2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
# Purpose {{{
# This script will …
# 1. List all users directories with a minimum size.
# 2. For each, get the list of backup directories.
# 3. For each backup directories.
# a. Ignore those that contain a .ignore.me hidden file.
# b. Get current backup directory size.
# c. Compare current size with a previous value (if available) from db.
# d. Increase informations iterations for this backup (N-1 become N-2,…).
# e. Store current backup dir size to N-1.
# f. Prepare email's body if difference is not significant.
# 4. Send email to user if a content exists.
# 5. Remove all backup informations with iterations ≤ -10.
# …
# 2022-12-07
# }}}
# Sqlite3 database info {{{
# Table name : SQLITE_TABLE_NAME (default : "backups_info").
# 6 fields :
# name TEXT (eg. username/duplicati_mr013370)
# user TEXT (eg. username)
# size INT (eg. 16000)
# iteration INT (eg. -2)
# date TEXT (eg. 2022-12-05)
# emailed TEXT (eg True)
# A primary key is built from those 6 fields to avoid duplicate entries.
# The script will try to get the last iteration of a backup (iteration = -1) for
# a comparison with the current backup directory size.
# The script will decrease all iterations number of a backup (iteration - 1).
# The script will finally remove all entries with an iteration below -10.
# }}}
# Vars {{{
PROGNAME = $( basename " ${ 0 } " ) ; readonly PROGNAME
PROGDIR = $( readlink -m $( dirname " ${ 0 } " ) ) ; readonly PROGDIR
ARGS = " ${ * } " ; readonly ARGS
readonly NBARGS = " ${# } "
[ -z " ${ DEBUG } " ] && DEBUG = 1
## Export DEBUG for sub-script
export DEBUG
## Default values for some vars
readonly DUP_DIR_DEFAULT = "/home"
readonly SQLITE_TABLE_NAME = "backups_info"
## Temp files
DUP_TMP_DIR = $( mktemp -d -t duplicati-monitor-backup-XXXXXX.tmp) ; readonly DUP_TMP_DIR
readonly DUP_USERS_DIR_LIST = " ${ DUP_TMP_DIR } /users.dir.list "
## Minimum size for a user|backup directory (for du comparison)
readonly MIN_SIZE_INT_DEFAULT = "10"
## Default domain for email addresses
2023-02-03 16:25:17 +01:00
SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_DEFAULT = " duplicati@ $( hostname --fqdn --) " ; readonly SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_DEFAULT
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
## Colors
readonly PURPLE = '\033[1;35m'
readonly RED = '\033[0;31m'
readonly RESET = '\033[0m'
readonly COLOR_DEBUG = " ${ PURPLE } "
# }}}
usage( ) { # {{{
cat <<- HELP
usage: $PROGNAME [ -d| -h| -m| -s]
Monitor users backups for a Duplicati backend.
Store some informations in a sqlite3 db file.
And send an email if the size between two backups is not significant.
- Apply to default directory ( ${ DUP_DIR_DEFAULT } )
- Apply to a specific directory ( /mnt/remote.duplicati)
${ PROGNAME } --dir /mnt/remote.duplicati
2023-02-03 16:25:17 +01:00
- Use a specific email address for sender
${ PROGNAME } --sender "admin@domain.tld"
- Use a specific email address and name for sender
${ PROGNAME } --sender "Duplicati no-reply <admin@domain.tld>"
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
Path where users home directory are stored
( default: ${ DUP_DIR_DEFAULT } ) .
Path to sqlite3 database file to store backups informations
( default relative to --directory: ${ DUP_DIR_DEFAULT } /.duplicati/monitor.db) .
Domain used to build user' s email address.
( default: ${ USER_EMAIL_DOMAIN_DEFAULT } ) .
2023-02-03 16:25:17 +01:00
Email address used to send mails to users.
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
Enable debug messages.
Print this help message.
Template used to build email content for users.
( default relative to --directory: ${ DUP_DIR_DEFAULT } /.duplicati/mail.template) .
Minimal size for a user directory.
This value is also used to compare backup directory size between two runs.
