
!                      I_T  = 0  --> no temperature (T = 0)
!                      I_T  = 1  --> analytical models used
!                      I_T  = 2  --> temperature convolution
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * PL_DISP   : method used to compute the plasmon dispersion (3D real case)
!                       PL_DISP = 'HYDRODY' hydrodynamic model
!                       PL_DISP = 'RPA_MOD' RPA model
!                       PL_DISP = 'TWA_MOD' Toigo-Woodruff model
!                       PL_DISP = 'GOA_MOD' Gorobchenko model
!                       PL_DISP = 'HUBBARD' Hubbard model
!                       PL_DISP = 'ELASTIC' elastic model
!                       PL_DISP = 'SGBBN_M' SGBBN model            
!                       PL_DISP = 'UTI_MOD' Utsumi-Ichimaru model
!       * PL_DISP   : method used to compute the plasmon dispersion (2D real case)
!                       PL_DISP = 'HYDRODY' hydrodynamic model
!                       PL_DISP = 'RPA_MOD' RPA model
!       * PL_DISP   : method used to compute the plasmon dispersion (1D real case)
!                       PL_DISP = 'HYDRODY' hydrodynamic model
!                       PL_DISP = 'RPA_MOD' RPA model
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * GSTDY    : static vs dynamic local-field corrections
!                      GSTDY = ' STATIC'  --> GQ_TYPE
!                      GSTDY = 'DYNAMIC'  --> GQO_TYPE 
!       * GQ_TYPE  : local-field correction type (3D) static
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'NONE' no local field correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'ALDA' adiabatic local density
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'ALFL' Alvarellos-Flores
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'BEBR' Bedell-Brown
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'CDOP' TDDFT Corradini et al correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'GEV2' Geldart-Vosko 2
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'GEVO' Geldart-Vosko correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'GOCA' Gold-Calmels
!  temperature-dep. --> GQ_TYPE = 'HNCA' hypernetted chain
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'HORA' Holas-Rahman
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'HUBB' Hubbard correction (only exchange)
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'ICUT' Ichimaru-Utsumi correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'IKPA' Iwamoto-Krotscheck-Pines
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'IWA1' Iwamoto G_{-1}
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'IWA2' Iwamoto G_{3} approx.
!  temperature-dep. --> GQ_TYPE = 'IWA3' Iwamoto G_{-1}  
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'IWA4' Iwamoto G_{3} exact
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'JGDG' Jung-Garcia-Gonzalez-Dobson-Godby
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'KLLA' Kleinman-Langreth correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'LDAC' LDA correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'MCSC' Moroni-Ceperley-Senatore correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'NAGY' Nagy correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'PAVA' Pavas-Vashishta correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'PGGA' Petersilka-Gossmann-Gross
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'RICE' Rice correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'SHAW' Shaw correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'SLAT' Slater correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'STLS' Singwi et al correction
!  temperature-dep. --> GQ_TYPE = 'TKAC' Tkachenko correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'TRMA' Tripathy-Mandal
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'VASI' Vashishta-Singwi correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'UTI1' Utsumi-Ichimaru correction (only exchange)
!       * GQ_TYPE  : local-field correction type (2D) static
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'NONE' no local field correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'BUTO' Bulutay-Tomak
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'DPGT' Davoudi-Giuliani-Giuliani-Tosi
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'GOCA' Gold-Calmels
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'HUBB' Hubbard correction (only exchange)
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'IWA1' Iwamoto G_{-1}
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'IWA2' Iwamoto G_{3}
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'SAIC' Sato-Ichimaru correction
!       * GQ_TYPE  : local-field correction type (1D) static
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'NONE' no local field correction
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'GOCA' Gold-Calmels
!                       GQ_TYPE = 'HUBB' Hubbard correction (only exchange)
!       * IQ_TYPE  : type of approximation for I(q)
!                       IQ_TYPE  = 'GKM' Gorobchenko-Kohn-Maksimov
!                       IQ_TYPE  = 'HKA' Hong-Kim
!                       IQ_TYPE  = 'IKP' Iwamoto-Krotscheck-Pines parametrization
!                       IQ_TYPE  = 'KU1' Kugler 1
!                       IQ_TYPE  = 'KU2' Kugler 1
!                                            ~
!       * LANDAU  : model chosen for the calculation of the Landau parameters (3D)
!                       LANDAU = 'NONE' Landau's theory not used
!                       LANDAU = 'CHEN' Chen's approach
!                       LANDAU = 'RASC' Rayleigh-Schrödinger expansion
!                       LANDAU = 'ANBR' Anderson-Brinkman model
!                       LANDAU = 'GUTZ' Gutzwiller model
!                       LANDAU = 'IWPI' Iwamoto-Pines model (hard-sphere)
!                       LANDAU = 'GCYO' Giuliani-Vignale parametrization of 
!                                        Yasuhara-Ousaka approach
