reformatted code to pep8 convention

This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Raffy 2018-08-27 13:32:41 +00:00
parent c750804914
commit 197e94d320
1 changed files with 219 additions and 212 deletions

View File

@ -1,251 +1,258 @@
import MySQLdb
import time
import subprocess
import StringIO
import re
from wol import *
import os
import signal
from Util import *
import abc
import sqlite3
from mysql2sqlite import mysql_to_sqlite
def isMachineResponding(machineName):
(returnCode, stdout, stderr) = executeProgram( [ 'ping', '-o', '-t', '1', machineName ] )
#log( 'isMachineResponding : result of command %s : %d' % (command, returnCode) )
if returnCode == 0:
return True
bMachineNameIsNotKnown = (returnCode == 68)
bMachineIsNotResponding = (returnCode == 2)
if bMachineIsNotResponding == False:
bBUG_00000004_IS_STILL_ALIVE = True
if bBUG_00000004_IS_STILL_ALIVE == True and returnCode == 142:
log('isMachineResponding : bug00000004 Unexpected return code : returnCode=%d, stdout="%s", stderr="%s" , machineName = %s' % (returnCode, stdout, stderr, machineName) )
# don't stop the program until we understand bug00000004
elif bBUG_00000004_IS_STILL_ALIVE == True and returnCode == -14: # I had this error code on 07/09/2009 20:38 but I don't know yet what that means
log('isMachineResponding : bug00000004 Unexpected return code : returnCode=%d, stdout="%s", stderr="%s" , machineName = %s' % (returnCode, stdout, stderr, machineName) )
# don't stop the program until we understand bug00000004
log('isMachineResponding : Unexpected return code : returnCode=%d, stdout="%s", stderr="%s" , machineName = %s' % (returnCode, stdout, stderr, machineName) )
return False
(returnCode, stdout, stderr) = executeProgram(['ping', '-o', '-t', '1', machineName])
# log( 'isMachineResponding : result of command %s : %d' % (command, returnCode) )
if returnCode == 0:
return True
bMachineNameIsNotKnown = (returnCode == 68)
bMachineIsNotResponding = (returnCode == 2)
if bMachineIsNotResponding is False:
bBUG_00000004_IS_STILL_ALIVE = True
if bBUG_00000004_IS_STILL_ALIVE is True and returnCode == 142:
log('isMachineResponding : bug00000004 Unexpected return code : returnCode=%d, stdout="%s", stderr="%s" , machineName = %s' % (returnCode, stdout, stderr, machineName))
# don't stop the program until we understand bug00000004
elif bBUG_00000004_IS_STILL_ALIVE is True and returnCode == -14: # I had this error code on 07/09/2009 20:38 but I don't know yet what that means
log('isMachineResponding : bug00000004 Unexpected return code : returnCode=%d, stdout="%s", stderr="%s" , machineName = %s' % (returnCode, stdout, stderr, machineName))
# don't stop the program until we understand bug00000004
log('isMachineResponding : Unexpected return code : returnCode=%d, stdout="%s", stderr="%s" , machineName = %s' % (returnCode, stdout, stderr, machineName))
return False
class ISqlDatabaseBackend(object):
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self):
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
class RemoteMysqlDb(ISqlDatabaseBackend):
def __init__(self, db_server_fqdn, db_user, db_name):
:param str db_server_fqdn: the fully qualified domain name of the server hosting the database, eg
:param str db_user: the user for accessing the inventory database, eg simpadb_reader
:param str db_name: the name of the inventory database, eg simpadb
self._db_server_fqdn = db_server_fqdn
self._db_user = db_user
self._db_name = db_name
def _connect(self):
self._conn = MySQLdb.connect(self._db_server_fqdn, self._db_user, '', self._db_name)
def __init__(self, db_server_fqdn, db_user, db_name):
:param str db_server_fqdn: the fully qualified domain name of the server hosting the database, eg
:param str db_user: the user for accessing the inventory database, eg simpadb_reader
:param str db_name: the name of the inventory database, eg simpadb
self._db_server_fqdn = db_server_fqdn
self._db_user = db_user
self._db_name = db_name
def _connect(self):
self._conn = MySQLdb.connect(self._db_server_fqdn, self._db_user, '', self._db_name)
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
self._conn.query( sql_query )
rows = conn.store_result()
return rows
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
rows = conn.store_result()
return rows
class SqlFile(ISqlDatabaseBackend):
def __init__(self, sql_file_path, truncate_hex_strings = False):
:param str sql_file_path: the path of the sql file containing the inventory database
self._sql_file_path = sql_file_path
self._cur = None # sqlite cursor
def __init__(self, sql_file_path, truncate_hex_strings=False):
:param str sql_file_path: the path of the sql file containing the inventory database
self._sql_file_path = sql_file_path
self._cur = None # sqlite cursor
sqlite_db_path=':memory:' # sqlite-specific special name for a file stored in memory. We could use something like '/tmp/simpadb.sqlite' here but this would make parsing really slow (1 minute instead of 1s), unless either :
# - proper fix : group of INSERT statements are surrounded by BEGIN and COMMIT (see
# - the file is stored on a solid state disk
check_same_thread = False
# this is to prevent the following error when run from apache/django : SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread.The object was created in thread id 139672342353664 and this is thread id 139672333960960
# accordig to this is ok, as long as there are no concurrent writes
# If set False, the returned connection may be shared across multiple threads. When using multiple threads with the same connection writing operations should be serialized by the user to avoid data corruption
# I hope it's safe here but I'm not 100% sure though. Anyway, if the database gets corrupt, it not a big deal since this memory resident database gets reconstructed from the sql file...