Expect to have both an integer AND a unit. If one is missing, the default
one will be used.
( default: ${ MIN_SIZE_DEFAULT } ) .
# }}}
debug_message( ) { # {{{
local_debug_message = " ${ 1 } "
## Print message if DEBUG is enable (=0)
[ " ${ DEBUG } " -eq "0" ] && printf '\e[1;35m%-6b\e[m\n' " DEBUG − ${ PROGNAME } : ${ local_debug_message } "
unset local_debug_message
return 0
# }}}
error_message( ) { # {{{
local_error_message = " ${ 1 } "
local_error_code = " ${ 2 } "
## Print message
printf '%b\n' " ERROR − ${ PROGNAME } : ${ RED } ${ local_error_message } ${ RESET } "
unset local_error_message
exit " ${ local_error_code : =66 } "
# }}}
define_vars( ) { # {{{
## If dup_dir wasn't defined (argument) {{{
if [ -z " ${ dup_dir } " ] ; then
## Use default value
readonly dup_dir = " ${ DUP_DIR_DEFAULT } "
## }}}
## If dup_info wasn't defined {{{
if [ -z " ${ dup_info } " ] ; then
## Store it in previous define dup_dir
readonly dup_info = " ${ dup_dir } /.duplicati/monitor_backup "
## }}}
## If mail_template wasn't defined {{{
if [ -z " ${ mail_template } " ] ; then
## Store it in previous define dup_dir
readonly mail_template = " ${ dup_info } /mail.template "
## }}}
## If mail_template_bottom wasn't defined {{{
if [ -z " ${ mail_template_bottom } " ] ; then
## Store it in previous define dup_dir
readonly mail_template_bottom = " ${ mail_template } .bottom "
## }}}
## If db_path wasn't defined {{{
if [ -z " ${ db_path } " ] ; then
## Store it in previous dup_info directory
readonly db_path = " ${ dup_info } /monitor.db "
## }}}
## If min_size wasn't defined (argument) {{{
if [ -z " ${ min_size } " ] ; then
## Use default value
readonly min_size = " ${ MIN_SIZE_DEFAULT } "
## }}}
## Define min_size_int {{{
min_size_int = $( printf -- '%s' " ${ min_size } " \
| tr --delete --complement -- '0-9' )
if [ -z " ${ min_size_int } " ] ; then
min_size_int = " ${ MIN_SIZE_INT_DEFAULT } "
readonly min_size_int
## }}}
## Define min_size_unit {{{
min_size_unit = $( printf -- '%s' " ${ min_size } " \
| tr --delete --complement -- 'a-zA-Z' )
if [ -z " ${ min_size_unit } " ] ; then
min_size_unit = " ${ MIN_SIZE_UNIT_DEFAULT } "
readonly min_size_unit
## }}}
## If user_email_domain wasn't defined (argument) {{{
if [ -z " ${ user_email_domain } " ] ; then
## Use default value
readonly user_email_domain = " ${ USER_EMAIL_DOMAIN_DEFAULT } "
## }}}
2023-02-03 16:25:17 +01:00
## If sender_email_address wasn't defined (argument) {{{
if [ -z " ${ sender_email_address } " ] ; then
## Use default value
readonly sender_email_address = " ${ SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_DEFAULT } "
## }}}
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
# }}}
is_directory_absent( ) { # {{{
local_directory_absent = " ${ 1 } "
debug_prefix = " ${ 2 :- } "
## Directory doesn't exists by default
return_is_directory_absent = "0"
### Check if the directory exists
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
if test -d " ${ local_directory_absent } " ; then
return_is_directory_absent = "1"
debug_message " ${ debug_prefix } is_directory_absent − \
The directory ${ RED } ${ local_directory_absent } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } exists."
return_is_directory_absent = "0"
debug_message " ${ debug_prefix } is_directory_absent − \
The directory ${ RED } ${ local_directory_absent } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } doesn' t exist."