!                       LANDAU = 'SBOH' slave-boson one-band Hubbard model
!       * LANDAU  : model chosen for the calculation of the Landau parameters (2D)
!                       LANDAU = 'NONE' Landau's theory not used
!                       LANDAU = 'ERZA' Engelbrecht-Randeria-Zhang approach
!                       LANDAU = 'GVYO' Giuliani-Vignale parametrization of 
!                                        Yasuhara-Ousaka approach
!                       LANDAU = 'KCMP' Kwoon-Ceperley-Martin parametrization
!       * GQO_TYPE : local-field correction type (3D)
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'NONE' no local field correction
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'ALFL' Alvarellos-Flores correction
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'BACA' Barriga-Carrasco correction
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'BBSA' Bachlechner-Böhm-Schinner
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'COPI' Constantin-Pitarke
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'DABR' Dabrowski
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'FWRA' Forstmann-Wierling-Röpke
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'HOK1' Hong-Kim correction
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'HOK2' Hong-Kim correction
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'JEWS' Jewsbury approximation
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'KUG1' Kugler q --> 0 approximation
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'KUG2' Kugler approximation
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'MDGA' Mithen-Daligault-Gregori
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'NLGA' Nagy-Laszlo-Giber approximation
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'RIA1' Richardson-Ashcroft G_s
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'RIA2' Richardson-Ashcroft G_n
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'RIA3' Richardson-Ashcroft G_a
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'SHMU' Shah-Mukhopadhyay 
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'TOWO' Toigo-Woodruff
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'UTI2' Utsumi-Ichimaru approximation
!                       GQO_TYPE = 'VISC' viscosity approximation
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * DAMPING : type of damping used
!                       DAMPING = 'NONE' no damping
!                       DAMPING = 'LFTM' lifetime
!                       DAMPING = 'RELA' relaxation time
!                       DAMPING = 'DECA' decay rate
!                       DAMPING = 'DIFF' diffusion coefficient
!                       DAMPING = 'VISC' viscosity
!       * LT_TYPE    : approximation used for lifetime (3D)
!                       LT_TYPE = 'DAVI' Davies formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'GALI' Galitskii formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'GIQU' Giuliani-Quinn formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'GIVI' Giuliani-Vignale formula 
!                       LT_TYPE = 'INPE' Inogamov-Petrov formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'LUBR' Lugovskoy-Bray formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'NAEC' Nagy-Echenique formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'QIVI' Qian-Vignale formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'QUFE' Quinn-Ferrell formula
!       * LT_TYPE    : approximation used for lifetime (2D)
!                       LT_TYPE = 'GIQ1' Giuliani-Quinn formula for e-h loss
!                       LT_TYPE = 'GIQ2' Giuliani-Quinn formula for plasmon loss
!                       LT_TYPE = 'GIVI' Giuliani-Vignale formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'HAWR' Hawrylak formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'MELA' Menashe-Laikhtman formula
!                       LT_TYPE = 'QIVI' Qian-Vignale formula
!       * RT_TYPE  : relaxation time
!                       RT_TYPE = ' NO'   --> no relaxation time
!                       RT_TYPE = 'E-E'   --> electron-electron interaction
!                       RT_TYPE = 'E-P'   --> electron-phonon interaction
!                       RT_TYPE = 'E-I'   --> electron-phonon impurity
!                       RT_TYPE = 'ALL'   --> all three taken into account
!                                            ~
!       * DR_TYPE  : decay rate in 3D
!                       DR_TYPE = 'UTIC'   --> Utsumi-Ichimaru approximation
!                       DR_TYPE = 'VLAS'   --> Vlasov approximation
!       * DC_TYPE  : diffusion coefficient in 3D
!                       DC_TYPE = 'ASHO'   --> Ashurst-Hoover
!       * VI_TYPE  : viscosity in 3D
!                       VI_TYPE = 'AMPP' Angilella et al hard-sphere fluid     --> T-dependent
!                       VI_TYPE = 'DRBA' Daligault-Rasmussen-Baalrud (plasmas) --> T-dependent
!                       VI_TYPE = 'KHRA' Khrapak for Yukawa fluid  --> T-dependent
!                       VI_TYPE = 'LHPO' Longuet-Higgins-Pope      --> T-dependent
!                       VI_TYPE = 'SCHA' Schäfer                   --> T-dependent
!                       VI_TYPE = 'SCHD' Schäfer (dynamic)         --> T-dependent
!                       VI_TYPE = 'SHTE' Shternin                  --> T-dependent
!                       VI_TYPE = 'STEI' Steinberg low-temperature --> T-dependent
!       * VI_TYPE  : viscosity in 2D
!                       VI_TYPE = 'SCHA' Schäfer                     --> T-dependent
!         graphene <--  VI_TYPE = 'KISC' Kiselev-Schmalian (dynamic) --> T-dependent
!         graphene <--  VI_TYPE = 'MSFA' Müller-Schmalian-Fritz      --> T-dependent  
!                                            ~
!       * EE_TYPE  : e-e relaxation time in 3D
!                       RT_TYPE = 'ALAR'   --> Al'tshuler-Aronov (e-e + impurities)
!                       RT_TYPE = 'BACA'   --> Barriga-Carrasco approximation (e-e)
!                       RT_TYPE = 'FSTB'   --> Fann et al approximation       (e-e)
