Bug 2514 - mettre à jour le plan de câblage alimentation des serveurs communs

amélioration: désormais le diagramme fait bien ressortir les câblages qui méritent de l'attention :
- en rouge les cables en surcharge (dont l'ampérage max peut dépasser la capacité)
- en noir les cables qui n'ont pas de charge

Pour que le rouge soit réservé aux cables à problème, les conventions de couleurs pour les cables non surchargés ont été modifieés : c'est désormais en teintes de bleu.
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Raffy 2019-06-24 12:54:27 +00:00
parent 889712b356
commit 9aaefd495f
1 changed files with 44 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -261,8 +261,49 @@ class PowerConfig(object):
s += str(c) + '\n'
return s
class CableColorer(object):
def get_cable_color(self, amperes, capacity):
raise NotImplementedError
class SimpleColorer(CableColorer):
def get_cable_color(self, amperes, capacity):
saturation = amperes / capacity
if saturation > 1.0:
color = '/svg/red'
elif saturation > 0.75:
color = '/svg/orange'
elif saturation < 0.001:
color = '/svg/black' # probably an error
color = '/svg/green'
return color
class RampColorer(CableColorer):
def hotness_to_hsv_color(hotness):
:param float hotness: temperature of the wire ratio (0.0 : cold -> 1.0 : hot)
clamped_hotness = max(min(hotness, 1.0), 0.0)
return "%f, 1.0, 0.8" % ((clamped_hotness) * 0.33 + 0.33)
def get_cable_color(self, amperes, capacity):
saturation = amperes / capacity
# color = RampColorer.hotness_to_hsv_color(pow(saturation, 4.0))
clamped_saturation = max(min(saturation, 1.0), 0.0)
color = '/ylgnbu9/%d' % (int(clamped_saturation * 5) + 4)
if saturation < 0.001:
color = '/svg/black' # probably an error
elif saturation > 1.0:
color = '/svg/red'
return color
def power_config_to_svg(power_config, svg_file_path):
creates a svg diagram representing the input power configuration
@ -280,12 +321,6 @@ def power_config_to_svg(power_config, svg_file_path):
graph.edge_attr['fontsize'] = 10 # default : 14 pt
graph.edge_attr['len'] = 1.5 # default : 1.0
def hotness_to_hsv_color(hotness):
:param float hotness: temperature of the wire ratio (0.0 : cold -> 1.0 : hot)
clamped_hotness = max(min(hotness, 1.0), 0.0)
return "%f, 1.0, 0.8" % ((1.0 - clamped_hotness) * 0.33)
# graph.add_node('a')
# graph.add_node('b')
@ -316,6 +351,8 @@ def power_config_to_svg(power_config, svg_file_path):
y += 1.0
x += 1.0
cable_colorer = RampColorer()
for con in power_config.connections:
# print(con.from_plug.machine.name, con.to_plug.machine.name)
if not con.is_redundancy_cable(): # don't display redundancy cables, as they might overlap and hide the main one
@ -330,13 +367,7 @@ def power_config_to_svg(power_config, svg_file_path):
penwidth = 100.0 * penwidth_scaler # make the problem clearly visible
max_amp = str(capacity) + 'A'
if amperes / capacity > 1.0:
color = 'red'
elif amperes / capacity > 0.75:
color = 'orange'
color = 'green'
color = hotness_to_hsv_color(pow(amperes / capacity, 4.0))
color = cable_colorer.get_cable_color(amperes, capacity)
penwidth = capacity * penwidth_scaler
label = "%.1f/%s" % (amperes, max_amp)
# color='//%d' % int(9.0-amperes/capacity*8)