#!/bin/sh # This script will check if any APT upgrade is available and # will prepare the host in order to apply upgrade with another script # 1. Create a temp file # 2. Disable SGE queue # This script can be call by a cronjob (eg. weekly) # Another script should try to apply upgrades also with cron (eg. hourly) # Vars {{{ readonly PROGNAME=$(basename "${0}") readonly PROGDIR=$(readlink -m $(dirname "${0}")) readonly ARGS="${*}" readonly NBARGS="${#}" [ -z "${DEBUG}" ] && DEBUG=1 ## Export DEBUG for sub-script export DEBUG readonly APT_TMP_FILE="/tmp/.apt.upgrade" ## Colors readonly PURPLE='\033[1;35m' readonly RED='\033[0;31m' readonly RESET='\033[0m' readonly COLOR_DEBUG="${PURPLE}" # }}} usage() { # {{{ cat <<- EOF usage: $PROGNAME [-d|-e|-h] Verify if any APT package upgrade is available and try to prepare the host by : * Disabling SGE queue EXAMPLES : - Verify upgrade and prepare the current host ${PROGNAME} OPTIONS : -d,--debug Enable debug messages. -e,--empty Check APT upgrades only if SGE slots are empty -h,--help Print this help message. EOF } # }}} debug_message() { # {{{ local_message="${1}" ## Print message if DEBUG is enable (=0) [ "${DEBUG}" -eq "0" ] && printf '\e[1;35m%-6b\e[m\n' "DEBUG − ${PROGNAME} : ${local_message}" return 0 } # }}} define_vars() { # {{{ ## If sge_hostname wasn't defined (environment variable,…) {{{ if [ -z "${sge_hostname}" ]; then ## Use local host for sge_hostname sge_hostname="$(hostname -f)" fi ## }}} ## If EMPTY_ONLY_MODE wasn't defined (argument, environment variable,…) {{{ if [ -z "${EMPTY_ONLY_MODE}" ]; then ### Set False by default EMPTY_ONLY_MODE="1" fi ## }}} ## Script used to disable SGE queue(s) sge_disable_host_queue_script="${PROGDIR}/sge.disable.host.queue.sh" ## Get the number of SGE used slots sge_slots_used=$(qhost -h "${sge_hostname:=/dev/null}" -q -xml \ | grep --max-count=1 -- "'slots_used'" \ | sed 's;.*\(.*\);\1;') ## SGE queues state file cluster_dir="/opt/ipr/cluster" sge_queue_flag_pattern="${cluster_dir}/.sge.*.disable" } # }}} is_sge_host() { # {{{ ## Check if SGE commands (qconf) are available if [ "$(command -v qconf)" ]; then debug_message "is_sge_host − \ SGE seems present on this host." ### And verify if the host is fully configured as a submit host if qconf -ss | grep --word-regexp --quiet $(hostname -f); then debug_message "is_sge_host − \ The host seems configured as a SGE submit host." return_is_sge_host="0" else return_is_sge_host="1" debug_message "is_sge_host − \ This host is not yet configured as a SGE submit host." fi else return_is_sge_host="1" debug_message "is_sge_host − \ SGE is not present on this host." fi return "${return_is_sge_host}" } # }}} is_sge_master_available() { # {{{ ## Check with Netcat if SGE master (sge_qmaster) is reachable from this host. ### -z: Only scan for listening daemons, without sending any data to them. ### -w 10: Timeout the test after 10 seconds. if nc -z -w 10 "${sge_master_uri}" "${sge_master_port}"; then return_is_sge_master_available="0" debug_message "is_sge_master_available − \ SGE Master (${sge_master_uri}:${sge_master_port}) is reachable from this host." else return_is_sge_master_available="1" debug_message "is_sge_master_available − \ SGE Master (${sge_master_uri}:${sge_master_port}) is not reachable from this host." fi return "${return_is_sge_master_available}" } # }}} is_apt_upgrade_absent() { # {{{ ## Count the number of upgradable packages and substract 1 for the header local_apt_upgrade_number="$(apt list --upgradable 2>/dev/null \ | wc -l \ | awk '{print $1-1}')" case "${local_apt_upgrade_number}" in 0 ) ## No available upgrade return_apt_upgrade_absent="0" ;; * ) ## Upgrade seems available return_apt_upgrade_absent="1" ;; esac ## Simple debug message to valid current variable debug_message "is_apt_upgrade_absent − \ APT upgrade available for this system: ${RED}${local_apt_upgrade_number:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG}." return "${return_apt_upgrade_absent}" } # }}} is_apt_upgrade_present() { # {{{ ## Count the number of upgradable packages and substract 1 for the header local_apt_upgrade_number="$(apt list --upgradable 2>/dev/null \ | wc -l \ | awk '{print $1-1}')" case "${local_apt_upgrade_number}" in 