Bug 1978 - trouver un moyen de rationaliser l'achat du r930 cper 2017

- refactored so that it now abstracts the database provider ; this way, accessing the inventory database through a database server instead of a sdl dump file is mostly transparent
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Raffy 2018-02-06 17:37:15 +00:00
parent defc6936b5
commit b8c09eea89
1 changed files with 102 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ from wol import *
import os
import signal
from Util import *
import abc
import sqlite3
from mysql2sqlite import mysql_to_sqlite
def isMachineResponding(machineName):
(returnCode, stdout, stderr) = executeProgram( [ 'ping', '-o', '-t', '1', machineName ] )
@ -30,6 +33,105 @@ def isMachineResponding(machineName):
return False
class ISqlDatabaseBackend(object):
def __init__(self):
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
class RemoteMysqlDb(ISqlDatabaseBackend):
def __init__(self, db_server_fqdn, db_user, db_name):
:param str db_server_fqdn: the fully qualified domain name of the server hosting the database, eg simpatix10.univ-rennes1.fr
:param str db_user: the user for accessing the inventory database, eg simpadb_reader
:param str db_name: the name of the inventory database, eg simpadb
self._db_server_fqdn = db_server_fqdn
self._db_user = db_user
self._db_name = db_name
def _connect(self):
self._conn = MySQLdb.connect(self._db_server_fqdn, self._db_user, '', self._db_name)
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
self._conn.query( sql_query )
rows = conn.store_result()
return rows
class SqlFile(ISqlDatabaseBackend):
def __init__(self, sql_file_path):
:param str sql_file_path: the path of the sql file containing the inventory database
self._sql_file_path = sql_file_path
self._cur = None # sqlite cursor
sqlite_db_path=':memory:' # sqlite-specific special name for a file stored in memory. We could use something like '/tmp/simpadb.sqlite' here but this would make parsing really slow (1 minute instead of 1s), unless either :
# - proper fix : group of INSERT statements are surrounded by BEGIN and COMMIT (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4719836/python-and-sqlite3-adding-thousands-of-rows)
# - the file is stored on a solid state disk
self._con = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_db_path)
f = open(self._sql_file_path, 'r')
sql = f.read() # watch out for built-in `str`
self._cur = self._con.cursor()
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
self._cur.execute( sql_query )
rows = self._cur.fetchall()
return rows
class SqlDatabaseReader(object):
def __init__(self, inv_provider):
:param ISqlDatabaseBackend inv_provider: the input that provides the inventory data
self._inv_provider = inv_provider
def query(self, sql_query):
performs a query on the sql database
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
return self._inv_provider.query(sql_query)
def get_table_attr(self, table, key_name, key_value, attr_name ):
reads the value of the fiven attribute of the given item in the given table
:param str table: the name of the table to read
:param str key_name: the name of the column that stores the id of the item to read
:param str key_value: the id of the item to read
:param str attr_name: the name of the attribute to read from the item
attr_value = None
rows = self.query("SELECT "+attr_name+" FROM "+table+" WHERE "+key_name+"='"+key_value+"'")
if len(rows) > 0:
attr_value = rows[0][0]
return attr_value
def machineNameToMacAddress( machineName ):
conn = MySQLdb.connect('simpatix10', 'simpadb_reader', '', 'simpadb')