--- # .. vim: foldmarker=[[[,]]]:foldmethod=marker # # ipr-cnrs.nftables default variables [[[ # ======================================= # Packages and installation [[[ # ----------------------------- # .. envvar:: nft_enabled [[[ # # Enable or disable support for Nftables on a given host. Disabling this # option does not remove existing installation and configuration. # nft_enabled: true # ]]] # packages nft_pkg_state: 'present' nft_old_pkg_list: 'iptables' nft_old_pkg_state: 'absent' nft_old_pkg_manage: true # files nft_conf_dir_path: '/etc/nftables.d' nft_main_conf_path: '/etc/nftables.conf' nft_main_conf_content: 'etc/nftables.conf.j2' nft_input_conf_path: '{{ nft_conf_dir_path }}/filter-input.nft' nft_input_conf_content: 'etc/nftables.d/filter-input.nft.j2' nft_output_conf_path: '{{ nft_conf_dir_path }}/filter-output.nft' nft_output_conf_content: 'etc/nftables.d/filter-output.nft.j2' nft_define_conf_path: '{{ nft_conf_dir_path }}/defines.nft' nft_define_conf_content: 'etc/nftables.d/defines.nft.j2' nft_set_conf_path: '{{ nft_conf_dir_path }}/sets.nft' nft_set_conf_content: 'etc/nftables.d/sets.nft.j2' # ]]] # rules nft_global_default_rules: 005 state management: - ct state established,related accept - ct state invalid drop nft_global_rules: {} nft_global_group_rules: {} nft_global_host_rules: {} nft_input_default_rules: 000 policy: - type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop; 005 global: - jump global 010 drop unwanted: - ip daddr @blackhole counter drop 015 localhost: - iif lo accept 200 input udp accepted: - udp dport @in_udp_accept ct state new accept 210 input tcp accepted: - tcp dport @in_tcp_accept ct state new accept nft_input_rules: {} nft_input_group_rules: {} nft_input_host_rules: {} nft_output_default_rules: 000 policy: - type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop; 005 global: - jump global 015 localhost: - oif lo accept 050 icmp: - ip protocol icmp accept - ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 counter accept 200 output udp accepted: - udp dport @out_udp_accept ct state new accept 210 output tcp accepted: - tcp dport @out_tcp_accept ct state new accept nft_output_rules: {} nft_output_group_rules: {} nft_output_host_rules: {} # define nft vars nft_define_default: broadcast and multicast: desc: 'broadcast and multicast' name: badcast_addr value: '{,, }' input tcp accepted: name: in_tcp_accept value: '{ ssh }' input udp accepted: name: in_udp_accept value: 'none' output tcp accepted: name: out_tcp_accept value: '{ http, https, hkp }' output udp accepted: name: out_udp_accept value: '{ bootps, domain, ntp }' nft_define: {} nft_define_group: {} nft_define_host: {} # sets and maps nft_set_default: blackhole: - type ipv4_addr; - elements = $badcast_addr in_tcp_accept: - type inet_service; flags interval; - elements = $in_tcp_accept in_udp_accept: - type inet_service; flags interval; out_tcp_accept: - type inet_service; flags interval; - elements = $out_tcp_accept out_udp_accept: - type inet_service; flags interval; - elements = $out_udp_accept nft_set: {} nft_set_group: {} nft_set_host: {} # service nft_service_manage: true nft_service_name: 'nftables' nft_service_enabled: true nft_service_unit_path: '/lib/systemd/system/nftables.service' nft_service_unit_content: 'lib/systemd/system/nftables.service.j2'