#!/bin/bash # This script do the following: # Download Clonezilla Stable for amd64 and i686 # Make a PXE's config file (aka menu.cfg) TFTP_ROOT="/var/lib/tftpboot" CZ_INSTALLER_DIR="${TFTP_ROOT}/installer/clonezilla" CZ_CONFIG_PXE="${CZ_INSTALLER_DIR}/menu.cfg.example" CZ_VERSION="2.5.0-5" # Create directories and config file rm -rf "${CZ_INSTALLER_DIR}" mkdir -p "${CZ_INSTALLER_DIR}" touch "${CZ_CONFIG_PXE}" for ARCH in amd64 i686; do # For available classic architecture CZ_URL="https://osdn.jp/dl/clonezilla/clonezilla-live-${CZ_VERSION}-${ARCH}.zip" CZ_TEMP_FILE="/tmp/clonezilla-live-"${CZ_VERSION}"-"${ARCH}".zip " # Create and go into directory mkdir -p ${CZ_INSTALLER_DIR}/${ARCH} pushd ${CZ_INSTALLER_DIR}/${ARCH} # Download and extract only PXE files wget "${CZ_URL}" -O "${CZ_TEMP_FILE}" unzip -j "${CZ_TEMP_FILE}" live/vmlinuz live/initrd.img live/filesystem.squashfs -d . rm -f "${CZ_TEMP_FILE}" popd # Config file /bin/cat >> "${CZ_CONFIG_PXE}" << EOF label live${ARCH} menu label Clonezilla Live ^${ARCH} kernel installer/clonezilla/${ARCH}/vmlinuz APPEND initrd=installer/clonezilla/${ARCH}/initrd.img boot=live username=user union=overlay config components quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid locales= keyboard-layouts= ocs_live_run="ocs-live-general" ocs_live_extra_param="" ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt fetch=tftp://${ARCH}/filesystem.squashfs EOF done # Config file /bin/cat >> "${CZ_CONFIG_PXE}" << EOF label separator menu label ----- label mainmenu menu label ^Back.. menu exit EOF exit 0