self._con = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_db_path, check_same_thread=check_same_thread)
f = open(self._sql_file_path, 'r')
sql = # watch out for built-in `str`
self._cur = self._con.cursor()
sqlite_sql = mysql_to_sqlite(sql, truncate_hex_strings)
#with open('/tmp/toto.sqlite.sql', 'w') as f:
# f.write(sqlite_sql)
#with open('/tmp/toto.sqlite.sql', 'r') as f:
# sqlite_sql =
sqlite_db_path = ':memory:' # sqlite-specific special name for a file stored in memory. We could use something like '/tmp/simpadb.sqlite' here but this would make parsing really slow (1 minute instead of 1s), unless either :
# - proper fix : group of INSERT statements are surrounded by BEGIN and COMMIT (see
# - the file is stored on a solid state disk
check_same_thread = False
# this is to prevent the following error when run from apache/django : SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread.The object was created in thread id 139672342353664 and this is thread id 139672333960960
# accordig to this is ok, as long as there are no concurrent writes
# If set False, the returned connection may be shared across multiple threads. When using multiple threads with the same connection writing operations should be serialized by the user to avoid data corruption
# I hope it's safe here but I'm not 100% sure though. Anyway, if the database gets corrupt, it not a big deal since this memory resident database gets reconstructed from the sql file...
self._con = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_db_path, check_same_thread=check_same_thread)
f = open(self._sql_file_path, 'r')
sql = # watch out for built-in `str`
# print(sql)
self._cur = self._con.cursor()
# print(mysql_to_sqlite(sql))
sqlite_sql = mysql_to_sqlite(sql, truncate_hex_strings)
# with open('/tmp/toto.sqlite.sql', 'w') as f:
# f.write(sqlite_sql)
# with open('/tmp/toto.sqlite.sql', 'r') as f:
# sqlite_sql =
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
self._cur.execute( sql_query )
rows = self._cur.fetchall()
return rows
def query(self, sql_query):
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
rows = self._cur.fetchall()
return rows
class SqlDatabaseReader(object):
def __init__(self, inv_provider):
:param ISqlDatabaseBackend inv_provider: the input that provides the inventory data
self._inv_provider = inv_provider
def __init__(self, inv_provider):
:param ISqlDatabaseBackend inv_provider: the input that provides the inventory data
self._inv_provider = inv_provider
def query(self, sql_query):
performs a query on the sql database
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
return self._inv_provider.query(sql_query)
def query(self, sql_query):
performs a query on the sql database
:param str sql_query: the sql query to perform
return self._inv_provider.query(sql_query)
def get_table_attr(self, table, key_name, key_value, attr_name ):
reads the value of the fiven attribute of the given item in the given table
:param str table: the name of the table to read
:param str key_name: the name of the column that stores the id of the item to read
:param str key_value: the id of the item to read
:param str attr_name: the name of the attribute to read from the item
attr_value = None
rows = self.query("SELECT "+attr_name+" FROM "+table+" WHERE "+key_name+"='"+key_value+"'")
if len(rows) > 0:
attr_value = rows[0][0]
return attr_value
def get_table_attr(self, table, key_name, key_value, attr_name):
reads the value of the fiven attribute of the given item in the given table
:param str table: the name of the table to read
:param str key_name: the name of the column that stores the id of the item to read
:param str key_value: the id of the item to read
:param str attr_name: the name of the attribute to read from the item
attr_value = None
rows = self.query("SELECT " + attr_name + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + key_name + "='" + key_value + "'")
if len(rows) > 0:
attr_value = rows[0][0]
return attr_value
def machineNameToMacAddress( machineName ):
conn = MySQLdb.connect('simpatix10', 'simpadb_reader', '', 'simpadb')
sqlQuery = """SELECT mac_address FROM ethernet_cards WHERE machine_name='"""+machineName+"""' AND type='normal'"""
#print sqlQuery
conn.query( sqlQuery )
row = r.fetch_row(0)
assert( len(row) == 1 )
#print 'row =', row
macAddress = row[0][0]
#print macAddress
return macAddress
def getLightOutManagementIpAddress( machineName ):
the light out management ip of servers allows to talk to the server even when it's asleep
conn = MySQLdb.connect('simpatix10', 'simpadb_reader', '', 'simpadb')
sqlQuery = """SELECT ip_address_1,ip_address_2,ip_address_3,ip_address_4 FROM ethernet_cards WHERE machine_name='"""+machineName+"""' AND type='light_out_management'"""
