- fixed a bug : now, the displayed memory is correct even if the mem_available sge attribute returns the memory in other units than gigabyte
- also, this commit includes an old improvement that makes executeCommandOn handle an optional user, which was previously slinetly ignored in the case of a local command
- désormais, la page physix cluster status est disponible. Pour cela, il a fallu :
- ajouter un mécanisme d'export/import de clef publique ssh utilisateur (pour que intranet.ipr.univ-rennes1.fr puisse exécuter des commandes sge sur physix-master)
- adapter la view clusterstatus pour qu'elle sache gérer les commandes sge déportées. Au final, cette vue permet d'afficher le pages cluterstatus de simpatix (commandes sge locales) et physix (commandes sge déportées)
- fixed bug introduced recently where the name of the machine was used instead of its fully qualified domain name. This caused ClusetrConfigurator to fail on exec nodes
Bug 2230 - Unifier les flags de ressource gridengine en supprimant les ressources "has_<app>"
- migrated the following complexes:
- has_matlab2011b -> matlab_version
- has_dsmcmodfoam -> dsmcmodfoam_version
- has_meep -> meep_version
- openfoam_version (int encoding) -> openfoam_version (float encoding)
- also disabled obsolete resources (has_molpro2006 and has_molpro2010) on physix as they've been replaced with the better molpro_version.