0 ) ## No available upgrade return_apt_upgrade_present="1" ;; * ) ## Upgrade seems available return_apt_upgrade_present="0" ;; esac ## Simple debug message to valid current variable debug_message "is_apt_upgrade_present − \ APT upgrade available for this system: ${RED}${local_apt_upgrade_number:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG}." return "${return_apt_upgrade_present}" } # }}} is_file_present() { # {{{ local_file_present="${1}" ## File doesn't exist by default return_is_file_present="1" ### Check if the file exists # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if find ${local_file_present} > /dev/null 2>&1; then return_is_file_present="0" debug_message "is_file_present − \ The file ${RED}${local_file_present}${COLOR_DEBUG} exists." else return_is_file_present="1" debug_message "is_file_present − \ The file ${RED}${local_file_present}${COLOR_DEBUG} doesn't exist." fi return "${return_is_file_present}" } # }}} is_sge_slots_empty() { # {{{ if [ "${sge_slots_used}" -eq "0" ]; then ## Used slots is null return_sge_slots_empty="0" else return_sge_slots_empty="1" fi ## Simple debug message to valid current variable debug_message "is_sge_slots_empty − \ SGE slots currently in use: ${RED}${sge_slots_used:=/dev/null}${COLOR_DEBUG}." return "${return_sge_slots_empty}" } # }}} main() { # {{{ ## Test if SGE Master is reachable {{{ ### If sge_master_uri wasn't defined (environment variable,…) {{{ if [ -z "${sge_master_uri}" ]; then ## Get SGE master from current configuration sge_master_uri=$(grep --max-count=1 -- "" /var/lib/gridengine/default/common/act_qmaster 2>/dev/null || echo "localhost") fi ### }}} ### If sge_master_port wasn't defined (environment variable,…) {{{ if [ -z "${sge_master_port}" ]; then ## Use local host for sge_master_port sge_master_port="6444" fi ### }}} ### If SGE Master is not reachable from this host {{{ #### Exit is_sge_master_available \ || exit 0 ### }}} ## }}} ## If SGE is not yet available on this host {{{ ### Exit is_sge_host \ || exit 0 ## }}} ## Define all vars define_vars ## If NO APT package upgrade is available {{{ ### Ensure to remove any temp file related to APT upgrades ### AND Exit is_apt_upgrade_absent \ && rm -f -- "${APT_TMP_FILE}" \ && exit 0 ## }}} ## If APT temp file already exists {{{ ### Exit is_file_present "${APT_TMP_FILE}" \ && exit 0 ## }}} ## If SGE flag files already exists {{{ ### Check if APT package upgrade is available ### Create APT temp file ### AND Exit is_file_present "${sge_queue_flag_pattern}" \ && is_apt_upgrade_present \ && touch "${APT_TMP_FILE}" && echo "APT upgrade is available." >> "${APT_TMP_FILE}" \ && exit 0 ## }}} ## If EMPTY_ONLY_MODE is set {{{ ### Verify empty slots ### OR Exit if [ "${EMPTY_ONLY_MODE}" -eq "0" ]; then ### If SGE slots are not empty ### Exit is_sge_slots_empty \ || exit 0 fi ## }}} ## If APT package upgrade is available {{{ ### Create APT temp file ### Disable SGE queue ### AND Exit is_apt_upgrade_present \ && touch "${APT_TMP_FILE}" && echo "APT upgrade is available." >> "${APT_TMP_FILE}" \ && sh "${sge_disable_host_queue_script}" \ && exit 0 ## }}} } # }}} # Manage arguments # {{{ # This code can't be in a function due to argument management if [ ! "${NBARGS}" -eq "0" ]; then manage_arg="0" ## If the first argument is not an option if ! printf -- '%s' "${1}" | grep -q -E -- "^-+"; then ## Print help message and exit printf '%b\n' "${RED}Invalid option: ${1}${RESET}" printf '%b\n' "---" usage exit 1 fi # Parse all options (start with a "-") one by one while printf -- '%s' "${1}" | grep -q -E -- "^-+"; do case "${1}" in -d|--debug ) ## debug DEBUG=0 ;; -e|--empty ) ## Empty only mode EMPTY_ONLY_MODE="0" ;; -h|--help ) ## help usage ## Exit after help informations exit 0 ;; * ) ## unknow option printf '%b\n' "${RED}Invalid option: ${1}${RESET}" printf '%b\n' "---" usage exit 1 ;; esac debug_message "Arguments management − \ ${RED}${1}${COLOR_DEBUG} option managed." ## Move to the next argument shift manage_arg=$((manage_arg+1)) done debug_message "Arguments management − \ ${RED}${manage_arg}${COLOR_DEBUG} argument(s) successfully managed." else debug_message "Arguments management − \ No arguments/options to manage." fi # }}} main exit 255