!                       RT_TYPE = 'QIVI'   --> Qian-Vignale                   (e-e)
!                       RT_TYPE = 'RASM'   --> Rammer-Smith                   (e-e)
!                       RT_TYPE = 'UTIC'   --> Utsumi-Ichimaru approximation  (e-e)
!                       RT_TYPE = 'TAIC'   --> Tanaka-Ichimaru approximation  (e-e)
!       * EE_TYPE  : relaxation time in 2D
!                       EE_TYPE = 'FUAB'   --> Fukuyama-Abrahams (disordered metals)
!          graphene <-- EE_TYPE = 'LUFO'   --> Lucas-Fong      (e-e)
!                       EE_TYPE = 'QIVI'   --> Qian-Vignale    (e-e)
!                       EE_TYPE = 'RASM'   --> Rammer-Smith    (e-e)
!  heterostructures <-- EE_TYPE = 'REWI'   --> Reizer-Wilkins  (e-e)
!                       EI_TYPE = 'SHAS'   --> Sharma-Ashraf   (e-e + impurities)
!                       EE_TYPE = 'ZHDA'   --> Zhang-Das Sarma (e-e)
!       * EE_TYPE  : relaxation time in 1D
!                       EI_TYPE = 'SHAS'   --> Sharma-Ashraf   (e-e + impurities)
!       * EP_TYPE  : e-phonon relaxation time in 3D
!                       EP_TYPE = 'STEL'   --> Steinberg low-temperature  
!                       EP_TYPE = 'STEH'   --> Steinberg High-temperature
!       * EI_TYPE  : e-impurit relaxation time in 3D
!                       EI_TYPE = 'HEAP'   --> Hertel-Appel approximation
!                                            ~
!       * IP_TYPE  : ion plasma relaxation time in 3D
!                       IP_TYPE = 'SEMO'   --> Selchow-Morawetz approximation
!                       IP_TYPE = 'SPIT'   --> Spitzer approximation 
!       * PD_TYPE  : method used to compute the plasmon damping (3D)
!                       PD_TYPE = 'NONE'   --> no plasmon damping
!                       PD_TYPE = 'CALL'   --> Callen approximation
!                       PD_TYPE = 'DGKA'   --> DuBois-Gilinsky-Kivelson approximation
!                       PD_TYPE = 'FEWA'   --> Fetter and Walecka approximation
!                       PD_TYPE = 'JEWS'   --> Jewsbury approximation
!                       PD_TYPE = 'LITI'   --> Giuliani-Quinn lifetime approximation
!                       PD_TYPE = 'MOPE'   --> Molinari-Peerani approximation
!                       PD_TYPE = 'NPSA'   --> Ninham-Powel-Swanson approximation
!                       PD_TYPE = 'SGAA'   --> Segui-Gervasoni-Arista approximation
!                                            ~
!       * QD_TYPE  : method used to compute q-dependent relaxation time
!                       QD_TYPE = 'NONE'   --> no q-dependence
!                       QD_TYPE = 'GAUS'   --> Gaussian
!                       QD_TYPE = 'LORE'   --> Lorentzian
!       * ZETA     : Value of Tanaka-Ichimaru parameter
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * INT_POT  : type of interaction potential (3D)
!                       INT_POT = 'COULO' Coulomb interaction
!                       INT_POT=  'YUKAW' Yukawa interaction
!                       INT_POT=  'RPAPO' RPA interaction
!                       INT_POT = 'OVER1' Overhauser interaction
!                       INT_POT = 'OVER2' modified Overhauser interaction
!                       INT_POT = 'DEUTS' Deutsch interaction
!                       INT_POT = 'PHOLE' particle-hole interaction
!                       INT_POT = 'KELBG' Kelbg interaction
!        * S       :  
!        * EPS     :  
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * EK       :  electron kinetic energy (eV)
!       * EP_C     :  electron-phonon coupling
!       * DEBYE_T  :  material Debye temperature
!                                            ~
!       * NA       :  number of atoms per unit volume
!       * MA       :  mass of the atoms
!       * RA       :  radius of the atoms
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!        * NI      :  impurity concentration
!        * EI_C    :  strength of impurity scattering
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*

!        * CF_TYPE  : type of classical fluid calculation         --> 3D
!                       CF_TYPE = 'SHS' smooth hard spheres
!                       CF_TYPE = 'RH1' rough hard spheres (Pidduck)
!                       CF_TYPE = 'RH2' rough hard spheres (Condiff-Lu-Dahler)
!                       CF_TYPE = 'RH3' rough hard spheres (McCoy-Sandler-Dahler)
!                       CF_TYPE = 'DCE' dilute Chapman-Enskog
!                       CF_TYPE = 'HCE' heavy (i.e. dense) Chapman-Enskog
!                       CF_TYPE = 'LJF' Lennard-Jones fluid

!                       CF_TYPE = 'DHD' dense hard disks          --> 2D 

!        * PF_TYPE  : type of packing fraction                    --> 2D    
!                       PF_TYPE = 'HDM'   --> hard disk model
!                                                                 --> 3D
!                       PF_TYPE = 'HSM'   --> hard sphere model
!                       PF_TYPE = 'RCP'   --> random closed-packed
!                       PF_TYPE = 'FCC'   --> FCC closed-packed
!                       PF_TYPE = 'FRE'   --> freezing
!                       PF_TYPE = 'MEL'   --> melting
!        * SL_TYPE  : type of scattering length calculation
!                       SL_TYPE = 'HSP'   --> hard sphere potential
!                       SL_TYPE = 'ASW'   --> attractive square well (without bound state)
!                       SL_TYPE = 'RSW'   --> repulsive square well
!                       SL_TYPE = 'DSP'   --> delta-shell potential
!                       SL_TYPE = 'AYP'   --> attractive Yukawa potential
!                       SL_TYPE = 'CCO'   --> Coulomb cut-off potential
!                       SL_TYPE = 'HUL'   --> Hulthén potential
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
! *                        STRUCTURE FACTOR :                                 *
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
!       * SSTDY    : static vs dynamic local-field corrections
!                      SSTDY = ' STATIC'  --> SQ_TYPE