unset local_directory_absent
unset debug_prefix
return " ${ return_is_directory_absent } "
# }}}
is_file_absent( ) { # {{{
local_file_absent = " ${ 1 } "
debug_prefix = " ${ 2 :- } "
## File exists by default
return_is_file_absent = "1"
### Check if the file exists
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
if find ${ local_file_absent } > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
return_is_file_absent = "1"
debug_message " ${ debug_prefix } is_file_absent − \
The file ${ RED } ${ local_file_absent } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } exists."
return_is_file_absent = "0"
debug_message " ${ debug_prefix } is_file_absent − \
The file ${ RED } ${ local_file_absent } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } doesn' t exist."
unset local_file_absent
unset debug_prefix
return " ${ return_is_file_absent } "
# }}}
is_file_present( ) { # {{{
local_file_present = " ${ 1 } "
debug_prefix = " ${ 2 :- } "
## File doesn't exist by default
return_is_file_present = "1"
### Check if the file exists
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
if find ${ local_file_present } > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
return_is_file_present = "0"
debug_message " ${ debug_prefix } is_file_present − \
The file ${ RED } ${ local_file_present } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } exists."
return_is_file_present = "1"
debug_message " ${ debug_prefix } is_file_present − \
The file ${ RED } ${ local_file_present } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } doesn' t exist."
unset local_file_present
unset debug_prefix
return " ${ return_is_file_present } "
# }}}
clean_temp_files( ) { # {{{
## Remove temp files if DEBUG is not set
if [ ! " ${ DEBUG } " -eq "0" ] ; then
rm --recursive --force -- " ${ DUP_TMP_DIR } "
debug_message " | Temp files are available in ${ RED } ${ DUP_TMP_DIR } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } for any debug. "
return "0"
# }}}
main( ) { # {{{
# Define all vars
debug_message "--- MAIN BEGIN"
debug_message " | Temp files are availabe here : ${ RED } ${ DUP_TMP_DIR } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } . "
# Requirements {{{
if [ ! $( command -v sqlite3) ] ; then
debug_message " | Need to install script dependency ( ${ RED } sqlite3 ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ). "
sudo aptitude install sqlite3
# }}}
# If dup_dir doesn't exists {{{
# AND exit with error
is_directory_absent " ${ dup_dir } " "| " \
&& error_message " The directory ( ${ dup_dir } ) doesn't exists. Check your configuration or use -d|--dir option to give an existing directory. Use --help for more informations. " 11
# }}}
# If dup_info doesn't exists {{{
# AND exit with error
is_directory_absent " ${ dup_info } " "| " \
&& debug_message " | Create the ${ RED } ${ dup_info } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } directory. " \
&& mkdir --parent -- " ${ dup_info } "
# }}}
# If mail_template doesn't exists {{{
# AND exit with error
is_file_absent " ${ mail_template } " "| " \
&& error_message " Email template ( ${ mail_template } ) doesn't exists. Please provide a path to a valid file (--template option) or create a template in appropriate directory ( ${ dup_info } ). See --help for more informations. " 12
# }}}
# If db_path doesn't exists {{{
# Init a table in a new sqlite3 database file
if is_file_absent " ${ db_path } " "| " ; then
debug_message " | Init table ( ${ RED } ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ) in a new SQLite database file ( ${ RED } ${ db_path } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ). "
sqlite3 " ${ db_path } " " CREATE table ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } ( name TEXT, user TEXT, size INT, iteration INT, date TEXT, emailed TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (name, user, size, iteration, date, emailed) ); " \
|| error_message " Can't init a new TABLE ( ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } ) in SQLite database ( ${ db_path } ). " 13
# }}}
# Move to dup_dir
debug_message " | Move to users backup base path ( ${ RED } ${ dup_dir } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ). "
cd -- " ${ dup_dir } " >/dev/null \
