# root #### Table of Contents 1. [Overview](#overview) 3. [Setup - The basics of getting started with root](#setup) * [What root affects](#what-root-affects) * [Beginning with root](#beginning-with-root) 4. [Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality](#usage) * [Exec ZSH for some clients](#exec-zsh-for-some-clients) 5. [Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how](#reference) * [Classes](#classes) * [Parameters](#parameters) 5. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations) ## Overview This "root" module simply define few preferences for the root user. ## Setup ### What root affects * Root's configuration files (/root/.profile, /root/.bashrc,…). * Root's mail can be forward to other addresses. ### Beginning with root To begin using root module with default parameter, declare the class with `include root`. ## Usage ### Exec ZSH for some clients To autoload ZSH as "default" shell, you can pass a regex to the IP_ZSH argument. Then for every new connection, the .profile file will compare the $SSH_CLIENT variable environnment with this regex : ``` class { 'root': ip_zsh => "(|", } ``` ### Other default shell Bash is the default shell use on Debian, if you prefer an advanced shell or didn't have Bash, you can define the DEFAULT_SHELL_PATH argument : ``` class { 'root': default_shell_path => '/bin/zsh', } ``` Then, every connection from or will automatically have ZSH as default shell. ### Forward mail Root's mail can be forward to other addresses. You can specify thoses addresses with the ADDRESS_TO_FORWARD argument : ``` class { 'root': address_to_forward => 'username@domain.org,firstname.lastname@other-domain.org', } ``` ## Reference ### Classes * `root` : Main class, automatically load all needed privates classes. ### Parameters * `profile_path` : Path to the .profile to load personal initialization. Must be a absolut path, defaults to '/root/.profile'. * `profile_content` : Template file used to generate the previous configuration file. Must be a string ending with **.erb**, defaults to 'root/preferences/profile.erb'. * `bashrc_path` : Path to the Bash's rcfile. Must be a absolut path, defaults to '/root/.bashrc'. * `bashrc_content` : Template file used to generate the previous configuration file. Must be a string ending with **.erb**, default to 'root/preferences/bashrc.erb'. * `forward_path` : Path to the forward file. Must be a absolut path, defaults to '/root/.forward'. * `forward_content` : Template file used to generate the previous configuration file. Must be a string ending with **.erb**, default to 'root/preferences/forward.erb'. * `address_to_forward` : List of addresses that must receive root's mails. Must be a string, default to ''. * `default_shell_path` : Path to a bin file to use as default shell for root. Must be a absolut path, defaults to '/bin/bash'. * `ip_zsh` : A regex to determine if a ssh client should have ZSH as default shell. Defaults to ''. ## Limitations This module was only tested on Debian 7.x and 8.x but should work quite few Debian's fork.