!                      SSTDY = 'DYNAMIC'  --> SQO_TYPE 
!       * SQ_TYPE   : structure factor approximation (3D) --> static
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'DEH' Debye-Hückel approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'GEA' generalized approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'GOR' Gorobchenko approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'GR2' computed from g(r) (GR_TO_SQ.f code)
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'GSB' Gori-Giorgi-Sacchetti-Bachelet approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'HFA' Hartree-Fock approximation (only exchange)
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'HUB' Hubbard approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'ICH' Ichimaru approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'MSA' mean spherical approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'PKA' Pietiläinen-Kallio
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'RPA' RPA approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'SHA' Shaw approximation
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'SIN' Singh
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'SPA' Singh-Pathak
!                       SQ_TYPE  = 'TWA' Toigo-Woodruff approximation
!       * SQO_TYPE   : structure factor approximation (3D) --> dynamic
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'ABA' Arista-Brandt approximation
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'HFA' Hartree-Fock approximation
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'HYD' hyrodynamic approximation
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'IGA' ideal gas approximation
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'ITA' Ichimaru-Tanaka approximation
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'MFA' Hansen-McDonald-Pollock approximation
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'NIC' Nakano-Ichimaru approximation
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'UTI' Utsumi-Ichimaru approximation (3D)
!                       SQO_TYPE  = 'VLA' linearized Vlasov approximation
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
! *                        PAIR CORRELATION FUNCTION :                        *
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
!       * GR_TYPE     : pair correlation function approximation g(r) (3D)
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'CDF' from chain diagram formula of PDF (long distance)
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'DHA' Debye-Hückel approximation 
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'DWA' DeWitt approximation 
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'FBA' Frieman-Book approximation 
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'HFA' Hartree-Fock approximation (only exchange)
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'HUB' Hubbard approximation
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'LLA' Lee-Long approximation
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'ORB' Ortiz-Ballone approximation
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'PDF' from pair distribution function 
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'SHA' Shaw approximation
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'SQ2' computed from S(q) (SQ_TO_GR.f code)
!                       GR_TYPE  = 'WIG' Wigner approximation
!       * GR0_MODE : g(0) (3D)
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'CAGO' --> Calmels-Gold
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'DPGT' --> Davoudi-Polini-Giuliani-Tosi
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'HASA' --> Holas-Aravind-Singwi (small r_s)
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'ICHI' --> Ichimaru
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'KIMB' --> Kimball
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'OVE1' --> Overhauser 1
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'OVE2' --> Overhauser 2
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'QIAN' --> Qian
!       * GR0_MODE : g(0) (2D)
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'CAGO' --> Calmels-Gold
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'HAFO' --> Hartree-Fock 
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'MOMA' --> Moreno-Marinescu 
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'NSOA' --> Nagano-Singwi-Ohnishi
!                       GR0_MODE  = 'QIAN' --> Qian
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
! *                        PAIR DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION :                       *
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
!       * RH_TYPE     : pair distribution function approximation (3D)
!                       RH_TYPE  = 'CDI' chain diagram improved
!                       RH_TYPE  = 'CEG' classical electron gas
!                       RH_TYPE  = 'DEB' Debye electron gas 
!                       RH_TYPE  = 'FUA' correct to order 2 in epsilon
!                       RH_TYPE  = 'SDC' short-distance correlations
!                       RH_TYPE  = 'WDA' watermelon diagrams summed
 *                         ENERGY CALCULATIONS :                              *
!       * EC_TYPE  : type of correlation energy functional (3D)
!                       EC_TYPE = 'GEBR_W'   --> Gell-Mann and Brueckner
!                       EC_TYPE = 'CAMA_W'   --> Carr and Maradudin
!                       EC_TYPE = 'EHTY_S'   --> Endo-Horiuchi-Takada-Yasuhara
!                       EC_TYPE = 'HELU_W'   --> Hedin and Lundqvist
!                       EC_TYPE = 'VBHE_W'   --> von Barth and Hedin
!                       EC_TYPE = 'PEZU_W'   --> Perdew and Zunger
!                       EC_TYPE = 'WIGN_S'   --> Wigner
!                       EC_TYPE = 'NOPI_S'   --> Nozières and Pines
!                       EC_TYPE = 'LIRO_S'   --> Lindgren and Rosen
!                       EC_TYPE = 'PEZU_S'   --> Perdew and Zunger
