diff --git a/xymon/plugins/client/ext/smart b/xymon/plugins/client/ext/smart index 305db70..813f607 100755 --- a/xymon/plugins/client/ext/smart +++ b/xymon/plugins/client/ext/smart @@ -2,8 +2,26 @@ # NOTE: Must be run as root, so you probably need to setup sudo for this. +# This script is mostly intend to be used with Xymon and rather for devices unknown to the smartmontools base. +# Based on xymon.com's script : https://www.xymon.com/xymon-cgi/viewconf.sh?smart +# The script will scan all devices compatible with SMART and for each disk, it will : {{{ +# * try to guess the expected TYPE (even megaraid,…). +# * display health status. +# * set a "clear" state for incompatible device. +# * display last selftests. +# * set a "error" state if no selftest is recorded. +# * display basic informations. +# * recommend a more advanced SMART script if the disk is known of smartmontools's database (drivedb.h) or redirect to smartmontools's FAQ if not. +# }}} +# Things the script CAN'T do : {{{ +# * ensure a recent selftest was run. +# * compare current value with vendor's one (for failure prediction or error). +# * give detail about errors. +# * Take a look to this more advance script for such features : https://github.com/skazi0/xymon-plugins/blob/master/client/ext/smart +# }}} + # Vars {{{ -debug="0" +debug="1" ## Colors {{{ c_redb='\033[1;31m'