|| error_message " Can't move to directory ( ${ dup_dir } ). Check the permissions or try with 'sudo'. " 14
# Get the sorted list of users directories. {{{
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name '.*' -printf "%f\n" | sort > " ${ DUP_USERS_DIR_LIST } "
# Test if the users directories list exists and is not empty
# OR exit with error
is_file_present " ${ DUP_USERS_DIR_LIST } " "| " \
|| error_message " The users list ( ${ DUP_USERS_DIR_LIST } ) seems empty or doesn't exists. " 15
# }}}
# While loop for each user directory
while IFS = read -r user_dir; do
## Define path for an email content
user_email_template = " ${ DUP_TMP_DIR } / ${ user_dir } .mail "
## Check the size of user directory {{{
if ! du --summarize --block-size= " ${ min_size } " -- " ${ user_dir } " >/dev/null 2>& 1; then
error_message " Can't get size of ${ user_dir } user directory. Check the permissions or try with 'sudo' " 21
user_dir_size = $( du --summarize --block-size= " ${ min_size } " -- " ${ user_dir } " \
| cut --fields= 1 -- )
### Multiply by min_size_int to have the correct size order
: $(( user_dir_size = user_dir_size*min_size_int ))
if [ " ${ user_dir_size } " -gt " ${ min_size_int } " ] ; then
debug_message " |-- Manage ${ RED } ${ user_dir } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } directory BEGIN "
debug_message " | ${ RED } Skip ${ user_dir } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } directory because it's below the minimum size (~ ${ user_dir_size } ${ min_size_unit } ≤ ${ min_size } ). "
unset user_dir_size
## Continue the while loop with next argument
unset user_dir_size
## }}}
## Get the list of user backups {{{
DUP_USER_BACKUP_LIST = " ${ DUP_TMP_DIR } / ${ user_dir } .backup.list "
find " ${ user_dir } " -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name '.*' -printf "%f\n" | sort > " ${ DUP_USER_BACKUP_LIST } "
## Test if the user backups list exists and is not empty
## OR exit with error
is_file_present " ${ DUP_USER_BACKUP_LIST } " "|| " \
|| error_message " Backups list ( ${ DUP_USER_BACKUP_LIST } ) for user ( ${ user_dir } ) seems empty or doesn't exists. " 22
## }}}
## While loop for each backup directory
while IFS = read -r backup_dir; do
### Ignore directory if a .ignore.me file exists {{{
find " ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } /.ignore.me " >/dev/null 2>& 1 \
&& debug_message " || ${ RED } Skip ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } directory because a .ignore.me file exists. " \
&& continue
### }}}
debug_message " ||- Manage ${ RED } ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } directory BEGIN "
### Get current size {{{
if ! du --summarize --block-size= " ${ min_size } " -- " ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } " >/dev/null 2>& 1; then
error_message " Can't get size of ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } backup directory. Check the permissions or try with 'sudo' " 31
backup_dir_current_size = $( du --summarize --block-size= " ${ min_size } " -- " ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } " \
| cut --fields= 1 -- )
### Multiply by min_size_int to have the correct size order
: $(( backup_dir_current_size = backup_dir_current_size*min_size_int ))
debug_message " ||| Get backup current size (~ ${ RED } ${ backup_dir_current_size } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ${ min_size_unit } ). "
### }}}
### Get previous size {{{
if [ $( sqlite3 " ${ db_path } " " SELECT size FROM ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } WHERE name=' ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ' AND iteration='-1' " | wc --lines --) -eq "1" ] ; then
backup_dir_previous_size = $( sqlite3 " ${ db_path } " " SELECT size FROM ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } WHERE name=' ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ' AND iteration='-1' " )
debug_message " ||| Use backup previous size ( ${ RED } ${ backup_dir_previous_size } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ${ min_size_unit } ) from SQLite database. "
backup_dir_previous_size = "0"
debug_message " ||| Set backup previous size to zero ( ${ RED } ${ backup_dir_previous_size } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ${ min_size_unit } ). "