!                       EC_TYPE = 'REHI_S'   --> Rebei and Hitchon
!                       EC_TYPE = 'GGSB_G'   --> Gori-Giorgi-Sacchetti-Bachelet
!                       EC_TYPE = 'PRKO_G'   --> Proynov and Kong
!                       EC_TYPE = 'VWNU_G'   --> Vosko, Wilk and Nusair
!                       EC_TYPE = 'PEWA_G'   --> Perdew and Wang
!                       EC_TYPE = 'HUBB_G'   --> Hubbard
!                       EC_TYPE = 'CHAC_G'   --> Chachiyo
!                       EC_TYPE = 'ISKO_T'   --> Isihara and Kojima
!       * EC_TYPE  : type of correlation energy functional (2D)
!                       EC_TYPE = 'TACE_G'   --> Tanatar-Ceperley
!                       EC_TYPE = 'CPPA_G'   --> Seidl-Perdew_Levy
!                       EC_TYPE = 'AMGB_G'   --> Attaccalite-Moroni-Gori-Giorgi-Bachelet
!                       EC_TYPE = 'SEID_G'   --> Seidl
!                       EC_TYPE = 'LOOS_W'   --> Loos
!                       EC_TYPE = 'WIGN_S'   --> Wigner
!                       EC_TYPE = 'ISTO_T'   --> Isihara-Toyoda
!       * EC_TYPE  : type of correlation energy functional (1D)
!                       EC_TYPE = 'LOOS_W'   --> Loos
!                       EC_TYPE = 'WIGN_S'   --> Wigner
!       * FXC_TYPE : type of XC free energy functional           --> 3D
!                       FXC_TYPE = 'NO'   --> None
!                       FXC_TYPE = 'EB'   --> Ebeling et al
!                       FXC_TYPE = 'IC'   --> Ichimaru et al
!                       FXC_TYPE = 'KS'   --> Karasiev et al
!                       FXC_TYPE = 'VS'   --> Vashishta and Singwi
!                       FXC_TYPE = 'PD'   --> Perrot and Dharma-Wardana
!                       FXC_TYPE = 'EK'   --> Ebeling-Kraeft-Kremp-Röpke
!       * EXC_TYPE : type of exchange-correlation energy functional   --> 3D
!                       EXC_TYPE = 'NO'   --> None
!                       EXC_TYPE = 'GT'   --> Goedeker-Tetter-Hutter
!                       EXC_TYPE = 'ST'   --> 
!                       EXC_TYPE = 'BD'   --> Brown-DuBois-Holzmann-Ceperley
!                                            ~
 *                         SPIN POLARIZATION :                                *
!       * IMODE    : choice of spin parameters
!                       IMODE = 1 : no spin polarization 
!                       IMODE = 2 : fully spin-polarized
!       * XI       : spin polarization : (n+ - n-) / n
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
! *                        THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES :                         *
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
!       * TH_PROP   : type of calculation  --> thermodynamic properties
!                      TH_PROP  = 'CLAS' : classical approximation 
!                      TH_PROP  = 'QUAN' : quantum approximation 
!       * GP_TYPE  : grand partition function type (3D)
!                       GP_TYPE = 'IK0' Isihara-Kojima formulation
!                       GP_TYPE = 'RH0' Rebei-Hitchon formulation
!                       GP_TYPE = 'IKM' Isihara-Kojima with magnetic field
!       * GP_TYPE  : grand partition function type (2D)
!                       GP_TYPE = 'I20' Isihara-Kojima formulation
!                       GP_TYPE = 'I2M' Isihara-Kojima with magnetic field
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
! *                        INCOMING ION BEAM :                                *
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
!       * Z_BEAM    :  charge of ions in incoming beam
!       * EK_BEAM   :  kinetic energy of incoming beam ions (eV)
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
! *                        OUTPUT CALCULATIONS :                              *
! *=======+=========+=========+=========+=========+===========================*
!       * I_DF      : switch for dielectric function printing
!                      I_DF  = 0 : dielectric function not printed
!                      I_DF  = 1 : dielectric function printed in file 'diel_func.dat'
!       * I_PZ      : switch for polarization function printing
!                      I_PZ  = 0 : polarization function not printed
!                      I_PZ  = 1 : polarization function printed in file 'pola_func.dat'
!       * I_SU      : switch for susceptibility function printing
!                      I_SU  = 0 : susceptibility function not printed
!                      I_SU  = 1 : susceptibility function printed in file 'susc_func.dat'
!       * I_CD      : switch for electrical conductivity printing
!                      I_CD  = 0 : electrical conductivity not printed
!                      I_CD  = 1 : electrical conductivity printed in file 'cond_func.dat'
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_PD      : switch for plasmon dispersion printing
!                      I_PD  = 0 :  plasmon dispersion not calculated
!                      I_PD  = 1 :  plasmon dispersion printed in file 'plas_disp.dat'
!       * I_EH      : switch for electron-hole dispersion printing
!                      I_EH  = 0 :  electron-hole dispersion not calculated
!                      I_EH  = 1 :  electron-hole dispersion printed in file 'elec_hole.dat'
!       * I_E2      : switch for two-electron-hole dispersion printing
!                      I_E2  = 0 :  two-electron-hole dispersion not calculated
!                      I_E2  = 1 :  two-electron-hole dispersion printed in file 'elec_hol2.dat'
!       * I_CK      : switch for k-space e-e interaction potential printing
!                      I_CK  = 0 :  potential not calculated
!                      I_CK  = 1 :  potential printed in file 'int_pot_k.dat'
!       * I_CR      : switch for real-space e-e interaction potential printing
!                      I_CR  = 0 :  potential not calculated
!                      I_CR  = 1 :  potential printed in file 'int_pot_r.dat'
!       * I_SA      : switch for scattering amplitude printing
