#!/bin/bash # This script do the following: # Download Debian Stable (jessie) # Download Debian Testing (stretch) # Download Debian Unstable (sid) # Make an PXE's config file (aka menu.cfg) TFTP_ROOT="/var/lib/tftpboot" # Config file CONFIG_PXE="${TFTP_ROOT}/installer/debian/menu.cfg.example" rm -f ${CONFIG_PXE} && touch ${CONFIG_PXE} for DISTRO in jessie stretch sid; do # For ALL Debian's version for ARCH in amd64 i386; do # For all classic architecture # Config file echo "label install" >> "${CONFIG_PXE}" # Create and go into directory mkdir -p ${TFTP_ROOT}/installer/debian/${DISTRO}/${ARCH} pushd ${TFTP_ROOT}/installer/debian/${DISTRO}/${ARCH} # Download files wget http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/dists/${DISTRO}/main/installer-${ARCH}/current/images/netboot/debian-installer/${ARCH}/linux -O linux wget http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/dists/${DISTRO}/main/installer-${ARCH}/current/images/netboot/debian-installer/${ARCH}/initrd.gz -O initrd.gz popd # Config file /bin/cat >> "${CONFIG_PXE}" << EOF menu label Debian GNU/Linux ${DISTRO} ^${ARCH} bits kernel installer/debian/${DISTRO}/${ARCH}/linux append vga=normal initrd=installer/debian/${DISTRO}/${ARCH}/initrd.gz -- quiet EOF done # Config file /bin/cat >> "${CONFIG_PXE}" << EOF label separator menu label --- EOF done # Config file /bin/cat >> "${CONFIG_PXE}" << EOF label mainmenu menu label ^Back.. menu exit EOF exit 0