### }}}
### Compare current and previous sizes {{{
: $(( backup_dir_compare_size = backup_dir_current_size-backup_dir_previous_size ))
2023-02-22 11:05:20 +01:00
### Don't take care for negative value (remove minus sign)
if [ " ${ backup_dir_compare_size #- } " -lt " ${ min_size_int } " ] ; then
debug_message " ||| The differences between current and previous sizes is not enough (~ ${ RED } ${ backup_dir_compare_size #- } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ${ min_size_unit } ). "
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
backup_dir_email = "True"
2023-02-22 11:05:20 +01:00
debug_message " ||| The differences between current and previous sizes is correct (~ ${ RED } ${ backup_dir_compare_size #- } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ${ min_size_unit } ). "
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
backup_dir_email = "False"
### }}}
### Increase iterations for registred informations {{{
sqlite3 " ${ db_path } " " UPDATE ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } SET iteration = iteration - 1 WHERE name=' ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ' " \
|| error_message " Can't increase iterations on SQLite db file ( ${ db_path } ) for backup dir ( ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ). " 32
### }}}
### Add a new record {{{
sqlite3 " ${ db_path } " " INSERT INTO ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } values( \
'${user_dir}/${backup_dir}' , \
'${user_dir}' , \
${ backup_dir_current_size } , \
-1, \
'$(date +%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M)' , \
'${backup_dir_email}' \
) " || error_message " Can' t add a new on SQLite db file ( ${ db_path } ) for backup dir ( ${ user_dir } /${ backup_dir } ) ." 33
### }}}
### Build email if required {{{
if [ " ${ backup_dir_email } " = "True" ] ; then
### Use default email template to build email body for this user
is_file_absent " ${ user_email_template } " "| " \
&& cp -- " ${ mail_template } " " ${ user_email_template } "
### Add informations specific to this backup {{{
printf '%b' " ## ${ backup_dir }
Taille précédente pour cette sauvegarde/Previous size for this backup : ~${ backup_dir_previous_size } ${ min_size_unit } ( compress) .
Taille actuelle pour cette sauvegarde/Current size for this backup : ~${ backup_dir_current_size } ${ min_size_unit } ( compress) .
2023-02-22 11:05:20 +01:00
La différence de taille ( ~${ backup_dir_compare_size #- } ${ min_size_unit } ) est inférieure au minimum attendu ( ${ min_size } ) .
2023-02-03 16:25:17 +01:00
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
2023-02-03 16:25:17 +01:00
2023-02-22 11:05:20 +01:00
The difference ( ~${ backup_dir_compare_size #- } ${ min_size_unit } ) is bellow the minimum expected size ( ${ min_size } ) .
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
" >> " ${ user_email_template } "
### }}}
### Add all recorded informations from SQLite db {{{
if [ $( sqlite3 " ${ db_path } " " SELECT * FROM ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } WHERE name=' ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ' " | wc --lines --) -ge "1" ] ; then
printf '%b' " \nInformations issues des tests précédents :
Recorded informations from previous tests :
" >> " ${ user_email_template } "
printf " .mode box\nSELECT * FROM ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } WHERE name=' ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ' ORDER BY name, iteration\n " | sqlite3 " ${ db_path } " >> " ${ user_email_template } "
#sqlite3 "${db_path}" "SELECT * FROM ${SQLITE_TABLE_NAME} WHERE name='${user_dir}/${backup_dir}' ORDER BY name, iteration"
printf '%b\n' "" >> " ${ user_email_template } "
### }}}
### }}}
## Unset vars {{{
unset backup_dir_current_size
unset backup_dir_previous_size
unset backup_dir_email
## }}}
debug_message " ||- Manage ${ RED } ${ user_dir } / ${ backup_dir } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } directory END "
done < " ${ DUP_USER_BACKUP_LIST } "
## Done while loop for each backup directory
## Send email if a content exists {{{
if is_file_present " ${ user_email_template } " "| " ; then