!                      I_SA  = 0 :  scattering amplitude not calculated
!                      I_SA  = 1 :  scattering amplitude printed in file 'scat_ampl.dat'
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_LF      : switch for local-field corrections G(q,omega) printing
!                      I_LF  = 0 : local-field corrections not calculated
!                      I_LF  = 1 : local-field corrections printed in file 'loca_fiel.dat'
!       * I_IQ      : switch for G(q,inf) printing
!                      I_IQ  = 0 : G(q,inf) not calculated
!                      I_IQ  = 1 : G(q,inf) printed in file 'ginf_fiel.dat'
!       * I_SF      : switch for structure factor S(q,omega) printing
!                      I_SF  = 0 : structure factor not calculated
!                      I_SF  = 1 : structure factor printed in file 'stru_fact.dat'
!       * I_PC      : switch for pair correlation function g(r) printing
!                      I_PC  = 0 :  pair correlation function not calculated
!                      I_PC  = 1 :  pair correlation function printed in file 'pair_corr.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_P2      : switch for pair distribution rho2(r) printing
!                      I_P2  = 0 :  pair distribution function not calculated
!                      I_P2  = 1 :  pair distribution function printed in file 'pair_dist.dat'
!       * I_VX      : switch for  vertex function Gamma(q,omega) printing
!                      I_VX  = 0 :  vertex function not calculated
!                      I_VX  = 1 :  vertex function printed in file 'vertex_fu.dat'
!       * I_DC      : switch for plasmon damping coefficient Im[eps]/q^2 printing
!                      I_DC  = 0 :  plasmon damping not calculated
!                      I_DC  = 1 :  plasmon damping printed in file 'plas_damp.dat'
!       * I_MD      : switch for momentum distribution printing
!                      I_MD  = 0 :  momentum distribution not calculated
!                      I_MD  = 1 :  momentum distribution printed in file 'mome_dist.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_LD      : switch for Landau parameters printing
!                      I_LD  = 0 : Landau parameters not calculated
!                      I_LD  = 1 : Landau parameters printed in file 'landau_pa.dat'
!       * I_DP      : switch for damping printing
!                      I_DP  = 0 : damping not calculated
!                      I_DP  = 1 : damping printed in file 'damp_file.dat'
!       * I_LT      : switch for plasmon lifetime printing
!                      I_LT  = 0 : plasmon lifetime not calculated
!                      I_LT  = 1 : plasmon lifetime printed in file 'life_time.dat'
!       * I_BR      : switch for plasmon broadening printing
!                      I_BR  = 0 : plasmon broadening not calculated
!                      I_BR  = 1 : plasmon broadening printed in file 'broadenin.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_PE      : switch for plasmon energy printing
!                      I_PE  = 0 : plasmon energy not calculated
!                      I_PE  = 1 : plasmon energy printed in file 'plas_ener.dat'
!       * I_QC      : switch for plasmon q-bounds printing
!                      I_QC  = 0 : plasmon q-bounds not calculated
!                      I_QC  = 1 : plasmon q-bounds printed in file 'qc_bounds.dat'
!       * I_RL      : switch for relaxation time printing
!                      I_RL  = 0 : relaxation time not calculated
!                      I_RL  = 1 : relaxation time printed in file 'rela_time.dat'
!       * I_TF      : switch for Thomas-Fermi wave vector printing
!                      I_TF  = 0 : Thomas-Fermi wave vector not calculated
!                      I_TF  = 1 : Thomas-Fermi wave vector printed in file 'thomas-fe.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_DY      : switch for Debye wave vector printing
!                      I_DY  = 0 : Debye wave vector not calculated
!                      I_DY  = 1 : Debye wave vector printed in file 'debye_wav.dat'
!       * I_ME      : switch for moments of epsilon(q,omega) printing
!                      I_ME  = 0 : moments of epsilon not calculated
!                      I_ME  = 1 : moments of epsilon printed in file 'moments_e.dat'
!       * I_MS      : switch for moments of S(q,omega) printing
!                      I_MS  = 0 : moments of structure factor not calculated
!                      I_MS  = 1 : moments of structure factor printed in file 'moments_s.dat'
!       * I_ML      : switch for moments of loss function printing
!                      I_ML  = 0 : moments of loss function not calculated
!                      I_ML  = 1 : moments of loss function printed in file 'moments_l.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_MC      : switch for moments of conductivity printing
!                      I_MC  = 0 : moments of conductivity not calculated
!                      I_MC  = 1 : moments of conductivity printed in file 'moments_c.dat'
!       * I_DE      : switch for derivative of Re[ dielectric function ] printing
!                      I_DE  = 0 : derivative not calculated
!                      I_DE  = 1 : derivative printed in file 'deri_epsi.dat'
!       * I_ZE      : switch for Re[ dielectric function ] = 0 printing
!                      I_ZE  = 0 : function not calculated
!                      I_ZE  = 1 : function printed in file 'ree0_file.dat'
!       * I_SR      : switch for sum rules for epsilon printing
!                      I_SR  = 0 : sum rules not calculated
!                      I_ST  = 1 : sum rules printed in file 'sum_rules.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_CW      : switch for confinement wave function printing
!                      I_CW  = 0 : confinement wave function not calculated
!                      I_CW  = 1 : confinement wave function printed in file 'confin_wf.dat'
!       * I_CF      : switch for confinement potential printing
!                      I_CF  = 0 : confinement potential not calculated
