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# $Id: sensors 70 2011-11-25 09:21:18Z skazi $
# Author: Jacek Tomasiak <>
# {{ ansible_managed }}
# From ipr-cnrs.xymon role
# Thanks to Jacek Tomasiak skazi0
use strict;
# add script's directory to module search path for on non-debian systems
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use Hobbit;
use Data::Dumper;
my $bb = new Hobbit('smart');
my $temp_disk_list = "$ENV{'XYMONTMP'}/$ENV{'MACHINEDOTS'}.smart.drivedb.list";
my @disks = ();
my %olderr = {};
my $CACHETIME = 10; # minutes
my @disks_stat = stat($temp_disk_list);
my $disks_mtime = scalar @disks_stat ? $disks_stat[9] : 0;
# Regenerate disks list if the file is too old (600 minutes)
if (time() - $disks_mtime > 600)
unlink $temp_disk_list;
if (-e $temp_disk_list) {
# Should use the existing file
else {
# Create a file with the list of disks
system("ls -1 /dev/sd* | grep -vE '[0-9]' > $temp_disk_list") == 0
or die "system command to create $temp_disk_list failed: $?";
# fallback to disk detection if nothing defined in the config
unless (@disks) {
## Put temp_disk_list content to disks array
open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $temp_disk_list)
or die "Could not open file '$temp_disk_list' $!";
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
push(@disks, "$row");
my @stat = stat($CACHEFILE);
my $mtime = scalar @stat ? $stat[9] : 0;
# regenerate sensors cache if outdated
if (time() - $mtime > $CACHETIME * 60)
open(OUT, ">$CACHEFILE") or die "cannot open $CACHEFILE";
foreach my $name (@disks)
print OUT ('=' x 20) . " $name " . ('=' x 20) . "\n";
my @output = `sudo smartctl -AHi -l error -l selftest $name 2>&1` or die;
my $ncv = '';
my $newerr = 1;
my $ponhours = undef;
my $lasttest = undef;
foreach my $line (@output)
# skip header
next if ($line =~ /smartctl|Copyright|Home page|===/);
if ($line =~ /.*overall-health.*:\s*(.*)/)
my $lstatus = ($1 == 'PASSED') ? 'green' : 'red';
print OUT "&$lstatus $line";
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(.*)$/)
my ($aname, $value, $worst, $thresh, $raw) = ($2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
my $lstatus = 'green';
if ($aname =~ /Current_Pending_Sector|Offline_Uncorrectable/ and int($raw) > 0)
$lstatus = 'yellow';
elsif ($aname =~ /Power_On_Hours/)
$ponhours = $raw;
print OUT "&$lstatus $line";
$ncv .= "$name-$aname-value : $value\n";
$ncv .= "$name-$aname-worst : $worst\n";
$ncv .= "$name-$aname-thresh : $thresh\n";
$ncv .= "$name-$aname-raw : $raw\n";
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*No Errors Logged\s*$/)
$newerr = 0;
print OUT "&green $line";
elsif ($line =~ /Error Count:\s*(\d+)/)
$newerr = $1 - $olderr{$name};
my $lstatus = $newerr > 0 ? 'red' : 'green';
print OUT "&$lstatus $line"
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*Error \d+ occurred/)
my $lstatus = $newerr > 0 ? 'red' : 'green';
print OUT "&$lstatus $line"
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*#\s*\d+\s+(Conveyance offline|Extended offline|Short offline|Extended captive)\s+(.*)\s+\d+%\s+(\d+)/)
my $status = $2;
my $lifetime = $3;
my $lstatus = 'red';
$lasttest = $lifetime if (!defined($lasttest));
$lstatus = 'yellow' if ($status =~ /Aborted by host|Interrupted \(host reset\)/);
$lstatus = 'green' if ($status =~ /Completed without error|Self-test routine in progress|Interrupted \(host reset\)/);
print OUT "&$lstatus $line";
print OUT " $line";
# test status footer
my $lasttestage = $ponhours % 65536 - $lasttest;
my $lasttestmsg = "$lasttestage hours ago";
my $lasttestcolor = 'green';
if (!defined($lasttest))
$lasttestcolor = 'yellow';
$lasttestmsg = 'no test performed';
elsif ($lasttestage > 24 * 7)
$lasttestcolor = 'red';
elsif ($lasttestage > 24 * 2)
$lasttestcolor = 'yellow';
print OUT "&$lasttestcolor Last Self-test: $lasttestmsg\n";
# hidden output for ncv
print OUT "<!--\n$ncv\n-->\n";
close OUT;
# send cached content
open IN, $CACHEFILE or die "cannot open $CACHEFILE";
while (my $line = <IN>)
if ($line =~ /^\s*&(\S+)/)
$bb->color_print($1, $line);
close IN;
sub load_config
my $path = shift;
open C, "<$path" or return;
# print "loading config from $path\n";
while (my $line = <C>)
next if ($line =~ /^\s*#/);
if ($line =~ /DISKS\s*=\s*['"](.*?)["']/)
@disks = split(/\s+/, $1);
if ($line =~ /SMARTOLDERROR\[([\w\/]+)\]\s+(\d+)/)
$olderr{$1} = $2;
if ($line =~ /SMARTCACHETIME=(\d+)/)
close C;