A role to manage FusionInventory agent installation and configuration.
## Role Variables
* **fusioninventory__agent_version**: The version of Fusioninventory agent to install [default: `2.4-2`].
* **fusioninventory__agent_depend_packages**: List of dependent packages to install.
* **fusioninventory__agent_package_url**: The URL used to download deb package for fusioninventory-agent [default: `http://debian.fusioninventory.org/downloads/fusioninventory-agent_{{ fusioninventory__agent_version }}_all.deb`].
* **fusioninventory__agent_deploy_state**: What is the desired state which this role should achieve [default: `present`].
* **fusioninventory__agent_service_name**: The service name to manage [default: `fusioninventory-agent`].
* **fusioninventory__agent_service_manage**: If the fusioninventory agent service should be managed [default: `True`].
This source code comes from our [Gogs instance][fusioninventory source] and the [Github repo][fusioninventory github] exist just to be able to send the role to Ansible Galaxy…
But feel free to send issue/PR here :)
Thanks to this [hook][gogs to github hook], Github automatically got updates from our [Gogs instance][fusioninventory source] :)
## License
[WTFPL][wtfpl website]
## Author Information
Jérémy Gardais
* Source: [on IPR's Gogs][fusioninventory source]
* [IPR][ipr website] (Institut de Physique de Rennes)
[gogs to github hook]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21998477