!                      I_CF  = 1 : confinement potential printed in file 'confin_pt.dat'
!       * I_EM      : switch for effective mass printing
!                      I_EM  = 0 : effective mass not calculated
!                      I_EM  = 1 : effective mass printed in file 'effe_mass.dat'
!       * I_MF      : switch for mean free path printing
!                      I_MF  = 0 : mean free path not calculated
!                      I_MF  = 1 : mean free path printed in file 'mean_path.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_SP      : switch for spectral function printing
!                      I_SP  = 0 : spectral function not calculated
!                      I_SP  = 1 : spectral function printed in file 'spec_func.dat'
!       * I_SE      : switch for self-energy printing
!                      I_SE  = 0 : self-energy not calculated
!                      I_SE  = 1 : self-energy printed in file 'self_ener.dat'
!       * I_NV      : switch for Nevanlinaa function printing
!                      I_NV  = 0 : Nevanlinaa function not calculated
!                      I_NV  = 1 : Nevanlinaa function printed in file 'nevanlina.dat'
!       * I_ES      : switch for Eliashberg function printing
!                      I_ES  = 0 : Eliashberg function not calculated
!                      I_ES  = 1 : Eliashberg function printed in file 'elia_func.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_GR      : switch for Grüneisen parameter printing
!                      I_GR  = 0 : Grüneisen parameter not calculated
!                      I_GR  = 1 : Grüneisen parameter printed in file 'grune_par.dat'
!       * I_FD      : switch for Fermi-Dirac distribution printing
!                      I_FD  = 0 : Fermi-Dirac distribution not calculated
!                      I_FD  = 1 : Fermi-Dirac distribution printed in file 'fermi_dir.dat'
!       * I_BE      : switch for Bose-Einstein distribution printing
!                      I_BE  = 0 : Bose-Einstein distribution not calculated
!                      I_BE  = 1 : Bose-Einstein distribution printed in file 'bose_eins.dat'
!       * I_MX      : switch for Maxwell distribution printing
!                      I_MX  = 0 : Maxwell distribution not calculated
!                      I_MX  = 1 : Maxwell distribution printed in file 'maxwell_d.dat' 
!                                            ~
!       * I_SC      : switch for scale parameters  printing
!                      I_SC  = 0 : scale parameters not calculated
!                      I_SC  = 1 : scale parameters printed in file 'scale_par.dat'
!       * I_DS      : switch for density of states printing
!                      I_DS  = 0 : density of states not calculated
!                      I_DS  = 1 : density of states printed in file 'dens_stat.dat'
!       * I_SB      : switch for  subband energies printing
!                      I_SB  = 0 : subband energies not calculated
!                      I_SB  = 1 : subband energies printed in file 'subb_ener.dat'
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_GP      : switch for grand partition function printing
!                      I_GP  = 0 : grand partition function not calculated
!                      I_GP  = 1 : grand partition function printed in file 'gran_part.dat'
!       * I_PR      : switch for electronic pressure printing
!                      I_PR  = 0 : electronic pressure not calculated
!                      I_PR  = 1 : electronic pressure printed in file 'epressure.dat'
!       * I_CO      : switch for compressibility printing
!                      I_CO  = 0 : compressibility not calculated
!                      I_CO  = 1 : compressibility printed in file 'comp_file.dat'
!       * I_CP      : switch for chemical potential printing
!                      I_CP  = 0 : chemical potential not calculated
!                      I_CP  = 1 : chemical potential printed in file 'chem_pote.dat' 
!                                            ~
!       * I_BM      : switch for bulk modulus printing
!                      I_BM  = 0 : bulk modulus not calculated
!                      I_BM  = 1 : bulk modulus printed in file 'bulk_modu.dat'
!       * I_SH      : switch for shear modulus printing
!                      I_SH  = 0 : shear modulus not calculated
!                      I_SH  = 1 : shear modulus printed in file 'shear_mod.dat'
!       * I_S0      : switch for zero sound velocity printing
!                      I_S0  = 0 : zero sound velocity not calculated
!                      I_S0  = 1 : zero sound velocity printed in file 'zero_soun.dat' 
!       * I_S1      : switch for first sound velocity printing
!                      I_S1  = 0 : first sound velocity not calculated
!                      I_S1  = 1 : first sound velocity printed in file 'firs_soun.dat' 
!                                            ~
!       * I_DT      : switch for Debye temperature printing
!                      I_DT  = 0 : Debye temperature not calculated
!                      I_DT  = 1 : Debye temperature printed in file 'Debye_tmp.dat'
!       * I_PS      : switch for Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility printing
!                      I_PS  = 0 : Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility not calculated
!                      I_PS  = 1 : Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility printed in file 'para_susc.dat'
!       * I_IE      : switch for internal energy printing
!                      I_IE  = 0 : internal energy not calculated
!                      I_IE  = 1 : internal energy printed in file 'inter_ene.dat'
!       * I_EI      : switch for excess internal energy printing
!                      I_EI  = 0 : excess internal energy not calculated
!                      I_EI  = 1 : excess internal energy printed in file 'exces_ene.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_FH      : switch for Helmholtz free energy printing
!                      I_FH  = 0 : Helmholtz free energy not calculated