user_email_address = " ${ user_dir } @ ${ user_email_domain } "
### Add final informations if available {{{
is_file_present " ${ mail_template_bottom } " "| " \
&& debug_message " | Add extra content ( ${ RED } ${ mail_template_bottom } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ) at the end of email for user. " \
&& cat " ${ mail_template_bottom } " >> " ${ user_email_template } "
### }}}
### Send email {{{
debug_message " | Send email content ( ${ user_email_template } ) to user email address ( ${ RED } ${ user_email_address } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ). "
2023-02-03 16:25:17 +01:00
mail -a " From: ${ sender_email_address } " -s " Duplicati backup warning - ${ user_dir } " " ${ user_email_address } " < " ${ user_email_template } " \
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
|| error_message " Can't send content ( ${ user_email_template } ) by mail to user ( ${ user_email_address } ). See --debug option for more options. " 23
### }}}
## }}}
## Remove temp list if DEBUG is not set
[ ! " ${ DEBUG } " -eq "0" ] && rm --force -- " ${ DUP_USER_BACKUP_LIST } "
## Unset vars {{{
unset backup_dir
unset user_email_template
## }}}
debug_message " |-- Manage ${ RED } ${ user_dir } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } directory END "
done < " ${ DUP_USERS_DIR_LIST } "
# Done while loop for each user directory
# Remove SQLite records with an iterations ≤ -10
sqlite3 " ${ db_path } " " DELETE FROM ${ SQLITE_TABLE_NAME } WHERE iteration<=-10 " \
|| error_message " Can't remove from SQLite database ( ${ db_path } ) records with iterations ≤ -10. " 15
debug_message " | Move back to previous directory ( ${ RED } before ${ dup_dir } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } ). "
cd -- - >/dev/null \
|| error_message " Can't move back to previous directory (before ${ dup_dir } ). Check the permissions or try with 'sudo'. " 16
## Remove temp files if DEBUG is not set {{{
if [ ! " ${ DEBUG } " -eq "0" ] ; then
debug_message " | ${ RED } Clean temp files. ${ COLOR_DEBUG } "
mv -- " ${ DUP_TMP_DIR } " " ${ dup_info } / $( date +%Y%m%d) .logs "
debug_message " | Temp files are available in ${ RED } ${ dup_info } / $( date +%Y%m%d) .logs ${ COLOR_DEBUG } for any debug. "
## }}}
debug_message "--- MAIN END"
# }}}
# Manage arguments # {{{
# This code can't be in a function due to argument management
if [ ! " ${ NBARGS } " -eq "0" ] ; then
manage_arg = "0"
## If the first argument is not an option
if ! printf -- '%s' " ${ 1 } " | grep -q -E -- "^-+" ;
## Print help message and exit
printf '%b\n' " ${ RED } Invalid option: ${ 1 } ${ RESET } "
printf '%b\n' "---"
exit 1
# Parse all options (start with a "-") one by one
while printf -- '%s' " ${ 1 } " | grep -q -E -- "^-+" ; do
case " ${ 1 } " in
-d| --dir| --directory ) ## Define dup_dir
## Move to the next argument
## Define var
readonly dup_dir = " ${ 1 } "
; ;
--db| --sqlite3 ) ## Define db_path
## Move to the next argument
## Define var
readonly db_path = " ${ 1 } "
; ;
--domain| --mail-domain ) ## Define user_email_domain
## Move to the next argument
## Define var
readonly user_email_domain = " ${ 1 } "
; ;
2023-02-03 16:25:17 +01:00
--sender| --mail-sender| --sender-mail ) ## Define sender_email_address
## Move to the next argument
## Define var
readonly sender_email_address = " ${ 1 } "
; ;
2022-12-16 11:29:56 +01:00
--debug ) ## debug
debug_message "--- Manage argument BEGIN"
; ;
-h| --help ) ## help
## Exit after help informations
exit 0
; ;
-m,--mail,--mail-template,--template ) ## Define mail_template
## Move to the next argument
## Define var
readonly mail_template = " ${ 1 } "
; ;
-s,--size,--min-size ) ## Define min_size
## Move to the next argument
## Define var
readonly min_size = " ${ 1 } "
; ;
* ) ## unknow option
printf '%b\n' " ${ RED } Invalid option: ${ 1 } ${ RESET } "
printf '%b\n' "---"
exit 1
; ;
debug_message " | ${ RED } ${ 1 } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } option managed. "
## Move to the next argument
manage_arg = $(( manage_arg+1))
debug_message " | ${ RED } ${ manage_arg } ${ COLOR_DEBUG } argument(s) successfully managed. "
debug_message "| No arguments/options to manage."
debug_message "--- Manage argument END"
# }}}
exit 0