#!/bin/sh # Vars {{{ readonly PROGNAME=$(basename "${0}") readonly PROGDIR=$(readlink -m $(dirname "${0}")) readonly ARGS="${*}" readonly NBARGS="${#}" ## Test if DEBUG is already defined (by parent script,…) [ -z "${DEBUG}" ] && readonly DEBUG=1 ## Colors readonly PURPLE='\033[1;35m' readonly RED='\033[0;31m' readonly RESET='\033[0m' readonly COLOR_DEBUG="${PURPLE}" # }}} manage_args() { # {{{ case "${NBARGS}" in 0 ) sge_hostname="$(hostname -f)" ;; 1 ) sge_hostname="${1}" ;; * ) printf '%b\n' "${RED}Expect 1 or 0 argument.${RESET}" printf '%b\n' "---" usage exit 1 ;; esac } # }}} usage() { # {{{ cat <<- EOF usage: $PROGNAME [hostname] Try to disable the SGE queue of the current host (default) or the one passed as first argument. EXAMPLES : - Disable SGE's queue of the current host ${PROGNAME} - Disable SGE's queue of the "marvin.domain.tld" host ${PROGNAME} marvin.domain.tld EOF } # }}} debug_message() { # {{{ local_message="${1}" ## Print message if DEBUG is enable (=0) [ "${DEBUG}" -eq "0" ] && printf '\e[1;35m%-6b\e[m\n' "DEBUG − ${PROGNAME} : ${local_message}" } # }}} is_queue_enable() { # {{{ local_sge_hostname="${1}" local_sge_queue_name="${2}" ## List all queues with 'disable' state and filter to the expected queue name ### Then count the number of lines between "queuename" (from header) and the expected queue ### To avoid to count pending jobs for this queue local_sge_queue_test=$(qstat -f -qs d -q "${local_sge_queue_name:=/dev/null}@${local_sge_hostname:=/dev/null}" \ | awk 'BEGIN {count = 0} /queuename/,/main.q/ {count++} END { print count }') case "${local_sge_queue_test}" in 0 ) ## No result so the queue is enable local_sge_queue_state="enable" return_queue_enable="0" ;; 3 ) ## Results (header + queue name) so the queue is disable local_sge_queue_state="disable" return_queue_enable="1" ;; * ) ## Unexpected result printf '%b\n' "${RED}Not able to determine the state of ${local_sge_queue_name:=/dev/null}@${local_sge_hostname:=/dev/null} queue (command return ${local_sge_queue_test} lines).${RESET}" exit 2 ;; esac ## Simple debug message to valid current variables debug_message "is_queue_enable − \ SGE queue: ${RED}${local_sge_queue_name:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG} \ state is: ${RED}${local_sge_queue_state:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG}." return "${return_queue_enable}" } # }}} is_queue_disable() { # {{{ local_sge_hostname="${1}" local_sge_queue_name="${2}" ## List all queues with 'disable' state and filter to the expected queue name ### Then count the number of lines between "queuename" (from header) and the expected queue ### To avoid to count pending jobs for this queue local_sge_queue_test=$(qstat -f -qs d -q "${local_sge_queue_name:=/dev/null}@${local_sge_hostname:=/dev/null}" \ | awk 'BEGIN {count = 0} /queuename/,/main.q/ {count++} END { print count }') case "${local_sge_queue_test}" in 0 ) ## No result so the queue is enable local_sge_queue_state="enable" return_queue_disable="1" ;; 3 ) ## Results (header + queue name) so the queue is disable local_sge_queue_state="disable" return_queue_disable="0" ;; * ) ## Unexpected result printf '%b\n' "${RED}Not able to determine the state of ${local_sge_queue_name:=/dev/null}@${local_sge_hostname:=/dev/null} queue (command return ${local_sge_queue_test} lines).${RESET}" exit 3 ;; esac ## Simple debug message to valid current variables debug_message "is_queue_disable − \ SGE queue: ${RED}${local_sge_queue_name:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG} \ state is: ${RED}${local_sge_queue_state:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG}." return "${return_queue_disable}" } # }}} disable_sge_queue() { # {{{ local_sge_hostname="${1}" local_sge_queue_name="${2}" ## Simple debug message to valid current variables debug_message "disable_sge_queue − \ Try to disable SGE queue: ${RED}${local_sge_queue_name:=/dev/null}@${local_sge_hostname:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG}." ## SGE command to disable the queue qmod --disable "${local_sge_queue_name}@${local_sge_hostname}" \ && return_disable_queue="${?}" return "${return_disable_queue}" } # }}} main() { # {{{ manage_args "${ARGS}" sge_queue_name="$(qhost -h "${sge_hostname:=/dev/null}" -q -xml \ | grep "queue name" \ | cut -d"'" -f2 )" ## Simple debug message with color to valid current variables debug_message "main − Try to manage \ SGE queue: ${RED}${sge_queue_name:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG} \ for host: ${RED}${sge_hostname:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG}." ## If the queue is already disable ### Exit is_queue_disable "${sge_hostname}" "${sge_queue_name}" \ && exit 0 ## If the queue is enable ### Try to disable it is_queue_enable "${sge_hostname}" "${sge_queue_name}" \ && disable_sge_queue "${sge_hostname}" "${sge_queue_name}" ## If the queue is still enable ### Exit with error is_queue_enable "${sge_hostname}" "${sge_queue_name}" \ && printf '%b\n' "${RED}ERROR ${sge_queue_name}@${sge_hostname} is still enable.${RESET}" \ && exit 4 } # }}} main exit 0