!                      I_FH  = 1 : Helmholtz free energy printed in file 'helm_free.dat'
!       * I_EY      : switch for entropy printing
!                      I_EY  = 0 : entropy not calculated
!                      I_EY  = 1 : entropy printed in file 'entropy_f.dat'
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_EF      : switch for Fermi energy printing
!                      I_EF  = 0 : Fermi energy not calculated
!                      I_EF  = 1 : Fermi energy printed in file 'fermi_ene.dat'
!       * I_KF      : switch for Fermi momentum printing
!                      I_KF  = 0 : Fermi momentum not calculated
!                      I_KF  = 1 : Fermi momentum printed in file 'fermi_vec.dat'
!       * I_VF      : switch for Fermi velocity printing
!                      I_VF  = 0 : Fermi velocity not calculated
!                      I_VF  = 1 : Fermi velocity printed in file 'fermi_vel.dat'
!       * I_TE      : switch for Fermi temperature printing
!                      I_TE  = 0 : Fermi temperature not calculated
!                      I_TE  = 1 : Fermi temperature printed in file 'fermi_tmp.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_DL      : switch for density of states at Fermi level printing
!                      I_DL  = 0 subband energies: density of states at Fermi level not calculated
!                      I_DL  = 1 : density of states at Fermi level printed in file 'fermi_dos.dat'
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_TW      : switch for thermal De Broglie wavelength printing
!                      I_TW  = 0 : thermal De Broglie wavelength not calculated
!                      I_TW  = 1 : thermal De Broglie wavelength printed in file 'thermal_w.dat'
!       * I_VT      : switch for thermal velocity printing
!                      I_VT  = 0 : thermal velocity not calculated
!                      I_VT  = 1 : thermal velocity printed in file 'thermal_v.dat'
!       * I_TC      : switch for thermal conductivity printing
!                      I_TC  = 0 : thermal conductivity not calculated
!                      I_TC  = 1 : thermal conductivity printed in file 'thermal_c.dat'
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_EG      : switch for ground state energy printing
!                      I_EG  = 0 : ground state energy not calculated
!                      I_EG  = 1 : ground state energy printed in file 'ground_st.dat'
!       * I_EX      : switch for exchange energy printing
!                      I_EX  = 0 : exchange energy not calculated
!                      I_EX  = 1 : exchange energy printed in file 'ex_energy.dat'
!       * I_XC      : switch for exchange correlation energy printing
!                      I_XC  = 0 : exchange correlation energy not calculated
!                      I_XC  = 1 : exchange correlation energy printed in file 'xc_energy.dat'
!       * I_EC      : switch for correlation energy printing
!                      I_EC  = 0 : correlation energy not calculated
!                      I_EC  = 1 : correlation energy printed in file 'corr_ener.dat'
!                                            ~
!       * I_HF      : switch for Hartree-Fock energy printing
!                      I_HF  = 0 : Hartree-Fock energy not calculated
!                      I_HF  = 1 : Hartree-Fock energy printed in file 'hf_energy.dat'
!       * I_EK      : switch for kinetic energy printing
!                      I_EK  = 0 : kinetic energy not calculated
!                      I_EK  = 1 : kinetic energy printed in file 'kine_ener.dat'
!       * I_EP      : switch for potential energy printing
!                      I_EP  = 0 : potential energy not calculated
!                      I_EP  = 1 : potential energy printed in file 'pote_ener.dat
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_VI      : switch for shear viscosity printing
!                      I_VI  = 0 : shear viscosity not calculated
!                      I_VI  = 1 : shear viscosity printed in file 'visc_coef.dat'
!       * I_DI      : switch for diffusion coefficient printing
!                      I_DI  = 0 : diffusion coefficient not calculated
!                      I_DI  = 1 : diffusion coefficient printed in file 'diff_coef.dat'
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_FP      : switch for fluctuation potential calculation
!                      I_FP  = 0 :  fluctuation potential not calculated
!                      I_FP  = 1 :  fluctuation potential printed in file 'fluct_pot.dat'
!       * I_EL      : switch for loss function calculation
!                      I_EL  = 0 :  loss function not calculated
!                      I_EL  = 1 :  loss function printed in file 'ener_loss.dat'
!       * I_PO      : switch for stopping power calculation
!                      I_PO  = 0 :  stopping power not calculated
!                      I_PO  = 1 :  stopping power printed in file 'stop_powe.dat'
!       * I_RF      : switch for refractive index calculation
!                      I_RF  = 0 :  refractive index not calculated
!                      I_RF  = 1 :  refractive index printed in file 'refrac_in.dat' 
!                                            ~
!       * I_VC      : switch for dynamic screened Coulomb potential V(q,omega) calculation
!                      I_RF  = 0 : dynamic screened Coulomb potential not calculated
!                      I_RF  = 1 : dynamic screened Coulomb potential printed in file 'dyna_coul.dat'
! *-------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------------------------*
!       * I_FN      : switch for appending the calculation type string 
!                        to the output filename
!                      I_FN  = 0 :  standard output filename
!                      I_FN  = 1 :  parameter added to filename
!       * I_WR      : switch for writing physical properties into the log file 
!                      I_WR  = 0 :  does not write
!                      I_WR  = 1 :  writes