* Store the files to **/var/lib/tftpboot** (default).
* Download Debian Linux kernel and initrd files for all Debian distributions (Stable: **Jessie**; Testing: **Stretch**; Unstable: **Sid**) and for **i386** and **amd64** architectures.
* Offer an example menu file to use with a TFTP server (default_path/installer/debian/menu.cfg.example).
* Store the files to **/var/lib/tftpboot** (default).
* Download Ubuntu Linux kernel and initrd files for the two lasts Ubuntu distributions (LTS-16.04: **xenial**; 15.10: **wily**) and for **i386** and **amd64** architectures.
* Make a symlink to access to the LTS (default_path/installer/ubuntu/lts) instead of it's codename.