--- # .. vim: foldmarker=[[[,]]]:foldmethod=marker # ipr-cnrs.fusioninventory default variables [[[ # ====================================== # Packages and installation [[[ # ----------------------------- # .. envvar:: fusioninventory__agent_version [[[ # # The version of Fusioninventory agent to install. # fusioninventory__agent_version: '2.4-2' # ]]] # .. envvar:: fusioninventory__agent_depend_packages [[[ # # List of dependent packages to install. fusioninventory__agent_depend_packages: - 'dmidecode' - 'hwdata' - 'hdparm' - 'libuniversal-require-perl' - 'libwww-perl' - 'libparse-edid-perl' - 'libproc-daemon-perl' - 'libfile-which-perl' - 'libhttp-daemon-perl' - 'libxml-treepp-perl' - 'libyaml-perl' - 'libnet-cups-perl' - 'libnet-ip-perl' - 'libdigest-sha-perl' - 'libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl' - 'libtext-template-perl' # ]]] # .. envvar:: fusioninventory__agent_package_url [[[ # # The URL used to download deb package for fusioninventory-agent. # # See the official documentation for more informations : # http://fusioninventory.org/documentation/agent/installation/linux/deb.html # fusioninventory__agent_package_url: 'http://debian.fusioninventory.org/downloads/fusioninventory-agent_{{ fusioninventory__agent_version }}_all.deb' # ]]] # .. envvar:: fusioninventory__agent_deploy_state [[[ # # What is the desired state which this role should achieve ? Possible options : # # ``present`` # Default. Ensure that fusioninventory agent is installed and configured as requested. # # ``absent`` # Ensure that fusioninventory agent is uninstalled. # fusioninventory__agent_deploy_state: 'present' # ]]] # .. envvar:: fusioninventory__agent_service_name [[[ # # The service name to manage. # fusioninventory__agent_service_name: 'fusioninventory-agent' # ]]] # .. envvar:: fusioninventory__agent_service_manage [[[ # # If the fusioninventory agent service should be managed ? Possible options : # # ``True`` # Default. The service is started and enabled. # # ``False`` # The service is disabled from startup. # fusioninventory__agent_service_manage: True # ]]] # ]]] # Configuration [[[ # ----------------------------- # .. envvar:: fusioninventory__agent_conf_src [[[ # # Template used to provide agent configuration file. # # Must be a relative path from default/ directory of this role or to your # ansible inventory directory. # fusioninventory__agent_conf_src: '../templates/etc/fusioninventory/agent.cfg.j2' # ]]] # ]]]