#!/bin/sh POOL_NAME="r2-d2" GROUP_NUMBER="4" DISK_BY_GROUP="11" ZPOOL_CREATION_CMD="sudo zpool create -f ${POOL_NAME} -m /mnt/${POOL_NAME} " ZPOOL_SPARE_CMD="sudo zpool add ${POOL_NAME} spare" DISK_TEMP_LIST="/tmp/zfs.disks" # Store disks list in a temp file find /dev/disk/by-vdev -maxdepth 1 -type l -printf "%f\\n" > "${DISK_TEMP_LIST}" # Pool creation {{{ ## Initialize loop vars group=1 start_disk_group=1 end_disk_group=11 while [ "${group}" -le "${GROUP_NUMBER}" ] do ## Get the next $DISK_BY_GROUP number of disks for this group GROUP_DISK="$(sed -n ${start_disk_group},${end_disk_group}p -- ${DISK_TEMP_LIST} | tr '\n' ' ')" ## Display information #printf "%b" "Group ${group} (disk ${start_disk_group} to ${end_disk_group}): ${GROUP_DISK}\\n" ## Update the creation command ZPOOL_CREATION_CMD="${ZPOOL_CREATION_CMD}\\ raidz3 ${GROUP_DISK}" ## Increment variables group=$((group+1)) start_disk_group=$((end_disk_group+1)) end_disk_group=$((end_disk_group+DISK_BY_GROUP)) done printf "%b\\n" "++++++ You can use this command to create your ZSH pool +++++++++" printf "%b\\n" "${ZPOOL_CREATION_CMD}" printf "%b\\n" "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" # }}} # Pool spare {{{ ## Get the last disks for the spare command SPARE_DISK="$(tail -n +${start_disk_group} -- ${DISK_TEMP_LIST} | tr '\n' ' ')" ZPOOL_SPARE_CMD="${ZPOOL_SPARE_CMD} ${SPARE_DISK}" printf "%b\\n" "++++ You can use this command to add spare disks to the pool ++++" printf "%b\\n" "${ZPOOL_SPARE_CMD}" printf "%b\\n" "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" # }}} # Delete the temp list file rm -f -- "${DISK_TEMP_LIST}" exit 0