#print sqlQuery
conn.query( sqlQuery )
row = r.fetch_row(0)
assert( len(row) == 1 )
#print 'row =', row
ipAddress = ('%s.%s.%s.%s') % (row[0][0], row[0][1], row[0][2], row[0][3])
#print macAddress
return ipAddress
def machineNameToMacAddress(machineName):
conn = MySQLdb.connect('simpatix10', 'simpadb_reader', '', 'simpadb')
sqlQuery = """SELECT mac_address FROM ethernet_cards WHERE machine_name='""" + machineName + """' AND type='normal'"""
# print sqlQuery
r = conn.store_result()
row = r.fetch_row(0)
assert( len(row) == 1)
# print 'row =', row
macAddress = row[0][0]
# print macAddress
return macAddress
def getLightOutManagementIpAddress(machineName):
the light out management ip of servers allows to talk to the server even when it's asleep
conn = MySQLdb.connect('simpatix10', 'simpadb_reader', '', 'simpadb')
sqlQuery = """SELECT ip_address_1,ip_address_2,ip_address_3,ip_address_4 FROM ethernet_cards WHERE machine_name='""" + machineName + """' AND type='light_out_management'"""
# print sqlQuery
r = conn.store_result()
row = r.fetch_row(0)
assert(len(row) == 1)
# print 'row =', row
ipAddress = ('%s.%s.%s.%s') % (row[0][0], row[0][1], row[0][2], row[0][3])
# print macAddress
return ipAddress
def getClusterMachinesNames():
clusterMachinesNames = []
conn = MySQLdb.connect('simpatix10', 'simpadb_reader', '', 'simpadb')
sqlQuery = """SELECT name FROM machines WHERE affectation='cluster'"""
#print sqlQuery
conn.query( sqlQuery )
rows = r.fetch_row(0)
for row in rows:
#print row
clusterMachinesNames.append( row[0] )
return clusterMachinesNames
clusterMachinesNames = []
conn = MySQLdb.connect('simpatix10', 'simpadb_reader', '', 'simpadb')
sqlQuery = """SELECT name FROM machines WHERE affectation='cluster'"""
# print sqlQuery
r = conn.store_result()
rows = r.fetch_row(0)
for row in rows:
# print row
return clusterMachinesNames
def machineSupportsIpmi( machineName ):
if (machineName == 'simpatix') or (machineName == 'simpatix01' or (machineName == 'simpa-mac2')):
# the command ipmitool sensor on simpatix doesn't work :
# Unabled to establish a session with the BMC.
# Command failed due to Unknown (0xFFFEF921) (0xFFFEF921)
return False
return True
def putToSleep( machineName ):
# note : pmset must be executed as root
(returnCode, stdout, stderr) = executeCommand([ 'ssh', machineName, 'pmset sleepnow' ])
print returnCode
print 'stdout :'
print stdout
print 'stderr :'
print stderr
assert( returnCode == 0 )
# check if the command succeeded by looking at the output (that's the only way I found)
f = StringIO.StringIO(stdout)
line = f.readline()
matchObj = re.match('^Sleeping now...', line)
if matchObj:
return True
return False
def machineSupportsIpmi(machineName):
if (machineName == 'simpatix') or (machineName == 'simpatix01' or (machineName == 'simpa-mac2')):
# the command ipmitool sensor on simpatix doesn't work :
# Unabled to establish a session with the BMC.
# Command failed due to Unknown (0xFFFEF921) (0xFFFEF921)
return False
return True
def putToSleep(machineName):
# note : pmset must be executed as root
(returnCode, stdout, stderr) = executeCommand(['ssh', machineName, 'pmset sleepnow'])
print returnCode
print 'stdout :'
print stdout
print 'stderr :'
print stderr
assert(returnCode == 0)
# check if the command succeeded by looking at the output (that's the only way I found)
f = StringIO.StringIO(stdout)
line = f.readline()
matchObj = re.match('^Sleeping now...', line)
if matchObj:
return True
return False
def wakeUp(machineName):
macAddress = machineNameToMacAddress( machineName )
return True
macAddress = machineNameToMacAddress(machineName)
return True
def isNonRespondingMachineSleeping(machineName):
note : crappy method to detect if the machine is sleeping (if other methods are available, I would be very interested)
if isMachineResponding( machineName ):
putToSleep( machineName )
time.sleep(30) # allow a little time to make sure the machine is ready to receive other wake on lan messages
return True
return False
note : crappy method to detect if the machine is sleeping (if other methods are available, I would be very interested)
if isMachineResponding(machineName):
time.sleep(30) # allow a little time to make sure the machine is ready to receive other wake on lan messages
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(30):
machineName = 'simpatix%d' % (i+10)
print 'lom ip of %s is %s' % (machineName, getLightOutManagementIpAddress(machineName))
#print putToSleep('simpatix13')
#print isNonRespondingMachineSleeping('simpatix13')
for i in range(30):
machineName = 'simpatix%d' % (i+10)
print 'lom ip of %s is %s' % (machineName, getLightOutManagementIpAddress(machineName))
# print putToSleep('simpatix13')
# print isNonRespondingMachineSleeping('simpatix13')