#!/bin/sh # This script intend to generate another temp script with the differents # commands to remove a Ceph-OSD previously generated with `ceph-volume lvm` # Give the OSD number to remove as first argument OSD_ID_TO_REMOVE="${1}" ## Colors definition {{{ BLACK='\033[49;30m' BLACKB='\033[49;90m' RED='\033[0;31m' REDB='\033[1;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' BLUE='\033[94;49m' MAGENTA='\033[0;35m' CYAN='\033[36;49m' WHITE='\033[0;37m' BOLD='\033[1m' RESET='\033[0m' ## }}} # Test the first argument if [ -z "${OSD_ID_TO_REMOVE}" ]; then printf '%b\n' "${REDB}You should give the OSD_ID to remove as first argument.${RESET}" exit 1 fi # Path of the temp generated script temp_script="/tmp/lvm-osd.to.remove.sh" # Get all informations osd_path="/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-${OSD_ID_TO_REMOVE}" lv_path=$(file /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-"${OSD_ID_TO_REMOVE}"/block | cut -d" " -f5) vg_name=$(lvs --noheadings -o vg_name "${lv_path}" | tr -d ' ') pv_path=$(lvs --noheadings -o devices "${lv_path}" | sed 's;.*\(/dev/...\).*;\1;') # Tests {{{ # }}} printf '%b\n' "OSD path to umount then to remove : ${REDB}${osd_path}${RESET}" printf '%b\n' "OSD_ID to remove : ${REDB}${OSD_ID_TO_REMOVE}${RESET}" if [ ! -L "${lv_path}" ]; then printf '%b\n' "The logical volume doesn't seems to exists." printf '%b\n' "${REDB}It might be better to manually purge the OSD.${RESET}" else printf '%b\n' "Logical Volume to remove : ${REDB}${lv_path}${RESET}" fi printf '%b\n' "Volume Group to remove : ${REDB}${vg_name}${RESET}" printf '%b\n' "Physical volume to remove : ${REDB}${pv_path}${RESET}" # Generate a temp script with the expected commands rm -rf -- "${temp_script}" touch -- "${temp_script}" chmod +x -- "${temp_script}" printf '%b\n' "#!/bin/sh" >> "${temp_script}" ## Umount the OSD printf '%b\n' "umount ${osd_path}" >> "${temp_script}" ## Remove mount path printf '%b\n' "rmdir -- ${osd_path}" >> "${temp_script}" ## Remove the LV printf '%b\n' "lvremove ${lv_path}" >> "${temp_script}" ## Remove the VG printf '%b\n' "vgremove ${vg_name}" >> "${temp_script}" ## Remove the PV printf '%b\n' "pvremove ${pv_path}" >> "${temp_script}" printf '%b\n' "A temp script with expected commands is available to : ${GREEN}${temp_script}${RESET}" exit 0