Bug 2412 - la page cluster/UserGuide ne fonctionne plus

- for the sake of debugging, improved the handling of missing data in SimpaDb.sql : now when a data is missing, the exception handler displays a message describing what's missing.
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Raffy 2018-08-28 13:27:29 +00:00
parent 796ec2d6a5
commit a2be664bbe
3 changed files with 93 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import re
import pygraphviz
from inventory import Inventory
from SimpaDbUtil import SqlFile, SqlDatabaseReader
from Lib import SimpaDbUtil
def add_capacity_constraints(capacity1, capacity2):
@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ class Connection(object):
return str(self.from_plug) + ' -> ' + str(self.to_plug) + ' (' + str(self.from_plug.get_max_amperes()) + str(self.get_max_amperes()) + 'A)'
def get_max_amperes(self):
# gLogger.debug('%s (%s A) -> %s (%s A): ' % (str(self.from_plug), str(self.from_plug.get_max_amperes()), str(self.to_plug), str(self.to_plug.current_capacity_constraint)))
capacity = self.from_plug.get_max_amperes()
capacity = add_capacity_constraints(capacity, self.to_plug.current_capacity_constraint)
if self.current_capacity_constraint is not None:
@ -202,7 +204,15 @@ class PowerConfig(object):
# print(machine_name)
machine_spec_id = inventory.machine_name_to_machine_spec_id(machine_name)
machine_spec_id = None
# assert machine_spec_id != '', 'non-empty value expected for machine_spec_id for machine %s' % machine_name
machine_spec_id = inventory.machine_name_to_machine_spec_id(machine_name)
if machine_spec_id == '':
machine_spec_id = None # some simple 'machines' such as powerext003 have undefined machine_spec_id
except SimpaDbUtil.TableAttrNotFound:
if machine_spec_id is not None:
power_consumption = inventory.machine_spec_id_to_power_consumption(machine_spec_id)
if power_consumption is not None:
@ -275,20 +285,24 @@ def power_config_to_svg(power_config, svg_file_path):
amperes = power_consumption / 220.0
color = 'green'
capacity = con.get_max_amperes()
penwidth_scaler = 0.25
if capacity is None:
label = '?'
max_amp = '? A'
color = 'red'
penwidth = 100.0 * penwidth_scaler # make the problem clearly visible
label = str(capacity) + 'A'
max_amp = str(capacity) + 'A'
if amperes / capacity > 1.0:
color = 'red'
elif amperes / capacity > 0.75:
color = 'orange'
color = 'green'
label = "%.1f/%s" % (amperes, label)
color = hotness_to_hsv_color(pow(amperes / capacity, 4.0))
penwidth = capacity * penwidth_scaler
label = "%.1f/%s" % (amperes, max_amp)
# color='//%d' % int(9.0-amperes/capacity*8)
color = hotness_to_hsv_color(pow(amperes / capacity, 4.0))
graph.add_edge(con.from_plug.machine.name, con.to_plug.machine.name, color=color, label=label, penwidth=capacity * 0.25)
graph.add_edge(con.from_plug.machine.name, con.to_plug.machine.name, color=color, label=label, penwidth=penwidth)

View File

@ -113,6 +113,16 @@ class SqlFile(ISqlDatabaseBackend):
return rows
class TableAttrNotFound(Exception):
def __init__(self, table, key_name, key_value, attr_name):
message = "failed to find in table %s a value for %s where %s is %s" % (table, attr_name, key_name, key_value)
super(TableAttrNotFound, self).__init__(message)
self.table = table
self.key_name = key_name
self.key_value = key_value
self.attr_name = attr_name
class SqlDatabaseReader(object):
def __init__(self, inv_provider):
@ -142,6 +152,8 @@ class SqlDatabaseReader(object):
rows = self.query("SELECT " + attr_name + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + key_name + "='" + key_value + "'")
if len(rows) > 0:
attr_value = rows[0][0]
raise TableAttrNotFound(table, key_name, key_value, attr_name)
return attr_value

