#!/bin/sh # .. vim: foldmarker=[[[,]]]:foldmethod=marker # This script will try to run a smart test on all compatible devices. # The test can be passed as first argument. # Vars [[[ debug="0" ## Colors [[[ c_redb='\033[1;31m' c_magentab='\033[1;35m' c_reset='\033[0m' ## ]]] temp_dir=$(mktemp -d -t smart.run.test-XXXXXX.tmp) smart_device_list="${temp_dir}/smart.device.list" # ]]] # Create files true > "${smart_device_list}" # Get the list of all available devices smartctl --scan >> "${smart_device_list}" if test -s "${smart_device_list}"; then while IFS= read -r LINE; do ## Get device path scanned_disk=$(echo "${LINE}" | cut -d" " -f1) ## Try to determine the best type scanned_type=$(echo "${LINE}" | cut -d" " -f3) [ "${debug}" -eq "0" ] && printf "${c_magentab}%-6b${c_reset}\n" "DEBUG : smartctl scan ${scanned_disk} with type ${scanned_type}." done < "${smart_device_list}" # If the file is empty else printf "${c_redb}%-6b${c_reset}\n" "ERROR : The device list looks empty, check ${smart_device_list} file and \`smartctl --scan\` command." exit 1 fi # Remove temp_dir if debug is disable [ "${debug}" -eq "0" ] || rm -rf -- "${temp_dir}" exit 0