View File

@ -1,8 +1,25 @@
# encoding: utf-8
import datetime
from Lib import SimpaDbUtil
class MachineSpecIdNotFound(Exception):
def __init__(self, machine_name):
message = "failed to find the machine_spec_id for the machine '%s'" % machine_name
super(MachineSpecIdNotFound, self).__init__(message)
self.machine_name = machine_name
class PlugTypeNotFound(Exception):
def __init__(self, machine_spec_id, plug_name):
message = "failed to find the plug_type for the machine_spec_id '%s' and plug_name '%s'" % (machine_spec_id, plug_name)
super(PlugTypeNotFound, self).__init__(message)
self.machine_spec_id = machine_spec_id
self.plug_name = plug_name
class Inventory(object):
def __init__(self, sql_reader):
:param SimpaDbUtil.SqlDatabaseReader sql_reader: the inventory database
@ -28,39 +45,68 @@ class Inventory(object):
return machine_name
def machine_name_to_machine_spec_id(self, machine_name):
# machine_spec_id = None
# try:
machine_spec_id = self._sql_reader.get_table_attr('machines', 'name', machine_name, 'machine_spec_id')
# except:
# machine_spec_id = None
return machine_spec_id
# electricity related methods
def machine_spec_id_to_power_consumption(self, machine_spec_id):
power_consumption = self._sql_reader.get_table_attr('machine_spec_to_power_consumption', 'machine_spec_id', machine_spec_id, 'power_consumption')
power_consumption = self._sql_reader.get_table_attr('machine_spec_to_power_consumption', 'machine_spec_id', machine_spec_id, 'power_consumption')
except SimpaDbUtil.TableAttrNotFound as e: # @UnusedVariable
# some passive machines such as pdus are not detailed in the machine_spec_to_power_consumption because they don't consume power
power_consumption = 0.0
return power_consumption
def get_plug_type_attr(self, plug_type, attr_name):
:param str plug_type: eg 'c14'
# INSERT INTO `powerplug_type_desc` (`plug_type_id`, `genre`, `max_amps`) VALUES
# ('iec60309_blue_pne6h_32a_m', 'm', 32.0),
attr_value = self._sql_reader.get_table_attr('powerplug_type_desc', 'plug_type_id', plug_type, attr_name)
return attr_value
def read_plug_capacity(self, plug):
plug_capacity = None
machine_spec_id = self.machine_name_to_machine_spec_id(plug.machine.name)
def get_plug_type(self, machine_name, plug_name):
:param str machine_name: eg 'pdu4'
:param str plug_name: eg 'o4'
machine_spec_id = None
machine_spec_id = self.machine_name_to_machine_spec_id(machine_name)
except SimpaDbUtil.TableAttrNotFound as e: # @UnusedVariable
raise MachineSpecIdNotFound(machine_name)
if machine_spec_id is not None:
# INSERT INTO `powerplug_desc` (`machine_spec_id`, `powerplug_id`, `plug_type`) VALUES
# ('atos_mpdu_2901382', 'i', 'iec60309_blue_pne6h_32a_m'),
rows = self._sql_reader.query("SELECT plug_type FROM powerplug_desc WHERE machine_spec_id='%s' AND powerplug_id='%s'" % (machine_spec_id, plug.name))
rows = self._sql_reader.query("SELECT plug_type FROM powerplug_desc WHERE machine_spec_id='%s' AND powerplug_id='%s'" % (machine_spec_id, plug_name))
if len(rows) > 0:
plug_type = rows[0][0]
# print('plug_type : %s' % plug_type)
raise PlugTypeNotFound(machine_spec_id, plug_name)
return plug_type
plug_capacity = self.get_plug_type_attr(plug_type, 'max_amps')
# if plug_capacity:
# print('plug_capacity : %f A' % plug_capacity)
def read_plug_capacity(self, plug):
:param PowerDiagram.Plug plug: the power plug of a 'device' we're interested in (eg pdu4.o1)
plug_capacity = None
plug_type = None
plug_type = self.get_plug_type(plug.machine.name, plug.name)
except MachineSpecIdNotFound:
# some machines are not actual machines (eg edf, ups1pdu)
except PlugTypeNotFound:
# some plugs are just plain connections, with no actual plug types
if plug_type is not None:
# print('plug_type : %s' % plug_type)
plug_capacity = self.get_plug_type_attr(plug_type, 'max_amps')
# if plug_capacity:
# print('plug_capacity : %f A' % plug_capacity)
# print("read_plug_capacity : plug capacity for plug.machine.name="+plug.machine.name+" plug="+str(plug)+" : "+ str(plug_capacity)+ "A")
return plug_capacity